
更新时间:2023-05-21 17:27:08 阅读: 评论:0

大家好!这是继《我的第一本亲子英文书》后又一本亲子英文书!——最适合千千万万爸爸妈妈育儿的 英语书(书中宣传语!)包括早上用的英语语句幼儿园生活用语放学后在家里用的英语语句在户外使用的英语语句四部分。
1-01 It's time to get up! Wake up!
●The sun is up.Time to get up.太阳都晒屁股啦,该起床了。
●Mom,I'm so sleepy.5 more minutes.妈妈,我还没睡醒,再睡5分钟吧。
●You're running late!Get out of bed.苹果蓝牙不行 ,要迟到了,立刻起床。
  It's already 7:00 AM.现在都7点了。
  Next time,go to bed earlier.明天开始早点睡。
●All right.I am up now.知道了,已经起来了。
●Good morning,did you sleep well?早上好,宝贝睡得好吗?

●Wake up./Get up.醒醒。/起床了。
●Hurry and get up./Ri and shine.快点起床了。/太阳晒屁股了。
●You,sleepyhead.Come on,don't be lazy.你这个小懒虫,还不起床,快点!
●Are you awake?睡醒了吗?
●Good morning.早上好!
  Did you have a good night/rest?宝贝睡得好吗?
●Is your Dad still sleeping?爸爸还在睡觉吗?
●Go and wake Dad up,plea.去把爸爸叫醒!
●I dreamed about a tiger.我做噩梦了。

1-02 Let's do our exercis together.
●Let's do some morning exerci.去晨练吧。
  First,stretch yourlf.先伸伸懒腰。
  Now stretch to one side,then the other.右转转,左转转。
●Look at me!I did it.妈妈看我,我做到了。
●Let's swing your arms high.用力甩胳膊。
  Let's try some jumping.做跳跃运动吧。
  First curl up,then shoot into the air.先把身体蜷一下,然后往前跳。
●You should exerci.Follow me.你应该锻炼,跟我做吧。
●Before we exerci,let's do some stretching.锻炼前先放松身体。
●Stretch out your arms and legs.活动活动手脚。
●Touch your toes.触摸脚尖。
●Reach up high.把胳膊用力地伸展开。
●Turn your neck.转转脖子。
●Twist your waist.扭扭腰。
●Put your hands on your hips and turn to the right.默默无闻的人把手放在屁股上向右转一转。

1-03 Go wash your face.
●Did you wash your face?洗脸了吗?
●No,I didn't.没有。皮康王能治癣吗
●Go wash your face and brush your teeth.快去洗脸刷牙吧。
  Brush your teeth completely clean.把牙刷干净点。
  Up and down,and side to side!上刷刷,下刷刷,从左到右再刷刷。
●Put some lotion on your face.抹点护肤液吧。
●First wash your face with soap.先用香皂洗脸吧。
华罗庚●Then rin your face.然后再用水清洗。
●Dry your face with a towel.用毛巾把脸擦干净。
●Put some toothpaste on your toothbrush.把牙膏挤在牙刷上。
●Brush your teeth.刷牙吧。
●Move your toothbrush up and down,and side to side.刷牙时上下左右都要刷。
●Rin your mouth out.漱口吧。
●Floss gently.用牙线轻轻地清理牙齿。

1-04 Hurry up and get dresd.
●Here's your new suit.这是你的新衣服。
  Put on your new suit while I t the table.我摆餐具时你去换新衣服。
●I don't like this suit!不喜欢这件衣服!
●I'm going to help you get dresd.我帮你换衣服。
  First put on the pants.Now the shirt.先穿裤子。现在穿上衣
  Good,you're all dresd-up.好的。穿好衣服帅气多了!
●What do you want to wear?想穿什么衣服?
●I want to wear my brand-new suit.我想穿我的新衣服。
●Chang your clothes./Get dresd.换衣服吧。/穿衣服。
●Look,I got dresd all by mylf.看,我自己穿好衣服了。
●Take off your pajamas.脱掉睡衣吧。
●Put on your shirt.穿衬衣吧。
●Button your shirt.扣好扣子。
●Put on your shoes.Tie your shoelaces.穿好鞋,把鞋带系上。

1-05 Don't forget to brush your hair.
●Look at yourlf in the mirror.去照照镜子吧。
  Don't forget to brush your hair.不要忘了梳头呀。
●I don't know where the pin is!我找不到发夹了。
●Fix yourlf.Let me comb your hair.打扮得漂亮点,妈妈给宝贝扎头发吧。
How do you want your hair?扎什么样的辫子?
●In a ponytail.给我扎一个马尾吧。
●Comb your hair before you go out.出门之前梳梳头发吧。怎么清理c盘垃圾
●You need to do your hair.你得做个发型。
●Let me part your hair in the middle.给你的头发从中间分缝吧。
●Let me part your hair on the right side.从右边分缝吧。
●Let me braid your hair.给你编小辫吧。
●How about pigtails?扎两个小辫怎么样?
●Let's mous your hair.我们来打点摩丝吧。
●It looks great./You're gorgeous!真好看。/你好漂亮呀!

