901.特别关注中国的历史、地理、政治和经济体制、⽣态、⽂化、民俗、不同的种族、宗教组织和信仰、建筑和历史遗迹 pay special attention to the history of China, its geography, political and economic system,
ecology, culture,custom, races, religious groups and beliefs, architecture and archeology
902.埋头研究immersion in study 沉思 immersion in thought
903.利⽤好你们的优点 u the skills you have
904.⽬光独到的 discerning
905.卓越成就 pervasive achievements
906.为之神往 be mesmerized
907.亲⾝体验 experience at first hand
908.风采 splendors, elegant demeanor, graceful bearing
909.多元种族multiethnic 多元化社会multicultural community
910.中国⽂化丰富了美国⼈的⽣活Americans Looking to Chine Culture to Enrich Theri Life
911.中国的奢侈品,例如丝绸、茶和瓷器⼤受欢迎,也深刻的改变了⼀些西⽅⼈的⽣活⽅式。Chine luxury goods like silks, teas and porcelain were in great demand and transformed their
way of life drastically.
912.法律意识 legal awareness
913.⾏为准则 code of conduct; rule of behavior
914.上梁不正下梁歪。Fish begins to stink at the head. (化异)
Misfortune goes with fortune and fortune lies in misfortune. (归化)
916.政⼯⼲部 political cadre(s)
917.它很容易吸收他国的⽂化价值观和习俗,把他们融⼊并成为美国多元种族和多元⽂化社会的⼀部分。This makes it easier for it to absorb cultural values and practices from other countries and to
nurture them so that they become part of the social fabric of its own multiethnic and
multicultural community.
918.独⽴思考和独当⼀⾯ think and work on one's own
919.克林顿总统最新经济的定义是三个重点:第⼀是新科技,第⼆是进取精神,第三是创新。American President Bill Clinton has defined the New Economy as "an economy that is fuelled
by technology,
driven by enterpreneurship and innovations".
The Internet is not just a technology, it is also about marketing.
921.True science teaches, above all, to doubt and be ignorant.——Miguel de Unamuno
922.That is the esnce of science: ask an impertinent question, and you are on the way to
the pertinent answer.——Jacob Bronovski
923.Science does not have a moral dimension. It is like a knife. If you give it to a surgeon
or a murder,
each will u it differently. ——W.Browne科学的道德尺度:好⽐⼀把⼑,你把它给⼀个外科医⽣和⼀个凶⼿,他们使⽤它的⽅法各不相同。
924.Science must not be a lfish pleasure. Tho who have the good fortune to be able to
devote themlves to scientific pursuits must be the first to place their knowledge at the
rvice of humanity.——Karl Marx科学绝对不是⼀种⾃私⾃利的享乐。有幸能够致⼒于科学研究的⼈,⾸先应该拿⾃⼰的学识为⼈类服务。
925.The exploration and rearch in science have the utmost beauty in itlf and pleasure
in itlf which is reward, that is why I have found pleasure in my work.——Marie Curie科学的探讨和
926. Culture itlf is neither education nor lawmaking, it is an atmosphere and a heritage.
——H. L. Mencken⽂化本⾝既不是教育也不是⽴法,它是⼀种氛围,⼀种遗产。复活节是几月几日
927. The value of culture is its effect on character. It avails nothing unless it ennobles and
strengthens that. Its u is for life. Its aim is not beauty but goodness.
——W. S. Maugham⽂化的价值在于它对⼈类品性的影响。除⾮⽂化能使品性变为⾼尚,并加强品性,它便毫⽆效⽤。它的⽤处在于裨益⼈⽣。它的⽬标不是美,⽽是善。
928. Culture is an activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. Scraps
of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well-informed man is the most uless bore on God's earth.——A. N. Whitehead⽂化是⼀种思想活动,是对美和⼈类情感的领悟,与零碎地知识⽆关。⼀个仅仅是满腹经纶的⼈对于世界是⽆裨益的。
929. Art is human activity having its purpo the transmission to others of the highest and
best feeling to which we have rin.——Leo Tolstoy艺术是⼈类的⼀种活动,其⽬的是把我们体会的尚、最美妙的感情传给别⼈。
930. Art and science create a balance to material life and enlarge the world of living experience.
Art leads to a more profound concept of life, becau art itlf is a profound expression of feeling.——Hans Hofmann艺术和科学平衡了物质⽣活并拓宽了世界的⽣活经历。艺术引导⼈更深⼊地认知⽣活,因为艺术本⾝是感情的⼀种深⼊地表达。
931.学校排名不宜影响教学ranking should not impede learning
However, competition can be both virtuous and vicious and it is quite impossible to just retain
the former and say no to the latter.
低调奢华有内涵 It is unfortune that to a large extend, academic scores have become the primary concern in
the learning process.
934.学⽣的潜⼒各有不同,学校本应该提供⼀个“凭鱼跃、任鸟飞”的天地,让他们学习,给他们尝试发挥所长。Pupils have different potential and should rightly be provided with an environment where they
can excel in areas they are good at by schools.
935.学校的好坏,本来就不应只以学习成绩为准的,这个观念不改,教育的真正内涵便难以淋漓尽致地展现出来。To begin with, a school should not be judged only on its academic results. It is time for us to
change our mindt so that we do not lo sight of the basic purpo of education.
936.造出“两弹⼀星”detonate two nuclear devices and nd a satellite to space
937.这是⼀个很重要的问题,值得讨论。This is an important issue to be discusd.
938.科学研究要有传统,要有实验,要有经济基础。Scientific rearch requires tradition, experiment and economic foundations.
939.讲到基础科学,1985年到1964年间中国科学家成功合成胰岛素,世界,是完全可以得到诺贝尔奖的成就。In the basic sciences, Chine scientists succeeded in synthesizing insulin between 1958鹿肉的营养价值
and 1964. This is a world pioneering effort that fully derved a Nobel Prize.
a widespread lack of confidence in paper money
941.中国在⾃⼰发展的长河中,形成了优良的历史⽂化传统。这些传统,随着时代变迁和社会进步获得扬弃和发展。 In the prolonged cour of its development, China has formed its fine historical and cultural
traditions, which have been
either developed or sublated with the changes of the times and social progress.
The enthusiasm to study in China is the twin of the enthusiasm for Chine.
significant cost reductions and productivity improvements that enable higher-quality cars to be brought to the market faster
……store the cumulative wisdom and knowledge of generation past
945.Re: 请问运算能⼒怎么说?
arithmetic capability
946.Re: 请问鱼的回游⽤英语怎么表达?
洄游路线migration route 产卵洄游spawning migration索饵洄游feeding migration
947.Re: 请问⼀下,“餐饮业”怎么说啊?(转载)catering business/trade/industry
948.Re: 代⼈发问
conrvation laws 守恒定律. conrvation laws of mass-energy 质能守恒定律
949.Re: 辩论赛⽤英⽂怎么说?debate
950.Re: *⽇本帝国主义,怎么翻Down with Japane Imperialism!