Propylene Glycol

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Product Safety Asssment
Propylene Glycol
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Product Overview
Manufacture of Product
Product Description
Product Us
Exposure Potential
Health Information
Environmental Information
Physical Hazard Information
Regulatory Information
Additional Information
•CAS No. 57-55-6  • 1,2-Dihydroxypropane • Monopropylene glycol
• Propylene glycol • Propane-1,2-diol • MPG
• PG • 1,2-Propanediol
Product Overview
•Propylene glycol (PG or MPG) is a colorless, odorless liquid1 which is generally recognized as safe
(GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 21 CFR § 184.1666, for u as a direct food additive under the conditions prescribed.  It is approved by the U.S. FDA for certain indirect food additive us.2  PG is ud in cosmetics and as an excipient (inert solvent or carrier) in
pharmaceuticals.  PG has a wide range of practical applications such as antifreezes, coolants and aircraft deicing fluids; heat transfer and hydraulic fluids; solvents; food; flavors and fragrances;
cosmetics and personal care products; pharmaceuticals; chemical intermediates; plasticizers; and thermot plastic formulations.3  See Product Us.
•PG is not acutely toxic (single do, high exposure). It is esntially non-irritating to the skin and mildly irritating to the eyes.  Numerous studies support that PG is not a skin nsitizer or a carcinogen.4  See Health Information.
•Occupational and consumer exposure is possible becau PG is ud in a variety of consumer items.
See Exposure Potential.
•PG is not volatile and is miscible with water.  It is not expected to bioaccumulate and it is not acutely
葫芦丝怎么吹toxic to water organisms except at very high concentrations.5  See Environmental Information.    Manufacture of Product
•Capacity – Dow is the world’s largest producer of propylene glycols, with about 35% of the world’s capacity. Dow has plants in the U.S. Germany, Brazil and Australia.  Total world consumption of PG in 2003 was estimated at 2.6 billion pounds (1.2 million metric tons).6
•Process7 – Practically all commercial production of PG is by non-catalytic hydrolysis of propylene oxide using high temperatures and high pressures.
CH3                                    CH3
H2+ H2O          HO – CH - CH2-OH
\    /
Propylene                  Water            Propylene
Oxide Glycol
(Uncatalyzed reaction at 120-190ºC at pressures of up to 21 atmospheres or 2170 kilo Pascals)
Us for PG  in U.S. 9Unsaturated Polyester Resins, 26%Antifreeze / De-Icing Fluids, 22%Food, Drug & Cosmetics, 18%Liquid Detergents, 11%Misc., 14%Paints & Coatings, 5%Functional Fluids / Inks, 4%Product Description
PG is a colorless, odorless liquid.  It is soluble to various extents in a wide range of organic materials, and is completely soluble in water. 8
Product Us  Dow markets two grades of PG to meet the
requirements of the various applications. PG is ud in a wide range of applications, including:9,10,11 • USP/EP grade:  - Solvent in the flavor concentrate and fragrance industry, an excipient in elixirs and pharmaceuticals, and a coupling agent in
sunscreens, shampoos, shaving creams and
other personal care products - Wetting agent for natural gums to simplify compounding
- Humectant, prervative and stabilizer in diver applications like baked goods, flavorings, salad dressings, shave creams, pet food (except cat food)
• Industrial grade:如何申请营业执照
- Raw material to produce high-performance unsaturated polyester resins (UPR) ud for marine construction, gel coats, sheet molding compounds and synthetic marble castings
- Chemical intermediate in the production of resins for paints and varnishes
- Solutions with water to make antifreeze, heat-transfer fluids and aircraft and runway deicing fluids - Solvent in printing inks
- Solvent and enzyme stabilizer in laundry detergents
- Stabilizer in hydraulic fluids
- Plasticizer to improve the processability of plastics
Exposure Potential
PG is ud in the production of consumer and industrial products. Bad on the us for PG, the public could be expod through:
• Workplace exposure – Exposure can occur either in a PG manufacturing facility or in the various
industrial, commercial rvice or consumer ttings that u PG. Becau PG is not acutely toxic and is not a nsitizer, low incidental exposures do not po high health risks.  However, each manufacturing, commercial rvice and consumer facility should have appropriate work process and safety
equipment policies in place to limit unnecessary PG exposure. Skin exposure is the most likely site for PG exposure in the work place; however in commercial rvice and consumer ttings, u as a
functional fluid or in deicing solutions prents a potential for inhalation exposure in addition to skin contact.12 For more information on inhalation, e Health Information.
