Bank Deposit(银行存款)All Bank Deposit
Bank Deposit(银行存款):Bank of China(中国银行)Total Deposit in Bank of China
藕圆子的家常做法Bank Deposit(银行存款):Bank of China(中国银行):Current Account(EUR结算)Eur Current Account Sepecial for Trade
Bank Deposit(银行存款):Bank of China(中国银行):Current Account(USD结算)USD Account Special For USD Trade
Bank Deposit(银行存款):Bank of China(中国银行):EUR Capital Account(资本户)Eur Account Special For Capital Fund
Bank Deposit(银行存款):Bank of China(中国银行):RMB Foundemental(基本户)RMB Account For All Trade Issue
Bank Deposit(银行存款):CITIC(中信银行)All Deposit in CITIC
Bank Deposit(银行存款):CITIC(中信银行):Local Tax Account(地税)Special Account for Local Tax
Bank Deposit(银行存款):CITIC(中信银行):Social Insurance Account(社保)Special Account for Social Insurance
Bank Deposit(银行存款):CITIC(中信银行):State Tax Account(国税)Special Account for Stat Tax
Petty Cash(现金)Cash In hand
Petty Cash(现金):Credit Card(信用卡)USD Credit Card for Stephane
Petty Cash(现金):EUR (欧元)Euros Petty Cash
Petty Cash(现金):HKD (港元)HKD pretty cash
Petty Cash(现金):JNY
Petty Cash(现金):RMB(人民币)RMB Petty Cash
Petty Cash(现金):SGD(新加坡元)
Accounts Receivable(应收帐款)Unpaid or unapplied customer invoices and credits
Accounts Receivable(应收帐款):Due to Related Parties (应收关联方)Receives come from affiliated parties关联方
Accounts Receivable(应收帐款):Due to Unrelated Parties (应收非关联方)The receieves come from non-affiliated party.非关联方
小镇英文Accounts Receivable(应收帐款):Government Bureau (政府机关)Receives or some tax return come from government.税收返还
Advance Payment(预付帐款)Some vendor require advance payment
Advance Payment(预付帐款):Vender of Materials(原材料)Advance payment to venders of materials, rvice and non-inventory purcha Advance Payment(预付帐款):Vender of Materials(原材料):Due to Related Parties (应付关联方)Purcha materials from affiliated parties
Advance Payment(预付帐款):Vender of Materials(原材料):Due to Unrelated Parties (应付非关联方)Purcha from non-affiliated parties
Advance Payment(预付帐款):Vendor of Fixed Ast(固定资产)Advance payment to vendors of fixed asts
Bad debt rerves (坏帐准备)account receive,advance payable etc
Inventory Ast(存货)Costs of inventory purchad for resale
Inventory Ast(存货):Finished Production (成品生产)Finished Production
Inventory Ast(存货):Goods On the Way (在途货物)Goods On the Way
Inventory Ast(存货):Materials (物料)Purcha Goods for Making Production
Inventory Ast(存货):Provision of Inventory (库存商品)Provision of Inventory
Inventory Ast(存货):Provision of Inventory:Provision of Finished Goods (成品)Finished Goods Provision
Inventory Ast(存货):Provision of Inventory:Provision of Materials (材料)Materials Provision
Inventory Ast(存货):Provision of Inventory:Provision of WIP (制品)Working in Process Provision
Inventory Ast(存货):Unfinished Production (未完成生产)The productions are still in process.
