Innovation is creating a resource.
The person who begins to take the first step, perhaps the shoes he wears at his feet, is the last pair he wears.
The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night, it is great. Illusions of knowledge are like the things of the morning. 在⾃然科学中,创⽴⽅法,研究某种重要的实验条件,往往要⽐发现个别事实更有价值。
In natural sciences, it is often more valuable to create methods to study certain important experimental conditions than to discover individual facts.横无际涯
The most esntial characteristic of a talented person is creation.
Oh! Noble manners! What a terrible thing! Demeanor is the enemy of creativity.
Size-bad innovation doesn't change much, it's about introducing new products by changing the number of products or rvices.
The creator is the real enjoyment.
The right way to ask questions is the first step in innovation.
Happiness lies not in the mere posssion of money, but in the joy of achievement, in the passion of creativity.
Originality often lies in finding the connection or similarity between two or more than two people.
By default, we are incapable of creating opportunities for failure.
固化是什么意思 Only tho who believe in the people, and tho who devote themlves to the source of their vigorous creativity, can win and remain in power.
If you want to create, you must discard all restrictions, or your creativity will be nothing more than plagiarism, it will be just a copy.
银耳凉菜 道在⽇新,艺亦须⽇新,新者⽣机也;不新则死。
Tao is new in Japan, and art must be renewed in the new era.
一年级阅读手抄报 Tho who refu to delve into understanding do not ask questions; tho who lack breakthroughs in their careers do not innovate.
水槽价格 要创新需要⼀定的灵感,这灵感不是天⽣的,⽽是来⾃长期的积累与全⾝⼼的投⼊。没有积累就不会有创新。
Innovation requires a certain amount of inspiration, not innate, but from long-term accumulation and wholehearted input. Without accumulation, there will be no innovation.
Innovation sometimes takes a dive off the beaten track and into the woods, and you're sure to find something you've never en before.
Most people who have actually met scientific rearch know that tho who refu to surpass the facts ldom achieve anything.
Faith is a great emotion, a creative force.
The success or failure of an enterpri lies in whether it can innovate, especially at the prent stage of the transformation of the old and new systems. In the special difficult period of an enterpri, this spirit is needed even more.
We must remember that the cocoon silkworm will not e the world outside the cocoon shell.
We should love science, becau human beings are less powerful than science and invincible.
Innovation is the life force of scientific housing.
There is nothing to be desired in a peaceful world, but what is most desirable is work; there is nothing to be respected in a peaceful world, and what is respected is only an innovator of work.
Labor can arou people's creativity.
The main mark of genius is not perfection but creation, and genius can create a new situation.
Creation, whether physical or spiritual, always breaks away from the cage of the body, gets involved in the whirlwind of life and lives with the gods.
The cret of getting rich lies in bold innovation and eight unique characters.
Education can not create anything, but it can inspire children's creativity to engage in creative work.
With spiritual experiments and obrvations as the basis for rearch, imagination becomes the architect of natural science theory.
Science also needs creation, fantasy and fantasy to break the shackles of tradition and develop science.
Imagination is more important than knowledge, becau knowledge is limited, and imagination generalizes everything in the world, promotes progress, and is the source of knowledge progress.
The wi young man thinks that if he admits the truth which has been admitted by others, he will lo his originality, which is the greatest mistake.
This innovation reprents what the society needs: initiative, initiative and creativity.
Human innovation is extremely difficult, so the existing form is regarded as a sacred legacy.
The existence of science depends entirely on its new discoveries. If there is no new discovery, science will die.
Pioneering work promotes the development of creativity.
What we learn from failure is much more than what we learn from success.