翻译名称 VERICUT翻译原文
系 别 机电工程系
专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化大姑娘上轿
班 级
姓 名
Session 30- Create an OptiPath Library While Building a Tool List
This ssion shows how to build/modify an OptiPath library when building a Tool List. The
sample G-Code tool path file to be optimized us 2 cutting tools: T1, T2. The demonstration shows how to link cutting tools in the tool path file with existing OptiPath records or create new ones interactively while VERICUT is scanning for the tool chance records.
See also:
Session 29- Optimize Feed Rates via OptiPath Tool List Method or
Session 31- Create an OptiPath Library via Prompting At Runtime
Session Steps:
Optimize an Inch Tool Path
Cutters ud by sample tool path "d":
1. In VERICUT, open the sample "op_mold.usr" Ur file
∙ 手背纹身File > Open
∙ File Name=op_mold.usr, Open
If prompted, respond as follows: Ret cut model? Ret / Save changes? No
2. U OptiPath Control to reference the "optipath.olb" OptiPath Library file, and indicate cutting H13 tool steel on the 3-axis mill machine
∙ OptiPath > Control: Settings tab
∙ OptiPath Library, Brow
∙ Shortcut=Working Directory
∙ File name=optipath.olb, OK (If "optipath.olb" is not available u CGTech sample "op_mold.olb")
∙ Material=H13 Tool Steel
∙ Machine天国拯救铁锹在哪=3 ax Mill
∙ OK
3. While building a tool list, link OptiPath records to cutting tools ud by the tool path file
A tool list can be generated by scanning the tool path file. By default, the tool change events in the list reprent the pocket numbers of cutting tools ud by the tool path file. The events can also be linked to OptiPath records for tool path optimization. When "Pr
ompt for OptiPath ttings while building" is active, you can define the OptiPath ttings for cutting tools to be optimized in the list.