① A (n) desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
② A baby learns to creep before it learns to walk.
③A dog was run over by a bus and killed.
④A good dictionary is indispensable to the study of a foreign language.
⑤A really powerful speaker can work up the feeling of the crowd to a fever of excitement.
⑥Accuracy is fundamental to the program ming of computers.
⑦A fter being rescued from the wrecked ship, the people agreed that they much to be thankful for.
⑧After flying across the Atlantic, Charles Lindbergh became famous overnight.
文学巨匠⑨After my mother finished cleaning up the hou ,she went on read today‟s newspaper
⑩After the lecture, the students participating in it had a heated discussion on it.
11After Tom pasd his driving test he filled out an application for his driver's licen.
12 All the workers in the factory are provided with protective hats.
13 All tho expensive shoes are made by hand.
14 Although her marriage was very unhappy, Mrs. Stephens remained with her husband for the care of the children.
15 Although many young people are keen on going abroad, he prefers to stay and work in his own country.
16 Although my friends disliked Jenny, I insisted on her coming with us.
17 Although she was disabled when she was only six years of age, yet she aimed high, for which her friends spoke highly of her.
18A lthough the family trusted her, she let them down badly.
劳动法第38条辞职赔偿19 American blacks were denied equal rights with the whites until the 1970s after many years of hard struggle.
20 American school children should learn Lincoln‟s Gettysburg address by heart.
21A n argument was inevitable becau they disliked each other so much.
22 Anybody who has broken the law won‟t escape being punished.
23A nything that is dropped falls towards center of the earth becau of the pull of gravity
24A part from blue eyes, blonde hair is also characteristic of Swedish people.
25A s a result of the neglect of all safety rules, the workers were expod to considerable danger.
26 As a result, he succeeded reaching; the castle but failed to find the way to enter it.
27A s soon as his party came into power, he changed the law.
28As they crosd Broadway,he came face to face with a new problem.
29A s winter gave way to spring the days began to lengthen.
30Average Japane has 30.6 aquaria meter living apace.
B开头部分31Becau he stammered slightly, the other boys made fun of him.
32B efore moving to another city, Brenda dispod of the hou and the furniture.
33 But, becau Barbary is all that matters to me for the time, I don't suggest doing away.
34 By improving his learning habits a(n) average student can be a top one
35 By way of an excu he said he was tired.
C开头部分36C amping facilities include a tent, a sleeping bag, a rucksack, a stove, and so on.
37C an we hold out for another day without water?
38C an you run off 200 copies of this notice before the post goes?
39 Can you tell me who can best handle the problems?
40C andidates who wish to withdraw from the examination must notify the cretary immediately.笔英语
41C arbon is an element, while carbon dioxide is a compound.
42 Children are very curious by nature.
43Chine brown medicine has little side effect.
44 Considering his age, he is unable to take the job.
45 Contrary to your prediction ,they lost the game .
46 D o you enjoy reading about the adventures of the great explorer in the African forests.
47Despite all the heated arguments they remained the best of friends throughout their lives。
48 Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often as good as or better than an actual performance
49 Do you know when and where trhe sports meeting were to be held.
50 --Do you like there shoes?
--No, show me some others.
51D on‟t eat anything that will spoil your appetite for dinner.
茄汁青鱼52D on‟t judge a crime until you know all the circumstances.
53 Don‟t make fun of her, John. C a n‟t you e she is in tears?
54 Don‟t quarrel about small things.
E开头部分55Egypt is famous for the Nile river. S o we often associate Egypt with the Nile.
56E instein was a mathematical genius.
57 Enjoy yourlf, children. "Mother urged he guests at our party.
58E very evening after supper, my parents would go out for a work
59E very government that refus to meet the needs of its people must accept the conquences.
60 Everyone emed to turn a blind eye to the rubbish on the floor
61 F开头部分
62 Failure to communicate was caud by the high divorce rate.
63 Far from admiring his paintings, I dislike them intenly.
64First the curtain caught fire and then the bedclothes.
65F ive years ago the pox wiped out the population of the island.
66 Followed by his student, the teacher entered the classroom.
67 For all his knowledge and academic background, he is basically stupid.
68F or almost an hour the workers were just hanging about waiting for materials to arrive.
69 For what reason did her quarrel with you?
70F rom his appearance we may safely conclude that he is a heavy smoker.
71F ruit in best and cheapest when it is in ason.
72 George left in such a hurry that I hardly had time to think him.
73G iven their inexperience, they‟ve done a good job.
74G ood work derves good pay.
75 Grown-up should be responsible for their own behavior
76 Handwriting is how you prent yourlf on paper.
77Harries turned a page to two and the title of a poem caught his eye.
78—Have you heard about Mr. Johnson?
—Yes, I read about him in a newspaper.
79H e came to inspect the hou with a view t o buying it.
80H e considers himlf a great singer, and in a way he is justified.
81He decided to attend the Conference in person.