Manufacture Estimated (生产成本)Manufacture Process Cost Allocation
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Labor (直接人工)Direct Labor
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Labor:Translate Out (翻译费)Translate Out
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Labor:Wages (工资)Workers Wages
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Labor:Wages:Parmanent Worker (长期工)Parmanent Worker Salary
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Labor:Wages:Temporary Worker (临时工)Temporary Worker Salary
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Labor:Welfare (福利)Workers Welfare
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Labor:Welfare:Parmanent Worker (长期工)Parmanent Worker Welfare
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Labor:Welfare:Temporary Worker (临时工)Temporary Worker Welfare
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Materials (直接材料)Manufactured Materials
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Materials:Making Goods (在制品)Procesd Production
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Materials:Mold (模具)
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Materials:Subcontract (分包,外发)
Manufacture Estimated:Direct Materials:Translate Out (翻译费)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads(制造费用)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Depreciation (折旧)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Duty,Tariff and Other Tax(关税及其它)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Insurance (保险)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Labor Protection(劳动保护)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Lunch (餐费)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Maintenace (维修费)Machine or Building Maintenance
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Maintenace:Building (维修费-建筑物)Maintenance of Building
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Maintenace:Equipment (维修费-设备)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Maintenace:Vehicles (维修费-汽车)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Miscellaneous Expens (杂项费用)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Package Charges (包装物)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Patent Right Amoritization (专利费)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Post,Express and Transportation (邮政,快递费)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Process Fee (加工费)Sign Contract with supplier to do some part of Process
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Salary (薪水)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Spares and Consumables (物耗)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Telecom (电信话费)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Translate Out (翻译费)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Travel Expens (差旅费)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Utilities (公用事业)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Welfare (福利)
Manufacture Estimated:Manufacture Overheads:Workshop Rent (车间租金)
Other Account Receives(其他应收款)
Other Account Receives:Borrowings of Employee(其他应收个人)
Other Account Receives:Current Account-Affiliated Part
Other Account Receives:Deposit of Plant Rent
Other Account Receives:Deposit of Tariff (存款关税)
Other Account Receives:Other (其他费用)
Other Account Receives:VAT (增值税)
Undeposited Funds Funds received, but not yet deposited to a bank account
Disposal of Fixed Asts (固定资产清理)
Property,Plant and Equipment (地产,厂房和设备)Property which have more than two year depreciation period and more than 2000 RMB value. Property,Plant and Equipment:Accumulated Depreciation (累计折旧)Accumulated depreciation on equipment, buildings and improvements
Property,Plant and Equipment:Accumulated Depreciation:Building and Property (建筑财产)Depreciation on Building and Property
Property,Plant and Equipment:Accumulated Depreciation:Digital Equipment (固定资产-电子设备)Depreciation on Digital Equipment
Property,Plant and Equipment:Accumulated Depreciation:Machine and Equipment(固定资产-机械设备)Depreciation on Machine and Process Equipment
副科级干部Property,Plant and Equipment:Accumulated Depreciation:Tools,Spares and Facilities (工具,配件)Depreciation on Tools, Spares and facilities
Property,Plant and Equipment:Accumulated Depreciation:Transportation and Vehicle (车辆)Depreciation on Transportation Equipment and Vehicle
Property,Plant and Equipment:Booked Values (固定资产)Booked Values for Fixed Asts
Property,Plant and Equipment:Booked Values:Building and property (建筑财产)Building and Property
Property,Plant and Equipment:Booked Values:Digital Equipment (固定资产-电子设备)Computer, Air condition or other degital equipment
Property,Plant and Equipment:Booked Values:Machine and Equipment (固定资产-机械设备)Machine and equipment for Process
Property,Plant and Equipment:Booked Values:Tools,Spares And Facilities (工具,配件)Some tools, spares and facilities with high values
Property,Plant and Equipment:Booked Values:Transportation and Vehicle (车辆)Transportation Equipment like forklift, Vehicles
Property,Plant and Equipment:On the Process (在建工程)The fixed asts are still in the process
Property,Plant and Equipment:On the Process:Building and Property Building and Property in Process
Property,Plant and Equipment:On the Process:Digital Equipment Digital Equipment in Process
Property,Plant and Equipment:On the Process:Machine and Equipment Machine and Equipment in Process
Property,Plant and Equipment:On the Process:lf-build projects
Property,Plant and Equipment:On the Process:Tools, Spares and Facilities Tools, Spares and Facilities in Process
Property,Plant and Equipment:On the Process:Transportation and Vehicle Transportation and Vehicle in process
Deferred Asts (递延资产)Deferred Asts with long term allocation period
Deferred Asts:Deferred Tax The Income tax which can not book in profit and loss in this period according tax law.
Deferred Asts:Organization Deferred In t up period, the t up cost all going in to this account
Deferred Asts:Other Deferred Asts Some asts can not be allocated by one period.
Deferred Asts:Other Deferred Asts:Workshop Rent WorkShop Paid At beginnin of quarter
Intangible Asts (无形资产)Intangible Asts like Patent, goodwill and so on.
Intangible Asts:Copyright Copyright
Intangible Asts:Patent Patent right according to law
Long Term Investment (长期投资)Company invest other entities
Long Term Investment:Jointly Controlled The Jointly Controlled describe that one entity we can take half or importation effect on its decision. Long Term Investment:Other Long Term Investment Other L
ong Term Investment
Long Term Investment:Other Long Term Investment:Bonds Investment on Bonds
Long Term Investment:Other Long Term Investment:Stocks 甪直 Investment on Stocks
Long Term Investment:Subsidiaries The subsidiaries describe that one entity we can take control.
