多肽溶解方法和步骤(Peptide dissolving protocol)
总的来说,先用无菌水或者稀醋酸(0.1%)将多肽溶解到一个较高浓度下作为储存溶液,而不是直接配置到检测浓度。等需要用的时候再把这个储备溶液用缓冲Buffer配制到需要浓度。比如一条多肽要溶解成1mg/ml的PBS buffer中,我们需要先将多肽溶解成2mg/ml的储备溶液,然后在使用前,先移取100ul的10*PBS buffer,再加入400ul的无菌水,最后加入500ul的2mg/ml储备液。千万不要直接用Buffer缓冲液来溶解多肽,因为很多肽在高盐浓度下溶解度是下降的,而且如果发生不溶情况,去除这些盐和有机试剂是很困难的一件事。如果多肽溶解过程中出现可见颗粒始终无法分散到水相中,可以用超声的办法来破碎。不过超声只能加速溶解,并不能起到改善溶解性的效果。
A Strategy for Dissolving Small Sets of Peptides
The kind of individual treatment described above starts to become impractical when handling larger numbers of peptides, say 10 or more. Although exceptions can be found to the success of any generalid procedure, a recommended strategy for redissolving greater numbers of peptides with varied properties is outlined below.
厦门伴手礼1.Add 0.1% acetic acid/water to give a target peptide concentration of 1-5mg/mL, and sonicate.
2. To any insoluble peptides add pure acetic acid to bring the concentration of acetic acid to 10%(v/v), and sonicate.
3.To any peptides still insoluble add acetonitrile to 20%(v/v), and sonicate.
4.Lyophili any remaining insoluble peptides to remove the water, acetic acid, and acetonitrile. To the solid, add neat DMF dropwi until the peptide dissolves. Dilute this solution slowly with water to give approximately 10%(v/v) DMF. If the peptide precipitates
健步如飞的意思at any stage during this step, stop adding water and add a little more DMF until the peptide redissolves. Such peptides may be too insoluble in water to be ud at concentrations equal to the others in the t.
如何保护牙齿健康5.Dilute each solubilized peptide with the solvent found to be effective for it, to bring the stock solutions to the same peptide concentration. This simplifies calculations and subquent handling. Further dilutions, as needed for the bioassay, can be made in the assay as a dilution ries (titration). Dilution of a relatively insoluble peptide with buffer at this step may successfully avoid precipitation becau it is now at a low concentration (below its solubility limit).
6.Except after addition of DMF, all solutions can be easily lyophilid to return the peptide to a form suitable for long term storage, if required.
This is only one of a large number of possible procedures. The one chon depends on the assay system, and the need for a particular buffer or peptide concentration. Contact Mimotopes for free technical advice if you wish to u a particular buffer not mentioned h
A Strategy for Dissolving Large Sets of Peptides
Peptide ts such as a General net (Gnet), Replacement net (Rnet) etc. for mass screening are supplied as lyophilid solids in polypropylene tubes. In the cas, the only practical method may be to apply one solvent to all peptides and u the solutions obtained without trying to optimize for each peptide. For example, for T cell determinant mapping, we have found that a solvent comprising 0.1M HEPES buffer pH7.4 in a 40% acetonitrile/water solution gives effective solutions of most peptides and is nontoxic when diluted 20-fold or more in an assay. In this ca, sonication of the tubes is also advisable to maximi the dissolution of the peptides. If acceptable in the assay system at the intended working concentration, a good general solvent such as DMF or DMSO could also be ud as the first reagent added to all peptides in the t.
On special request, peptide ts can be shipped in the form of frozen solutions, avoiding the problems of redissolving the peptides. Shipping frozen materials adds substantially to
the cost of the peptides and can create problems if the peptides are delayed in transit.
Chemical Changes in Your Peptides
Peptides vary in stability, and a peptide as supplied may soon be degraded if care is not taken to ensure proper storage. In addition to the risk of degradation from proteolytic enzymes, other chemical changes can occur. The short ction below is meant to help with situations which will commonly ari.
1. Oxidation
牛仔裤配什么鞋好看A characteristic of cysteine- and methionine-containing peptides is the tendency of the residues to oxidi. Susceptibility to oxidation is quence-dependent and sometimes even minimal exposure to air of peptides containing the amino acids can lead to oxidation. If you wish to avoid oxidation, always work with degasd or deoxygenated solvents and solutions. If possible, maintain peptide solutions at acidic pH (<7). Rate of oxidation increas with pH, so even if the peptide is in the fully reduced form initially, so
me oxidation will occur if the peptide is maintained under neutral or basic conditions.