奥马哈海滩 绿D区
别挡住跳板,三十秒后登陆愿主保佑你Clear the ramp! conds! May God be with you!
左舷右舷听着,尽快攻占炮台Port side and starboard side stick! Move fast and clear tho mortar holes!
大家尽量分散I want to e plenty of beach between men.
五个人就容易成为目标一个人则能躲开Five men is a juicy opportunity. One man is a waste of ammo.
别让沙子堵塞枪口,小心行事Keep the sand out of your weapons! Keep tho actions clear!
在滩头上见I'll e you on the beach!
避开弹坑,分成左右两列Clear the mortar hole! Right and left!
到旁边去Over the side!
从左右方下水Port and starboard!
长官,怎么办?What now, sir?
长官,现在怎么办?I said, 'What the hell do we do now, sir?"
米勒上尉…Captain Miller! Captain Miller!
米勒上尉!霍瓦特中士!Captain Miller! Sergeant Horvath!
叫你的弟兄攻上滩头,快Move your men off the beach! Now!
大家听我命令,跟着我冲Okay, you guys, get on my ass! Follow me!
长官,集合点在哪里?总之不是这里Sir! What's the rallying point? Anywhere but here!
怎么办,长官?快攻上海堤What now, sir? The awall, move up to the awall!
我要留下来!先攻占滩头再说Sir, I'm staying! Clear the beach to make way.
走出去就死定了This is all we've got between us and the Almighty.
这滩头的每一处都被瞄准了Every inch of this beach has been pre-sighted.
留下来必死无疑You stay here, you're dead men!
妈妈…Mama, Mama!
伏下来Stay down, stay down!
你们是什么部队?104师的医疗营What are you guys? th Medical Battalion, sir.
我们是来设立医疗站的丢掉这废物We're here to t up field operations. Get rid of that crap!
拿起武器跟我来Grab yourlves some weapons and follow me.
我中弹了!布格斯I'm hit! Briggs!
天啊,我中弹了!医护兵I'm hit low! God! Medic!
我们是海军抢滩大队Navy Beach Battalion, sir!
我得清除这些障碍,为坦克开路I've got to clear the obstacles. Make holes for the tanks!
装甲车都掉到海里了长官,这是命令The armour is floundering at a. Orders, sir!
到别处去,这里交给我Go somewhere el! I'm clearing this one.
来吧,布格斯Come on, Briggs!
快走,快Move, move!
来吧,快Come on, move!
快走Move, move!
海岸后勤工作队装甲车都无法登岸Shore party! No armour has made it ashore.
滩头上都没有DD坦克D缺口还没打开We've got no DD tanks on the beach. Dog One is not open!
这里是谁指挥?Who's in command here?
长官,是你You are, sir!
霍瓦特中士?你认得这是哪里吗?Sergeant Horvath? Do you recognize where we are?
是原定的集合点但却没有支援部队Where we're suppod to be, but no one
el is.
大家都走散了Nobody's where they're suppod to be!
海岸后勤工作队Shore party!
第一波攻击无效无法攻占海滩First wave ineffective! We do not hold the beach.
重复,无法攻占海滩Say again, we do not hold the beach!
我们都混在一起了这里有F、A和G连的弟兄We're mixed up! We've got people from Fox, Able and George companies.
和海军爆破队员及陆战队长Plus, we got some Navy demo guys and a beachmaster.
海岸后勤工作队…Shore party, Shore party!
指挥官…CAT-F, CAT-F, CA...
莱宾报到有看到别人吗?Reiben here. Seen anybody el?
只有杰克森梅利西报到Jackson, but that's it. Mellish here!
卡帕佐德佛里斯特和韦德在后面Caparzo! We've got DeForest back there with Wade!
他严重失血,韦德说他没救了D.'s hurt so bad he's sprung a hundred leaks! Wade says he's ud up!
去救其他人吧我们走吧,他是军医Move on to somebody you can help. Let go, he's a battalion surgeon!
去叫他!韦德Get his attention! Wade!
韦德!韦德Wade! Wade!
韦德,别这么做,太危险了Wade, don't do it! It's too risky, too risky, Doc!
快滚回来Get your ass back here!
把他带回来Get him off the beach.
我办到了,我们替他止住血了I've got it! We've stopped the bleeding!
混蛋,赶尽杀绝Just give us a fucking chance, you son of a bitch!
韦德,走吧你这个混蛋Wade, come on! You son of a fucking cocksucker!广西百色市
妈宝男的特征告别过去作文韦德,是梅利西,韦德Wade, it's Mellish. Wade!
走吧,找到米勒了,走吧Let's move! We found Miller! Let's move!
去你的Fuck it!
伏下…Get down, get down!
就只有你们几个吗?This is all? This is all that's made it?
我们被分散了,一定还有人的We got scattered pretty bad. There's bound to be more of us.