Other Long Term Asts (其他长期资产)Other Long Term Asts like Asts with long term allocation period
Other Long Term Asts:Rearch And Development (研发)Company have big investment on some project with patent which have very long period to study. Accounts Notes(应付票据)We open a account notes to our vendor
Accounts Notes(应付票据):Vendor of Fixed Asts (固定资产)Accounts notes for vendor of fixed asts(固定资产供应商)
Accounts Notes(应付票据):Vendor of Materials and Goods (材料与商品)Accounts notes for vendor of materials and goods(原材料和商品供应商)
Accounts Payable(应付帐款)Unpaid or unapplied vendor bills or credits
Accounts Payable(应付帐款):Vendor of Fixed Asts (固定资产)Fixed asts vendor固定资产供应商
Accounts Payable(应付帐款):Vendor of Materials and Goods (材料与商品)Special payables for materials and goods vendors. 原材料供应商
Accounts Payable(应付帐款):Vendor of Materials and Goods:Due to ralated parties (关联方)Payables from affiliated parties 关联方
Accounts Payable(应付帐款):Vendor of Materials and Goods:Due to unrelated parties (非关联方)Payables from non-affiliated parties非关联方
Accounts Payable(应付帐款):Vendor of Materials and Goods:Estimated Goods Payables (预估)Receive Goods Without Bill
Accurals Payroll and Welfare (工资和福利)Payroll and walfare payables
Accurals Payroll and Welfare:Accruals Payroll (应付工资)Payroll Payables
今天是圣诞节Accurals Payroll and Welfare:Accurals Welfare (应付福利费)Accurals welfare to welfare bureau or person
Accurals Payroll and Welfare:Accurals Welfare:Hou Fund (住房公积金)Hou Rervers
Accurals Payroll and Welfare:Accurals Welfare:Social Insurance (社保)Pension, Health Care, and Employment Insurance
Advance Receives(预付账款)Advance receives from customer
Advance Receives:Due to Related Parties Advance receives from affiliated parties
Advance Receives:Due to Unrelated Parties Advance receives from non-affiliated parties
Current Maturity Loan Current portion of maturity long-term loans
Dividends Payables (应付股息)We issue dividends for shareholder,but do not pay yet.
Other Payables and Accruals (其他应付款)Other short term payables and accruals
Other Payables and Accruals:Due to Related Parties(关联方)Other payables belong to affiliated parti
Other Payables and Accruals:Due to Related Parties:Interest from Borrowings (贷款利息)Interest from Borrowings which are coming from Diam Europe
Other Payables and Accruals:Due to Related Parties:Transfer from Diam Europe(迪亚姆欧洲转入)Borrowing from Diam Europe
Other Payables and Accruals:Due to Unrelated Parties(非关联方)Payables belong to affiliated parties
Other Payables and Accruals:Due to Unrelated Parties:Employee (员工)Other payables shall be paid by other legal bureau
Other Payables and Accruals:Other Accurals (其他应计费用)
Other Payables and Accruals:Others (其他)Others for medichine payment,government temporary income
Short-term Loan (短期贷款)Uncured short-term loan
Tax Payables (应交税金)Total Tax Payables
Tax Payables:Corporative Income Tax(企业所得税)Corporation income tax
Tax Payables:Personal Income Tax(个人所得税)We have liability to offer personal income tax to tax bureau for our employee which they have to burden.
Tax Payables:VAT(增值税)Unpaid VAT. Amounts charged on values added, but not yet paid to the government
Tax Payables:VAT:Input(进项)We buy materials and goods get some Input VAT to offt our output VAT.
Tax Payables:VAT:Output(销项)We sales goods, have to be taxed some VAT
Tax Payables:VAT:Tax Return on Export(出口税)We export some goods, the government give us some tax return.
Long Term Loans (长期借款)We issue some bonds or other long-term loans
Adjustment to Prior Year(以前年度调整)
Capital Stock (股本)Value of corporate stock
Capital Stock:Diam Europe (欧洲)Diam Europe invest capital in Diam China
Capital Stock:Diam International (国际)
Capital Stock:Other Shareholders (其他股东)Other minority shareholders
Dividends Paid (已付股息)Dividends to shareholders
Opening Balance Equity (期初股权余额)Opening balances during tup post to this account. The balance of this account should be zero after completing your tup Rerves 储备This rerves was required by the corporation law.
