焦化厂设计常用词汇 中英文对照
Coke oven battery 焦炉组
By product coke oven 带副产回收的焦炉
Under jet coke oven 下喷式焦炉
Hairpint [twin]flue coke oven 双联火道焦炉
C半途而废ompound[combination] coke oven 复热式焦炉
Half-divided flue coke oven 两分火道焦炉
four-divided flue coke oven 四分火道焦炉
crossover flue coke oven 跨顶火道焦炉
single [double] waste flue coke oven 单[双]侧烟道焦炉
gun flue type coke oven 侧喷式焦炉
coke oven with waste gas recirculation 废气循环式焦炉
conventional coke oven 常规焦炉
stamp-charging coke oven 捣鼓焦炉
high-capacity coke oven 大容积焦炉
large-scale coke oven 大型焦炉
regenerative coke oven 蓄热式焦炉
recuperative coke oven 换热式焦炉
waste heat coke oven 废热式焦炉
down draft coke oven 倒焰式焦炉
slot-type oven 室式焦炉
beehive coke oven 蜂窝式焦炉
pitch coke oven 沥青焦炉
intermittent vertical retort 间歇式焦炉
continuous vertical retort 连续式直立炉
horizontal retort 水平式焦炉
partitioned regenerator 分隔式蓄热室
gun flue 水平砖煤气道
combustion[flame] flue 燃烧火道,上升火道
gas distribution duct 煤气分配道
corbel zone 斜道区
high and low burner 高低灯头
gas nozzle 煤气烧嘴
under jet gas duct 下喷煤气道
waste gas recirculating duct 废气循环气道
air port 空气口
gas port 煤气口
parapet wall 小炉头
protection wall 封墙
regenerator pillar wall 蓄热室隔墙
regenerator top bulkhead 蓄热室顶封墙
oven end 炉头
oven roof [炭化室]盖顶
partition[division]wall 隔墙
gas offtake 煤气出口
fill area [炉顶]填料层
mortar hole 灌浆孔
2 焦炉机械及附属设备
吃桃子的好处Coke guide and door extractor 拦焦机及启门机
Hydraulicreversing machine [winch] 液压交换机
Coke receiver car 接焦车
Hooded coke guide 带除尘罩的拦焦车
Hood car with dust parator 带除尘分离器的有罩车
Door extracting device 启门装置
Pusher beam[ram] 推焦杆
Leveler[leveling]bar 平煤杆
故事绘本完整图片Ram head 推焦杆头
Carbon scraper 除石墨刮刀
Door and jamb cleaner 炉门和炉框清扫机
Rack shoe 推焦杆托靴
Heavy pushing 重推
小白撑Sticker 难推
Platform car for changing pusher ram 推焦杆更换用平板车
Magnetic lid lifter 电磁启盖机
Automatic lid lifting and luting system 自动启盖机及泥封装置
Vacuum cleaner 真空清扫器
Larry car screw feeder 装煤车螺旋给料器
四级口语Charging hyperbolic hopper 装煤车双曲线漏斗
Support for leveler bar 平煤车托架
Coke spillage collection system 头尾焦收集装置
Bucket transport car 焦罐运输车
Coke bucket car 焦罐车
Coke bucket elevator 焦罐提升机
Circulation gas blower 循环风机
Trolley wire 摩电线
Asmbly of coke oven machine 焦炉车辆安装
Single spotlone [spot]machine 一点停车的机械
One t of oven machine 一套焦炉机械
Charging car with turntable 带圆盘给料器的装煤车
High pressure water cleaning of Coke-oven doors 用高压水清扫焦炉炉门
Coke oven door hydraulic cleaner 焦炉炉门水力清扫器
High-pressure fluid jets 高压水枪
Bracing spring 护炉铁件用弹簧
Helical spring 螺旋弹簧
Regenerator bracing 蓄热室小炉柱上横梁
Self-aling door 自封炉门
Knife [aling strip] [炉门]刀边
Hammer-tite knife edge 敲打边刀
Leveling [leveler]door 平煤小炉门
Luting door 泥封炉门
Latch 门栓,横栓
Spring latch 弹簧门栓
Duch hook [炉框上的]钩
Lifting hook 提门钩
Latchscrew [炉门]门栓用螺栓
Spring plate 弹性腹板
Sill [炉门框]底板
Suction main 吸气主管
Bleeder 放散管
Charging gas aspiration 装煤煤气抽吸
High pressure flushing liquor aspiration system 高压氨水喷射抽吸装置
Ascension pipe[standpipe] lid with operating lever 带操作拉杆的上升管盖
[water al type] [水封式]
Supply and drain pipe work for water aled lids 水封盖上下水管
Operating lever and counter weight 操作拉杆及配重
Flushing liquor spray 氨水喷射
Spray nozzle 喷嘴
Butterfly valve 蝶阀
Manual lighter 人工点火器
Cast iron gooneck bend 铸铁制桥管
Heat shield 挡热板
Obrvation hole 观察孔
Inspection plug temperature measuring hole for 测温测压孔
Rail bas for charging car 装煤车轨道座
Push-proof frame for pusher machine 推焦车轨道用止推座
Door warming rack [泥封炉门用]炉门预热架
Door maintenance and bricking platform 炉门维修和切砖平台
Coking chamber number plate 炭化室编号牌
Installation of coke oven equipment 焦炉设备安装
Battery bracing system 焦炉铁件系统
Jumper pipe 跨越管
Steam aspirator [上升管]蒸汽喷射
Null rods for rich gas reversing valves 富煤气换向旋塞拉杆
Bull rods for waste gas valve 废气开闭器换向用拉杆
Flaps on breeches pipes 叉管上风门
Finger plate for adjustment 调节用风门板
Reversing lever 换向杠杆
Cover plate for al pot pit and trench 水封槽坑和地沟盖板
Vent and drain pipework 通风及排水管道
Rich gas nozzle 富煤气烧嘴
Nozzle connection 烧嘴连接件
Waste gas flue damper 烟道调节翻板
Automatic waste flue damper 烟道自动翻板
Hand-operated waste gas flue damper 烟道手动翻板
4 焦炉构筑物
Buttress facing 抵抗墙正面
Buttress backing 抵抗墙内部
Top wall 焦炉炉顶墙
Bench paving 操作走台铺面层
Bench gallery 操作走台
Leveler bar and pusher ram rvicing 平煤杆和推焦杆更换站
Quenching stack baffle 熄焦塔顶捕尘板
[emission protection baffle]
Dry coke quenching 干熄焦
Pressure quenching 压力熄焦
Waste gas flue 烟道
Shaped brick 异型砖
Standard brick 标准砖
Fire refractory brick 耐火砖
Siliceous brick 半硅砖
Silica brick shapes 异型硅砖
Tongued and grooved silica brick 带沟舌的硅砖
High[super]duty fireclay shape 特[优]质异型粘土砖
Interlocking brick 相互咬合的砖