1. Why does the woman go to e the man?
A) To ask about a university policy regarding dorm rooms
B) To report excessive noi in her dorm
C) To report that room temperatures are too high in her room
D) To inquire about the status of a request she had made for a repair
2. How has the woman been dealing with her problem?
A) By using an electric heater
B) By staying in a different building
C) By sleeping in another room in her building
D) By exchanging rooms with a friend
3. What does the man imply about the custodian?
A) The custodian is not usually responsible for making repairs.
B) The custodian did not follow correct procedures.
C) The custodian needs permission before making repairs.
D) The custodian had reported the problem earlier.
4. Why does the man mention winter?
A) To suggest that an electric heater is not yet necessary
B) To show that he understands the woman’s frustration
C) To encourage the woman to move to another room
D) To explain why it may take time to fix the woman’s problem
5. What will the man do to help the woman?
A) He will fill out a maintenance request form for her.
B) He will nd a maintenance team to her room soon.
C) He will order a new heater for her room right away.
D) He will allow her to change rooms temporarily.
6. What is the lecture mainly about?
A) Building techniques that were common in the ancient world
B) Evidence of veral early attempts to build a pyramid
C) Possible answers to an ancient mystery
D) The history of the pyramids of Egypt
7. According to the professor, what is the main argument against the theory that the stone blocks of the Great Pyramid were lifted into place with cranes?
A) Wooden cranes would have been too weak to lift the blocks.
B) There is no evidence of ancient Egyptians ever using cranes.
下雨天的周末 C) The u of cranes would have resulted in impreci dimensions.
D) There would not have been enough room for a platform for the cranes.
8. Why does the professor mention a mountain road?
A) To illustrate an alternative to a steep ramp
B) To emphasize the effort needed to move large stone blocks
C) To imply that progress on the Great Pyramid was slow
D) To describe the shape of the road leading to the Giza Plateau
9. Why does the professor talk about the accuracy of the proportions of the Great Pyramid?
A) To provide background on the principles of microgravimetry
B) To discount the possibility that a ramp once spiraled around outside of the pyramid
C) To explain the effectiveness of computer models of the pyramid
D) To emphasize the difficulty of building a ramp with the correct slope
10. The professor discuss different methods the Egyptians may have ud to build the Great Pyramid. For each method listed below, place a check in the box that show with whom it is associated.
明白的近义词 Click the correct boxes. This question is worth 2 points.
砂锅炖排骨的做法 | Herodotus | Houdin | Neither Herodotus nor Houdin |
Spiral ramp inside the pyramid | | | |
动量的单位Wooden cranes ud to lift heavy blocks | | | |
A straight ramp ud for the entire pyramid | | | |
A straight ramp ud for the bottom of the pyramid only | | | |
| | | |
11. What is the professor’s view of the Houdin’s theory?
A) She would like to e more detailed microgravimetric surveys before she will be convinced it is true.
B) She is surprid at how similar it is to Herodotus’ theory.
C) She finds the microgravimetric evidence for it to be very strong.
D) She thinks it is plausible but leaves some important questions unanswered.
12. What is the lecture mainly about?
A) The u of tree rings to measure water usage rates
B) Collecting data that are uful for planning water distribution
C) Investigating the history of water u in the Colorado River basin