How to write the introduction
1. 复述结论(照搬原文,除非原文结论很长)C
2. 简要复述论据和假设(简介概括1~2句)E
3. 指出作者论述过程中存在的缺陷(承上启下)F
P192 T149
(1)The arguer/speaker/author/writer/title
●Be the main/leading cau of….
●Be responsible for…..(贬义词)
●Result in …
●Bring about…
●Account for…
●Contribute to…
●Play a part in…
●Give ri to…
●Put(结果)…down to(原因)…
●recommend/ conclude/ claim/ asrt/ state/ contend/ maintain
●Paradoxical 似非而是的
“建议”recommend/ suggest/ advi/ advocate/ propo
“对未来现象的预言”predict/ foretell/ forecast/ foree
Project/ expect/ anticipate
1. 改变顺序 CEF→ECF→FEC(C:conclusion E:evidence F: faul)
2. 简化或省略evidence
3. 合并
●In this argument, the arguer cites the evidence that… to reach the conclusion that…(CE)
●By citing the evidence that… the arguer concludes that…(EC)
(2) E(CF) 参考:P186 6分满分作文开头段
4. 添加让步(C’=concede让步)
(1)C’(CF)/ (C’C)EF
Accept/ agree/ concede that…
Appear to be convincing/ is not without merits显卡bios(貌似有说服力)
+To support/justify the claim/conclusion, the arguer point out that…
+However/ Nonetheless/ Nevertheless,…
It is true that /admittedly/Granted,…
注意:Granted that(=though)…(后面不能有but)
✧做练习:题库,练习写开头段。P3 讲义
a) 分子群体subgroup
b) 确定比例
c) 随机取样
A.选择性样本(Selective Sample)
E.g. P137 193→讲义P8
1. 选择性样本错误
(1)The result of the survey lacks credibility…
原因:a. becau many teachers in other subjects are not include. /becau the arguer fails to consider/ include teachers in other subjects.作者没有考虑到其他学科的老师。
b.besides, the arguer relies on statistics from only two districts Sanlee and Marlee, which are in all likelihood/ probability茫茫苍苍 not reprentative of the state’s districts overall. 研究对象只包含两个地区,不全面,缺乏普遍性。
结果:thus/ therefore could not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains.
2. 因果关系错误(餐饮员工管理制度cau-fallacies)
The arguer fails the establish the causal relationship between A (homework frequency) and B (student performance)
3. 草率推广→无关概念
结论中提到的twice 只是作者自己一端的,并没有甚么事实依据
4. 不完整比较
E.g. P155 238
(原因)The survey does not include all the graduates in Mira Vista College,(结果)and
thus it is almost impossible to evaluate the employment results in Mira Vista College.
附:讲义P5 ( PART IV--1 )----正文段结构
1.Topic ntence 段首句
2.Illustration 展开
3.Pargraphic conclusion 段落小总结(可有可无)→当段落字数太少
●There is a strong likelihood/probability that…
●The odds/chances are that…
e.g. the niors are in all likelihood/probability not reprentative of…
●排除:Rule out/ exclude
●Scenarios 想象中一系列的事情→可翻译为“情况”。
1. 不完整比较
The comparison between GMC and MVC is incomplete.
2. Cau-fallacies
The arguer fails to establish the causal relationship between the fact that A(GMC has more business cours and more job counlors) and the facts that B( 90 percent of last year’s graduating niors had job offers from prospective employers).
3. 无关概念
The arguer fails to convince us that A (offering more cours in computer technology) will contribute to B(a ri in the employment rate of Mira Vista’s graduates).
4. 错误类比
1. GMC、MVC 不完整的比较。
2. 选择性样本错误
3. Cau-effect fallacies→让步(即使GMC就业好),未必是课程和顾问导致。
4. Fal analogy→再让步(即使因果成立),MVC未必适用。
5. 无关概念(computer cour)
折飞镖的方法 见讲义P4 PART 3 →1
The arguer treats a lack of proof that A(something is the ca)as constituting sufficient proof that B(it is not the ca). 作者缺少证据A来证明B。
P121 158
●in the abnce of...
●for lack of …
(1) 样本数量问题
In the abnce of data concerning the total amount of garbage sits and people living near them in the state, the reliability of the survey is open to doubt/question/debate.
(2) 调查本身没有意义
The arguer treats the fact that A(the garbage did no considerable harm to health recently) as constituting sufficient proof that B(they will not po/constituting any health hazard in the future).
P131 180
The result of the survey lacks credibility becau the samples are too limited.