孝善Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Since 1999 Medknow has
been pioneering open
access publishing and we are
one of the largest open access
publishers in the world,
publishing more than
340 journals and having树沟
partnerships with over
300 associations and societies.
We u a professional, online manuscript management system called the Journal on Web (JOW)
Journals published with Medknow are indexed for arching on Ovid®, a major platform hosting medical books, journals and databas, making them immediately discoverable by a wide
population of international medical and scientific professionals Our dedicated publishing team will provide help and advice to increa the penetration of your journal and to advance its
recognition internationally on best practice
Membership is managed online, and we provide efficient logistic and distribution management
■Our system provides full support and compatibility for different files (including images and videos) in multiple formats
■We provide excellent customer rvice to guide you through the publishing process
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