• Consumer exposure to products containing PG  – Dow does not ll PG for direct consumer u, but
it is ud as a component in cosmetics, food additives, antifreeze, deicers, liquid detergents, etc.
Consumers will likely have contact with PG.  In general, exposure by ingestion is a result of the
approved u of PG USP/EP grade in food, personal care and pharmaceutical products.  Skin exposure, and to a lesr degree, inhalation exposure, are expected from the u of cosmetic products containing PG.  Plea review product labels and follow all instructions and guidelines for proper u to help prevent unnecessary exposure.13 See Health Information.
• Environmental releas  – In the event of a spill, the focus is on containing the spill to prevent
contamination of soil, surface or ground water. If PG does reach soil and water nearby, it is considered practically non-toxic to aquatic organisms and it biodegrades rapidly. If PG is prent in a fire situation, it can produce toxic fumes. Proper protective equipment should be worn.14 See Environmental, Health and Physical Hazard Information.
• Large relea  – Industrial spills or releas are infrequent and are generally contained. If a large spill
does occur, the material should be captured, collected and re-procesd, or dispod of according to applicable governmental requirements. If PG is expod to a fire situation, it can decompo and
relea toxic fumes. Emergency personnel should wear proper protective equipment and follow
emergency procedures carefully. When relevant in scale or risk, the community should be notified of the hazards associated with the specific relea event. See Environmental, Health and Physical Hazard Information.
Health Information
The toxicology databa for PG has been reviewed and agreed upon by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) SIAM15 process.  The oral toxicity of PG is low.  In one study, rats were provided with feed containing as much as 5% PG over a period of 104 weeks and they showed no apparent ill effects.16 Becau of its low chronic oral toxicity, PG is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for u as a direct food additive. Since 1942, it has been included in New and Non-Official Remedies as a proper ingredient for pharmaceutical products and it is listed in the United States Pharmacopoeia. It is also widely ud and accepted as an ingredient in dental preparations.17  PG is not approved for u in cat food. Prolonged PG contact is esntially non-irritating to the skin.  Undiluted PG is minimally irritating to the eye, and can produce slight transient conjunctivitis (the eye recovers after the exposure is removed). Exposure to mists may cau eye irritation, as well as upper respiratory tract irritation.18 Inhalation of the PG vapors appears to prent no significant hazard in ordinary applications. However, limited human experience indicates t
hat inhalation of PG mists may be irritating to some individuals. Therefore inhalation exposure to mists of the materials should be avoided. In general, Dow does not support or recommend the u of PG in applications where inhalation exposure or human eye contact with the spray mists of the materials is likely, such as fogs for theatrical productions or antifreeze solutions for emergency eye wash stations.19
PG does not cau nsitization and shows no evidence of being a carcinogen or of being genotoxic.20
For more information on the health hazards of PG and recommended protective equipment, view the Safety Data Sheet.
Environmental Information21
PG is not volatile, and is miscible with water.  Concentrations of PG in the air are expected to be extremely low becau of its low vapor pressure.  It is readily biodegraded in water or soil (via aerobic and anaerobic mechanisms).
If a spill should occur, PG partitions almost equally in water and soil.  Relatively little will go into the a
ir becau of its low vapor pressure.  PG is not expected to bioaccumulate and is considered to be practically non-toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates on an acute basis except at very high concentrations.  Physical Hazard Information22
PG has a low vapor pressure and is not expected to volatilize.  PG is stable unless elevated to high temperatures, at which point it can decompo. During a fire, smoke may contain the original material in addition to unidentified toxic and/or irritating compounds.  Hazardous combustion products may include and are not limited to:  aldehydes and carbon monoxide.
As with any liquid, spills can create slip hazards.  Small spills should be cleaned up with absorbent material which should then be properly labeled and dispod of.  Even though the toxicity of PG is low, PG should not be dumped into any wer, on the ground or into any body of water.  All disposal methods must be in compliance with all applicable governmental requirements.