这样不够It's not enough.
D缺口是在右边还是左边?Dog One exit. It's the cut to the right, or was it left?
不,维尔维里在左边这里才是D缺口No. Vierville is to the left. This is Dog One.
他们在痛宰我们根本没有机会战斗,不公平They're killing us and we don't have a fucking chance! That ain't fair!
收集武器弹药收集武器弹药Gather weapons and ammo! Gather weapons and ammo!
莱宾?你的手枪呢?Reiben! Where's your BAR?
在水底差点给敌军害我被淹死Bottom of the Channel. The bitch tried to drown me.
再去找一支Find a replacement.
拿爆破筒出来Bangalores! Bring out some bangalores!
工兵来了给我手榴弹Engineers coming! Grenades, give me grenades!
把爆破筒运到前面去Bangalores up the line! Bangalores up the line!
小心,爆破筒来了,来吧Heads up! Bangers coming your way! Come on, come on!
杰克森报到莱宾回来了Jackson here, sir! Reiben back, sir.
天啊Oh, my God!
迫击炮来了Mortars incoming!
再给我一支One more, give me one more!
天啊,痛死我了,我快要死了Oh, my God, it hurts! I'm going to die!
天啊…Oh, my God! Jesus! Oh, my God!
放进去,继续Come on, put it in. Keep it moving.
行了We've got it.
天啊,你运气真好Jesus! Lucky bastard.
快点Move it! Keep it moving!
你不会死的,别看You're not going to die. You're fine. Just don't look at it. Don't look at it!
用爆破筒来攻击,让开Bangalores! Clear the shingle!
对准沙坑对准沙坑Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole!
对准沙坑Fire in the hole!
对准沙坑Fire in the hole!
可以反攻了,找掩护到沙坑的另一边We're in business! Defilade! Other side of the hole!
给他吗啡Give him some morphine.
行了,走吧That's it, let's go.
检验过了,注射吗啡Inspected, morphine.
混蛋,过去Son of a bitch! Get in there.
可恶,我动不了梅利西,刺刀给我Fuck, I can't move! Mellish, give me your bayonet.
两挺MG-机枪,两支迫击炮在前方二十码,左边三十码Two MG-s, two mortars. Add , left .
那有掩护物,若装甲车登陆后会是最好的发射位置There's defilade, but it's a good firing position if we can land the armour.
我们得打开这个缺口We've got to get this draw open!
莱宾、梅利西,上吧找到掩护就猛烈开火Reiben, Mellish! Let's get in the war! Take cover and put fire on that crew.
戴维斯、德伯纳多杨、瓦克!快准备Davis, DeBernardo, Young, Valk! Get ready!
开火Covering fire!
去吧Go, go, go!
敌军的炮火很厉害It's a goddam firing squad.
要逃出这里,只有这样It's the only way we can get everybody out of here.
肖特、佩森、麦唐纳、帕克斯你们是下一组!Short, Payton, McDonald, Parkes! You're next!
何不干脆给我们眼罩不就行了吗?Why not just hand out blindfolds, Captain?
唯有出去拼命,开火All we can do here is die! Covering fire!
快…Go, go, go!
快点…去你的Come on, come on, come on! Go, God damm it!
杰克森是Jackson. Sir.
看见那弹坑吗?在那里应能躲开机枪的攻击That impact crater should give you defilade from the machine gun position.
躲进去好好表现枪法等我的命令Get in there and give me some fire discipline. Wait for my command.
若你妈看见你这样会很担忧的If your mother saw you do that, she'd be very upt.
我还以为你就是我妈呢I thought you were my mother.
别远离我,天主Be not Thou far from me, O Lord.
主啊,很抱歉我曾经激怒你Oh, my God. I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee.
我对此深感懊悔请听我的祷告I detest my sins for having offended Thee, O Lord. Listen to me, Lord.
赐我力量,助我抗敌All my strength! Haste Thee to help me.
D缺口打开了,往这边走Dog One exit, right here!
大家反攻We're in business!
快Move, move!
莱宾去吧,中士Reiben. Go, Sarge!
来吧,多里Come on, Doyle!
多里,打开喷火器Flame! Doyle, do it!
,让他们吃吃苦头Don't shoot! Let them burn!
右边On the right!
你们一起死吧,混蛋I'll give you "comrade", you son of a bitch!
小心,转过去Look out! Turn around, turn around.
去干掉他们Flush them out!
停火…住手…Cea fire, cea fire! Cut it out, cut it out!
停火!Cea fire!
这是SC第队,重复D缺口已经打开了Sugar Cane, Sugar Charlie Three. Say again, Dog One is open.
派出推土机我在这里等待配合侧翼Send in the dozers. I'm waiting here to tie in my flanks.