Rerves:Capital Rerves (资本储备)The rerves come from capital issues
Retained Earnings (留存收益)Undistributed earnings of the business
Sales (销售)Gross receipts from sales
Sales:Making Goods (制作商品)The sales come from complicated process
Sales:Making Goods:Affiliated Parties (关联方)Sales to Affiliated Parties古代盘发
Sales:Making Goods:Non-Affilated Parties (非关联方)Sales to non-affiliated parties
Sales:Making Goods:Non-Affilated Parties:Domestic (国内)Domestic Sales
Sales:Making Goods:Non-Affilated Parties:Export (出口)Export sales
Sales:Mold (模具)Mold sales
Sales:Mold:Affiliated Parties (关联方)Sales to Affiliated Parties
Sales:Mold:Non-Affiliated Parties (非关联方)Sales to non-affiliated parties
Sales:Mold:Non-Affiliated Parties:Domestic (国内)Domestic Sales
Sales:Mold:Non-Affiliated Parties:Export (出口)Export Sales
Sales:Sales Discounts (销售折扣)Discounts given to customers
Sales:Subcontract Goods (分包商品)The sales come from simple process
Sales:Subcontract Goods:Affiliated Parties (关联方)Sales to Affiliated Parties
Sales:Subcontract Goods:Non-affiliated Parties (非关联方)Sales to non-affiliated parties
Sales:Subcontract Goods:Non-affiliated Parties:Domestic (国内)Domestic Sales
Sales:Subcontract Goods:Non-affiliated Parties:Export (出口)Export sales
Uncategorized Income (未归类收入)Income not categorized elwhere
Cost of Goods Sold (产品销售成本)Costs of items purchad and then sold to customers
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Labor (直接人工)Direct labor
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Labor:Wages (工资)Workers wages in workshop
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Labor:Wages:Parmanent Worker Parmanent Worker Wages
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Labor:Wages:Temporary Worker Temporary Worker Wages
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Labor:Welfare (福利)Welfare for workers in workshop
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Labor:Welfare:Parmanent Worker Parmanent Worker Welfare
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Labor:Welfare:Temporary Worker Temporary Worker Welfare
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Materials (原材料)Making Goods Materials Cost
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Materials:Making Goods Materials of making goods
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Materials:Mold Materials cost of mold
Cost of Goods Sold:Direct Materials:Subcontract Materials cost of subcontract production
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads (制造间接费用)Non-materials purcha or overheads for production
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Depreciation Fixed asts depreciate for process propod
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Duty, Tariff and Other Tax Duty, tariff and other tax for the process purcha propod
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Insurance Insurance for process propod
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Labor Protection Necessary protection charge for workers in workshop
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Lunch Workers lunch
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Maintenance Maintenance or Building Maintenance
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Maintenance:Building
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Maintenance:Equipment
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Maintenance:Vehicles
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Miscellaneous Expen Other overheads for process propod
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Package Charge Non-materials package purcha
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Patent Right Amoritization Production patent right amor
Post,express and transportation cost for process propod
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Process Fee Process Fee on Production
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Salary Manufacture department employee salary
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Spares and Consumables Spares of Consumables purcha for Process
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Telecom Telecom cost for manufacture department
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Travel Expens Travel charges occur by employees belong to manufacture department. Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Utilities Water, electricity, garbage, and other basic utilities expens
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Welfare Manufacture department employee's welfare
Cost of Goods Sold:Manufacture Overheads:Workshop Rent Lea charge for workshop
Administration Expens(管理费用)
大香蕉黄Administration Expens:Audit Fee (审计费)Audit Fee from Independent Audit Firm
Administration Expens:Automobile Expen (汽车费)Fuel, oil, repairs, and other automobile maintenance for business autos Administration Expens:Business Licens and Permits(营业执照和许可证)Business licens, permits, and other business-related fees Administration Expens:Commercial Insurance Expen (商业保险费用)Commercial Insurance expens
Administration Expens:Commercial Insurance Expen:General Liability Insurance(一般责任保险)General liability insurance premiums
Administration Expens:Commercial Insurance Expen:Health Insurance (健康保险)Employee health insurance premiums
Administration Expens:Commercial Insurance Expen:Life and Disability Insurance(人寿及伤残保险)Employee life and disability insurance premiums
Administration Expens:Commercial Insurance Expen:Property and Profit Insurance(财产保险和利润)Property and Profit loss Insurance