梦见父母生病Test 4三八妇女节贺卡
鳕鱼和银鳕鱼的区别The Color of Snow
Generally, the color of snow appears white./ This is becau the light we e from the sun is white./ Most natural materials take in some sunlight. /This gives them their color./ However, when light travels from air to snow, some light is nt back, or reflected. / Snow crystals have many surfaces to reflect sunlight. / Yet the snow does take in a little sunlight. / It is this light that gives snow its white appearance./
Sometimes, snow may appear to be blue. / The blue light is the product of a long travel path through the snow.
Test 5
Many children spend weeks at traditional camps by lakes in the mountains. / There are
家庭关系称谓camps for all interests: / horback riding, rock climbing, art, and science, to name a few. / There are even camps to learn how to be a clown. /
Many Americans have happy memories of going away to camp as kids. / Now grown-ups can relive tho times. / In some state, for example, adults can spend a week at a snowboarding camp. / But, for some adults, the best camps are the ones/ where they can be with their kids. / There are some weekend camp programs for parents and children together. /