什么?抱歉,我听不懂你在说什么What? I'm sorry, I can't understand what you're saying!
他说什么?What did he say, what did he say?
我洗过手准备吃饭了Look, I washed for supper!
谁有火箭筒?真该死Who's got a bazooka, goddammit?
笨蛋,你看是希特勒青年团小刀Hey, Fish. Look at this, a Hitler Youth knife.
现在是犹太面包刀了,对吧?And now it's a Shabbat challah cutter, right?
别停下来Keep it moving!
好惨烈的景象That's quite a view.
没错Yes, it is.
很惨烈Quite a view.
“亲爱的博伊德先生你应该已经得悉…”"Dear Mr Brian Boyd. No doubt by now you have received full information"-
“你儿子的死讯”"about the untimely death of your son."
“说什么也无法减轻您的哀痛”"No words can ever relieve your grief."
“本部队对他的死深感惋惜他是个优秀的士兵”"Our outfiit has felt his " "He was a fiine soldier"-
“并深信我们所从事的…”"and believed strongly in what we "
“我们参与了大战中最重要的军事行动”"We were involved in one of the most important operations of the war."
“艾尔使我们能团结一致”"Al was the one who held us all together."
“他身先士卒”"He was the first to volunteer."
“那里有四千人的部队开过”"We pasd a road where over , troops had pasd."
“尊夫尽忠职守…”"Your husband rved in a unit who duty is to place "
“大家都很怀念他”"...which we all cherish and "
“李等人的死对军团打击甚大”"The loss of Lee and others like him is a distinct blow to the regiment."
“我们了解你想知道…”"We understand your desire to learn about"-
“他去世时的情形”"the circumstances leading to his death."
上校,有件事想告诉你Colonel, I've got something you should know about.
这两人在诺曼第阵亡The two men died in Normandy.
这位死于奥哈马海滩肖恩瑞恩This one at Omaha Beach. "Sean Ryan."
这位死于犹他彼得瑞恩This man at Utah. "Peter Ryan."
这位上周在新几内亚阵亡This man was killed last week in New Guinea.
丹尼尔瑞恩"Daniel Ryan."
他们是兄弟They are brothers.
他们的妈妈会在下午接到这三封电报This afternoon their mother is going to get all three telegrams.
跟随空降师There's also a fourth brother who parachuted in with st Airborne -
在诺曼第某处跳伞the night before the invasion. He is somewhere in Normandy.
他还活着吗?不知道Is he alive? We don't know.
跟我来Come with me.英雄联盟怎么举报
四兄弟都在第师的同一个连队服役All four were in the same company in the th Division -
但苏利文兄弟在朱诺送命后我们便分开了他们but we split them up after the Sullivan brothers died on the Juneau.
能联络上四弟詹姆斯吗?Any contact with the fourth son, James?
不能,他空降在距纽维哩的内陆,深入了敌区No. He was dropped miles inland near Neuville, behind German lines.
根本无法知道他空降在哪里Mac, there is no way you can know where he was dropped.
据报空降师的人失散了First report from lke's people at SHAEF said the st is scattered.
诺曼第有很多被空投错误的部队There are misdrops all over Normandy.
就算瑞恩能安然降落也无法找到他Assuming Private Ryan even survived the jump, he could be anywhere.
可能他早已阵亡In fact, he's probably K.I.A.
老实说,若我们派出搜救部队And frankly, if we go nding some sort of rescue mission, -
他们就得穿越德军固守区flat-hatting throughout German reinforcements along our advance, -
那一定也会阵亡的they're going to be K.I. A, too.
这里有封信I have a
是很久以前给波士顿的比克斯比太太的信,听我读...written a long time ago to a Mrs Bixby in Boston. So bear with me.
“女士”"Dear Madam."
胖AP“我已从麻萨诸塞州上将副官的…”"I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement" -
“战争部档案得悉”"of the Adjutant General of Massachutts" -
“你是五位在沙场上”'that you are the mother "
“光荣阵亡的战士的母亲”"...sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle."
“我感到我的言辞薄弱无力”"I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine" -
“根本无法安抚你的悲伤”'that would attempt to beguile you from the grief' -
“也无法弥补你的损失”"of a loss "
“但我必须要在此向你致谢”"...but I can't refrain from tendering the consolation that may be found" -
“他们是为了拯救国家而死”"in the thanks of the republic they died to save."
“愿天主安抚你的丧子之痛”"May our Heavenly Father assuage the anguish of your bereavement" -
“让你永远怀念远去的挚爱”"and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost" -
“神圣的荣耀都归于你们”"and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid such a sacrifice" -
“因你们为自由付出了重大的代价”"upon the altar of freedom. Yours very sincerely and respectfully," -
“林肯敬上”"Abraham Lincoln."
那孩子还活着我们要派人去找他That boy is alive. We are going to nd somebody to find