82He did it out of gratitude for all she had done for him.
83H e didn‟t live up to what had been expected of him.
84H e had hoped to get $120 for his old bike but had to ttle for $100.
85H e has a peculiar habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled.
86 He has been studying the problem in his study for a long time.
87H e has finally convinced after a heated debate.
88H e has kept up a correspondence with his friend in New York over a year now.
89H e hoped the firm would transfer him to the Paris branch.
90 He hurried to the railway station in the hope of catching the early train.
91H e intends to replace the cretary he has dismisd by a less glamorous but rather more efficient one.
92 He is always kind ,never cruel either to people or to animals
93He is always respectful to order people.
94H e is an expert at making himlf understood in foreign languages.
95H e is said to be generous with his money.
96 He is the best candidate to carry out the plan.
97 He is the manager of the company. He‟s in charge of it.
98 He lay awake all night, thinking over the problem.
99H e left out an important detail in his report of the accident.
100He made up his mind not to speak a word.
101H e read a book on the plane to while away the time.
102H e restricts himlf to smoking two cigarettes a day.
103 He ro early the next day, finding the river had rin on foot.
104 He said he had every confidence in his cretary; she would do the right thing.
105 He said it in such clear terms that nobody was in any question about what was meant.
106 He said the situation there was not so bad as bad as had been painted.
107 He shot at the bird, but it flew away.
108 He shows no respect for at the rules.
109 He slipped and broke his leg As a result he would have to away from school for two weeks.
110H e supplies them with food and clothes.
111 He touched on many points without enlarging on any of them.
112 He was only too willing to accept the proposal.
113He was saving as much as possible in order to repay Jennie eventually.
114H e was very ill but a good doctor and careful nursing brought him through .
115H e was very near-sighted, almost helpless without glass.
116H e‟s nice person, to be sure, but not very competent as a manager.
117H e‟s taken to drink and never does a stroke of work.
118 Her deeds are worthy of being praid.
119H er family sympathized with her desire to be a lawyer.
120 Her father flew into a passion when he learned that she wanted to get married before she graduated from the university.
121 Her husband wasn‟t content with what he gained and wanted to get more.
122H is ambition had always been to become an architect.
123 His business is growing so fast that he must take on more workers.
124H is energetic efforts met with only partial success.
125H is failure in the examination is fatal to the plan.
126 His failure to pay his debts confirmed theist suspicion that he was not bi trusted.
127 His father is very busy every day .H can‟t help complaining of the rapid pace of modem life 128H is father paved the way for him to climb to the top.
129H is fatness renders him unable to touch his toes.
130 His heart stopped beating just when we reached the hospital.
131H is honesty is out of question: nobody can doubt it.
132H is job was to sort out the good apples from the bad ones.
133 His parents couldn‟t get through to him on the telephone so they decided to go to his school and e what‟s wrong.
134 His total incom e of a year is $500. His yearly income totals $500.It reached a total of $500 a year.
135 --How about Jim?
--he came home with safety.
136 How about staying at home if we meet with a stormy day?
137H ow can I have put on a pound since yesterday? I‟ve eaten nothing.
138H ow can you avoid mistake when you‟ve in such a hurry?
139 How is Mary getting on with her study?
140 Hundreds of students attended the party last night.
I开头部分141 I am glad to be giving a chance to visit your country.
思厥先祖父的厥142 ——“I t‟s already midnight. W hy not go to bed?”
——“There‟s still too much houwork to do.”
143 I would rather have noodles than rice.
144 “I don‟t e that I have derved any fame and I have no taste for it,” he once said.
145“I‟ve been away a long time, and that the name is not familiar to me.”
146 I am very sleepy becau I stayed up late last night.
147 I can still remember us walking hand in hand through the street together.
148 I couldn‟t find a large enough coat, and so I took this one.
149I didn‟t expect that the few books would come to so much.
150I disapproved of the way he behaved at the meeting.
151I don‟t know how I‟d react to a situation like the one you have described.
152I found the little boy sitting on the steps, crying deeply.
153I gave him a prent but he gave me nothing in return.
154 I had my shoes shined just before I came.
155I had not even a vague idea of what was going to happen.
156 I had run on her in the public library yesterday.
157I had to stand in a queue for hours to get tickets for the film.
158 I happened to e him in the department store.
159 I have always considered you my best friend.
160 I have been to Beijing scores of times.
161I have tried in vain to account for the riddle. W hat a pity!
162 I heard her talking about Mrs. Anderson whom I had never heard of.
163 I long for an opportunity of eing you.
164 I must admit my whole heart is t on being a medical biologist.
165I must count up how much money I've spend today.
166I must prefer factual books such as biographies to fiction of any kind.
167I never expected you to turn up at the meeting; I thought you were abroad.
168I often look back on my stay in England as a happy period in my life.
169 I prefer staying at home to playing outside.
170I promi you shall e her again before long.