1-06 Breakfast is ready. Let's have breakfast.
●Time for breakfast!到吃早餐的时间了!
  Do you want toast or rice with soup?吃面包还是泡饭?
●The toast and egg are ready.Here you are.面包和鸡蛋准备好了,给你。
●I don't want any eggs.我不想吃鸡蛋。
●Try it,you'll like it!Take a bite.尝尝吧,很好吃!就吃一口。
●It's yummy.真好吃。
●I have something special for your breakfast.我给你准备了一些特殊的食物。
●Let's try a bit of spinach.吃一点菠菜吧。
●Okay,but only a little.好的,但只吃一点。
●Why don't you try a little bit?为什么不尝一点呢?
浙江的浙组词●Eat a lot.多吃点。
●All gone!都吃掉了!
●Have you finished eating?都吃完了吗?
●I want more!我还想吃呀!

1-07 It's raining. Put on your raincoat.
●It's raining.下雨了。
  You can't go outside until you get all your raincoat on!出去之前要穿雨衣呀!
  Put on your raincoat.穿上雨衣。
  Put on your rubber boots.穿上雨鞋。
●Where is my umbrella?我的 雨伞在哪里?
●Here you are.给你。
  We're ready for the rain.Let's go outside.做好雨天出发的准备了,走吧。
●It's raining.Come on inside.下雨了,到里面去吧。
●We can't stay outside.我们不能在外面待着。
●We'll get soaked.会被淋湿的。
●Your raincoat is here.你的雨衣在这里。
●The raincoat will keep the rain off your whole body.这件雨衣可以帮你挡雨。
●Rubber boots will keep your feet dry in the puddles.雨鞋可以不让积水弄湿你的小脚丫。
●Put your  rain hat on.戴上雨帽吧。
●You're all dresd for the rain.穿戴好了不怕雨啦。

1-08 Are you ready to go out.
●You'll be late for kindergarten.你要迟到了。
  Do you pack your bag?书包整理好了吗?
  Do you have everything you need?该拿的东西都准备好了吗?
●I already packed the school bag.都准备好了。
●Are you ready to go?准备出发了吗?
●Yes.I am leaving,now.嗯,现在就出发了。
●Let's hurry and get ready to go to kindergarten.快点准备去幼儿园!
●Are you ready for kindergarten?准备好去幼儿园了吗?
●Did you pack your bag?书包准备好了吗?
●Check your books!看看有书落下没有?
●I put my books into my backpack.我把书装进书包里了。
●Put on your shoes.穿鞋吧。
●Put on your backpack.背上书包吧。
●Kiss me goodbye!来个吻别。

1-09 Here comes the school bus.
●Minki,hurry up!民基,快点啦!
  We have to go now.我们现在就得走!
  Your school bus will be here soon.校车马上要来了。
  Let's get going.走吧。
  The school bus should be here already.校车应该已经到了。
●Here comes the school bus!校车来了!
●Let's get on the bus.赶紧上车吧。
  Plea watch your step.小心台阶。
●Okay,I'm coming.好的,我走啦。
●Let's hurry.You'll miss the bus.快点,要不赶不上校车了。
●We misd the bus.我们没赶上校车。
●But there's another bus in thirty minutes.下一趟得30分钟以后吧。
●Let's go to kindergarten by taxi.我们坐出租车去幼儿园吧。
●I'll give you a ride.我开车捎你过去。
●How long have you been waiting?等多久了?
●The school bus pulls up on time.校车是准时来的。
●We don't want to be late for school.Come on.我们可不想迟到呀,快点吧。

1-10 Daily Routines
●wake up
●wash your face& brush your teeth
●get dresd
●eat breakfast
●take the bus to school
●listen to your teacher
●come home
●do your homework
●go to the market with mommy
●eat dinner
●watch TV
●take a bath
●pack the bag
●listen to a story
上海的英语●get into bed/go to sleep

本文发布于:2023-05-21 17:27:08,感谢您对本站的认可!



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