骨科orthopedic surgery
骨科医生orthopedic surgeon / orthopedist折线统计图教案
开放骨折open fracture
闭合骨折clod fracture
稳定骨折stable fracture
不稳定骨折unstable fracture
完全骨折complete fracture会有那么一天
不完全骨折incomplete fracture
横行骨折transver fracture
斜形骨折oblique fracture
螺旋形骨折spiral fracture
凹陷骨折depresd fracture
压缩骨折compression fracture
裂缝骨折linear fracture
复合骨折compound fracture
粉碎骨折comminuted fracture
青枝骨折green stick fracture
嵌插骨折impacted fracture
疲劳骨折fatigue fracture
关节内骨折intra-articular fracture 关节外骨折extra-articular fracture
髁上骨折supracondylar fracture
CT扫描computed tomography
螺旋CT扫描spiral computed tomography 核素扫描ECT emission computed tomography
磁共振成像MRI magnetic resonance imaging
管形石膏plast cast
石膏托plast slab
石膏夹板plast splint
髌腱负荷石膏patellar tendon bearing cast, PTBC
DCP dynamic compression plate 动力加压接骨板
LC-DCP 有限接触接骨板
PC-Fix 点状接触接骨板
张力带固定tension band fixation
中和接骨板neutralization plate
桥接接骨板bridging plate
重建接骨板reconstruction plate
LISS (less invasive surgical system) 微创手术
MIP(minimally invasive procedure) 微创手术
MIPO(minimally invasive plate system)微创接骨板固定
UFN(unreamed femoral nailing)不扩髓股骨髓内钉固定
UFN(unreamed tibial nailing)不扩髓胫骨髓内钉固定
DHS(dynamic hip screw) 动力髋部螺钉固定
明月清辉DHS(dynamic condylar screw) 动力髁部螺钉固定
CPM(continuous passive motion) 持续被动运动
medial meniscus 内侧半月板
lateral meniscus 外侧半月板
ACL anterior cruciate ligament 前交叉韧带PCL posterior cruciate ligament 后交叉韧带MCL medial collateral ligament 内侧副韧带LCL lateral collateral ligament 外侧副韧带
DHS(dynamic hip screw) 动力髋部螺钉固定手术刀Scalpel,Surgical Blade,Knife
止血钳(直全齿、弯全齿)Hemostatic Forceps (Straight with Full Tooth, Curved with Full Tooth),Hemostat,clamp
蚊式止血钳(弯、直)Mosquito-Type Hemostatic Forceps (Straight, Curved), mosquito
持针钳Needle Holder / Needle-Holding Pliers
手术剪Surgical Scissors
组织剪Tissue Scissors
线剪Stitch-cutting Scissors
中指middle finger
环指ring finger
小指little finger
内踝medial malleolus
外踝lateral malleolus
burst fracture 爆裂性骨折
subluxation 半脱位
腰椎间盘突出lumbar disc herniation 颈椎病cervical spondylotic myelopathy
后纵韧带骨化posterior longitudinal ligament ossification
黄韧带骨化ossification of yellow(flavum)ligament
显微内窥镜椎间盘摘除术microendoscopically discectomy
前路腰椎椎体间融合术ALIF anterior lumbar interbody fusion
后路腰椎椎体间融合术PLIF anterior lumbar interbody fusion
经椎间孔入路腰椎椎体间融合术TLIF transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
前路颈椎间盘切除植骨融合术ACDF anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
椎管狭窄spinal canal stenosis
Ankle: Achilles Tendonitis 跟腱炎
Ankle: Ruptured Achilles Tendon 跟腱破裂
Ankle: Sprain 踝部扭伤
Ankle Fracture 踝部骨折
Ankylosing Spondylitis 关节黏连脊椎炎Aptic Necrosis 无菌的骨疽
Back Pain: Approach to Management 怎样处理背痛问题
Back Pain: Prevention 预防背痛
Baker's Cyst 贝勾氏囊
Bones 骨骼的功能
Bone Tumors 骨肿瘤
Bunions 姆趾黏液囊肿大
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕管综合症
Colles Fracture 桡骨下端骨折
Compression Fracture of the V ertebrae 脊椎压迫性骨折
Dislocation 脱臼
Dupuytren Contracture 掌挛缩病Elbow: Golfer's Elbow 高尔夫球肘Elbow: Tennis Elbow 网球肘Fibromyalgia 纤维组织肌痛
Flat Foot 扁平足
Foot: Hammer Toe 锤状趾
Foot: Plantar Fasciitis 足底筋膜炎
Foot: Ulcers 脚溃疡
Fracture 骨折
Fracture: Bones in the Foot 脚部骨折Fracture: Clavic le 锁骨骨折
Fracture Types 骨折的种类
Frozen Shoulder 凝肩
Ganglion 腱鞘囊肿
Hand Fracture 手骨折
Hand: Tenosynoritis 手部腱鞘滑膜炎
Heel Spurs 脚跟骨刺和发炎
Herniated Disk 椎间盆后凸
Hip: Arthritis of the Hip 髋关节炎
Hip and Knee Replacement 髋关节和膝关节置换手术
Hip Fracture 髋部骨折Infectious Arthritis 感染性关节炎
Joints 关节
Knee: Arthritis 膝关节炎
Knee: Joint Pain 膝关节痛
Knee: Runner's Knee 跑步者膝盖
Knee: Torn Ligaments 膝韧带撕裂
Knee: Torn Meniscus Cartilage 半月板软撕裂
Knee Pain: Injury, Degeneration & Arthritis 劳损、退化与膝盖关节炎
Knee Pain and Shoes 膝关节痛与鞋子
Knee Replacement: Surgery Can Relieve Pain 膝关节置换术:手术舒缓痛楚
Kyphosis 脊柱后弯
Leg Cramps 小腿抽筋
Lumbar Herniated Disc 腰椎盆脱出
Mallet Finger 锤状指
Morton Neuroma 莫耳通氏神经瘤
Muscles 肌肉
Muscular Dystrophy 肌肉萎缩症
Neck: Osteoarthritis 颈骨性关节炎
Neck: Whiplash Injury 撞车引致的颈部扭伤Neck: Wry Neck 颈部僵硬
Osteoarthritis 骨关节炎(退化性关节炎)暗棋版军旗
Osteomalacia 软骨病
Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎
Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症
Paget Dia 柏哲德氏病
Ribs & Cartilage Inflammation 肋与软骨炎
RICE Therapy RICE治疗法
Rotator Cuff Injury 旋转肌边创伤
舞动青春电影Sciatica 坐骨神经痛
Scoliosis 脊柱侧凸
Scoliosis 脊柱侧弯
Shin Splints 胫纤维发炎
Shoulder: Dislocation 肩脱位
Shoulder: Rotator Cuff Tear 轴转肌撕裂奔怎么读
Shoulder: Tendinitis & Caspulitis 肩部腱炎和囊炎
Spinal Stenosis脊柱狭窄
Swollen Legs, Ankles, or Feet 腿、踝或脚胀工程硕士论文
Tendinitis, Tenosynovitis and Bursitis 腱炎、腱鞘炎和黏液囊炎