171 I received the invitation to the conference, but have no idea if should accept it.
172 I recognized him the moment I saw him.
173I recommended buying this dictionary but he could not afford it.
174I speak for my colleagues as well as mylf when I thank you all for your great kindness.
175 I tired to you up last night, but no one answered the phone.
176 I tried to remember to put everything in good order, but I something forgot to do so.
177I waned to make a dress, but I didn‟t know how to e about.
178 I was ashamed of when I live.
179 I was learning my lessons on the radio when she called me up.
180I was told that this sweater would not shrink in the wash but it has.
181I will have him come and keep me company.
182 I‟m going to have my car repaired tomorrow morning.
183 I‟m sorry, sir. T here …no double room available now.
184I ce and water are the same substance in different forms.
185 If a person is expod t constant noi, he may gradually endure from a loss of hearing.
186I f anyone ever catches sight of the mugger anywhere, plea call the police at the once
187If George cannot earn money for a bicycle, he will have to do without.
188 If I take this medicine twice a day ,it should cure my cold
189 If it wasn't an accident, he must have done it on purpo.
190 If Mary is aware of all the dangers, she should change her mind.
191 If the streets had been clearly marked, it would not have taken us so long to his hou.
192I f this is the ca, how is he justified in the blaming her?
193If you can make friends with her, so much the better.
194 If you check your paper carefully ,some grammar mistakes can be avoided
195If you do n‟t give up smoking you‟ll never get better
196 If you have a hou full of children and rubbish, you will next keep it clean.
197I f you really understood the difficulties facing the government, you wouldn‟t be so critical of its spending reduction.
198 If you were in my position, you would have some idea how I feel.
199I n contrast to his brother, he was always considerate in his treatment of other.
200I n his boyhood, he was slow in learning to read and write.
201I n his job you must face up to the problems and not run away from them.
202I n his speech he referred to the great help that the club received from supporters.
203I n old times, property was usually handed down to the oldest son at his father‟s death.
204 In order to improve his spoken English, he practiced talking to others in English.
205I n the preface to this book, we are given the reason why it has been republished.
206I ndustrial countries consume a great amount of raw materials.
207Intelligent people can always come up with good solution to problems
208 --Isn‟t Jane here yet?
--No. Much to surpri me, she is late.
209I t had been decided that measures should be taken to bring down the costs of the projects.
210 It has been raining for a week. I hope it will clear up.
211 It is a Japane custom to take off one‟s shoes before entering a hou.
212It is a personal taste whether you like western classic music or chinless folk music.
213 It is considerate of you to turn down the radio while your sister is still ill in bed/
214I t is encouraging to note that in recent years, cigarette smokers have been on the decline, especially among older people.
215 It is forecast that heavy rains are frightening to flood the area in a few days.
216 It is four years since he left home.
217 It is impolite to stare at somebody or follow him constantly.
218 It is impossible to know in advance what will happen.
219I t is not easy to rid onelf of a bad habit.
220I t is only by accident that you e ne here. I ought to be in the office.
221I t is reported that approximately over 1000 factories clod down last year.
222I t is unwi to shoe off your greater knowledge in front of the director.
223I t is very difficult to keep the trains running on time in winter.
224I t isn‟t much of a car, but at any rate it was not expensive.
225 It ems that he has formed a good idea.
226 It ems that his opinions are always different from his girl-friend .They don‟t get along well.
227 It took millions of people veral years to build the Great Wall.
228 It was a good game, and at the end the score was Argentina3, Germany2.
229 It was difficult to guess what her reaction to the news would be.
230 It was in G r eece that Olympics competitions started.
231 It was natural that he count the days before going home
232 It was raining hard outside and John was too anxious to go.
233It was so hot that the workmen just marked time.
234 It was so quite at night. We listened carefully but heard nothing.
235 It with cost you very little to give the boy a pat on the back once in a while; he needs encouragement.
236 It‟s a nice spring day. Mrs. White puts on her coat, goes out and shuts the door.
237I t‟s no u ringing me at the office this week becau I‟m on holiday.
238 It‟s not quite certain that he will be prent at the meeting.
239I t‟s not safe to carry so much money with you. Y ou‟d better deposit the money in the bank.
240 It‟s starting to rain; we had better hurry home.
241I t‟s up to us to give her all the help we can.
242I've a nice little sum of money put aside for a rainy day.
J开头部分243J ack almost fell off the cliff, but managed to hang on until help came.
244J im threatened to take revenge on the shirt factory that had fired him.
245 Jimmy is the oldest boy and is taller than any other boy in the class.
246John comes to visit me every now and then.
247 John regretted not going to the meeting last week.
248John sudden death was a great blow to his mother nd it took her a long time to get over the grief.
249 --John wants to e you today.
--I would rather he came tomorrow than today.
250 John‟s suit is old and it is high time he bought a new one.
251J ohnson has come down in the world since his business failed