PG should be stored in stainless steel, aluminum, Plasite 3066-lined containers, 316 stainless steel, or opaque plastic containers.  Product should not be stored in direct sunlight or at elevated temperatures. Avoid contact with oxidizing materials.  Additional physical property information for PG is available on the Safety Data Sheet.
Regulatory Information
Regulations may exist that govern the manufacture, sale, transportation, u and/or disposal of PG.  The regulations may vary by city, state, country or geographic region.  Information may be found by consulting the relevant Safety Data Sheet or Contact Us.
Additional Information
•Safety Data Sheet
(/propyleneglycol/tech/Safety_Data_Sheets.htm) or
(/PublishedLiterature/dh_0361/09002f1380361176.pdf?filepath=propyleneglycol/pdf s/noreg/117-01515.pdf&fromPage=GetDoc)
•  A Guide to Glycols brochure
•United Nations Environment Program SIDS/ICCA Dossier for Propylene Glycol
•Dow’s Propylene Glycols web site
For more business information about PG, visit Dow’s Propylene Glycols web site.
1Dow Propylene Glycol Industrial Safety Data Sheet
01515.pdf&fromPage=GetDoc), No. 248, November 17, 2003, page 1.
4  1,2-Dihydroxypropane SIDS Initial Asssment Profile (, UNEP
Publications, SIAM 11, U.S.A, January 23-26, 2001, page 3.
51,2-Dihydroxypropane SIDS Initial Asssment Profile (, UNEP Publications, SIAM 11, U.S.A, January 23-26, 2001, page 3.
6Chemical Economics Handbook Report Propylene Glycols, SRI International, August 2004, Abstract.
7Martin, Alton E., Murphy, Frank H., “Propylene Glycols,” Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 4th Edition, Vol. 12, 1994, John Wiley & Sons, page 716.
8  A Guide to Glycols (/PublishedLiterature/dh_02aa/09002f13802aaf25.pdf), page 28.
91,2-Dihydroxypropane SIDS Initial Asssment Profile (, UNEP Publications, SIAM 11, U.S.A, J
anuary 23-26, 2001, page 4.
10A Guide to Glycols (/PublishedLiterature/dh_02aa/09002f13802aaf25.pdf), page 28.
11 /propyleneglycol/about/index.htm
曲阜孔府121,2-Dihydroxypropane SIDS Initial Asssment Profile (, UNEP Publications, SIAM 11, U.S.A, January 23-26, 2001, page 11.
131,2-Dihydroxypropane SIDS Initial Asssment Profile (, UNEP Publications, SIAM 11, U.S.A, January 23-26, 2001, page 11.
14Dow Propylene Glycol Industrial Safety Data Sheet
01515.pdf&fromPage=GetDoc), No. 248, November 17, 2003, pages 1 and 5.
15 SIAM stands for the SIDS (Screening Information Data Set) Initial Asssment Meeting.
16  Gaunt, IF, Carpanini, FMB, Grasso, P and Lansdown, ABG, Long-term toxicity of propylene glycol in rats, Food and  Cosmetics
Toxicology, Apr. 1972, 10(2), pages 151 - 162.
17A Guide to Glycols (/PublishedLiterature/dh_02aa/09002f13802aaf25.pdf), page 35.
18Dow Propylene Glycol Industrial Safety Data Sheet
01515.pdf&fromPage=GetDoc), No. 248, November 17, 2003, page 1.
龙眼肉19A Guide to Glycols (/PublishedLiterature/dh_02aa/09002f13802aaf25.pdf), page 36.
201,2-Dihydroxypropane SIDS Initial Asssment Profile (, UNEP Publications, SIAM 11, U.S.A, January 23-26, 2001, page 21.
211,2-Dihydroxypropane SIDS Initial Asssment Profile (, UNEP Publications, SIAM 11, U.S.A, January 23-26, 2001, pages 3 and 15.
22Dow Propylene Glycol Industrial Safety Data Sheet
01515.pdf&fromPage=GetDoc), No. 248, November 17, 2003, pages 2-4 and 6.
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