the number of words in a language is relatively finite but their possible combination is infinite.
Language 细的反义词is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols ud for human communication.
Linguistic is the systematic(or scientific)study of language
Phonetics 往来不绝的近义词发音学,语音学is the scientific study of speech and is concerned with defining and classifying speech sounds.
Phonology 音位(系)学is the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language.
Morphology形态学 语法 is the study of the formation of words or the study of the internal structures of the form of words.
Syntax 句法is the study of the arrangements of words in a ntence.
Semantics 语义学is the study of the meaning of language.
Semantic field语义场 refers to the organization of related words and expressions into a system which shows their relationship to one another. 比如杯子,大杯子放在一起就是语场
Synonyms are words that are clo in meaning.
Antonymy: oppositeness of meaning
Meronymy部分整体关系: part/whole relationship.
Hyponymy 上下义关系refers to the n relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word(E.g. Superordinate: flower
Hyponyms: ro, tulip, carnation, lily)
Homonymy: 同音异义words having different meanings have the same form. E.g. ball.
Polymy: 多义性the same one word may have more than one meaning. E.g. table
Language function:
1. Physiological function生理功能
2. Phatic function 寒暄功能
3. Recording function 记录功能
4. Identifying function 辨别功能
5. Reasoning function 推理功能
6. Communicating function交流功能
7. Pleasure function 娱乐功能
Metafunctions of Language纯理功能
Ideational function (概念功能)
Interpersonal function (人际功能)
Textual function (语篇功能)
Some Important Distinctions on Linguistics
Langue and Parole语言和言语(语言是抽象的系统,言语是具体化的)
Prescriptive and Descriptive描述性和规定性linguistics is descriptive,
Synchronic and Diachronic共识性和历时性
Speech and Writing 口语和书面语神墓漫画
Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic美女黄图(横)组合和(纵)组合P33
Competence and Performance语言能力(内置规则)和语言行为(说话)
Functionalism and Formalism语言功能主义和语言形式主义
How to define Langue and parole, Competence and performance?
Saussure made the distinction: Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the realization of language in actual u.
Chomsky defines competence as the abstract ideal ur’s knowledge of the rules of his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.
Saussure Chomsky
Definition langue competence
parole performance
Difference Sociological view Psychological view
Similarity Linguists should study abstract langue or competence, not parole or performance,
which is too varied and haphazard.
Modern Linguistic VS. Traditional Grammar
Modern linguistics is descriptive not prescriptive.
Modern linguistics regard the spoken language as primary, not the written.
Modern linguistics is usually synchronic rather than diachronic.
U of language
刘天河Anthropological linguistics人类语言学
psycholinguistics- the relationship between language and the mind冬至吃水饺心里语言学
sociolinguistics- the relationship between language and society社会语言学
applied linguistics-the study of applications of linguistic findings, such as to language learning and teaching应用语言学
Computational linguistics计算语言学
The history of linguistics
捉襟见肘造句1:The structural linguistics Saussure
2:Mentalistic linguistics Noam Chomsky
3:Functional linguistics M.A.K Halliday
1:According to Saussure’s idea: Language is a system. Language is a form
Influenced by his ideas there appeared different structural linguists such as the “ Prague School” , the “ Copenhagen School”
The most influential structural linguist was the American linguist L. Bloomfield
He believed that the task for linguist is to describe all the language materials obrvable objectively and systematically. Language forms or structures should be the focus while the meaning is neglected.
2:Chomsky rejected the structural approach to language description.
Language is a system that relates meaning to substance.
Language is a mental phenomenon.
Language is innate and human-specific.