How to Improve Your Reading Speed: U My Techniques and Follow The Easy Directions
In this newsletter, I'm going to show you some speed reading techniques that I've discovered to be extremely effective. There are three parts to today's newsletter, and I urge you to read each one very carefully.
Part of my philosophy is that it's easier to learn something right the first time, than learn it wrong and try to correct yourlf later. I learned speed reading wrong the first time, and it took me a long time to correct all of my problems. Luckily for you, that's given me good insight into all the things that can go wrong, and a vast knowledge of what works and what doesn't.
So you're going to learn a bit about that here, and you're also going to get some easy‐to‐follow directions on a good speed reading method to try. Hopefully,
you'll be able to take the tips and techniques and apply them to your normal reading routine. This stuff will work especially well if you've already "internalized" the tips and techniques from the previous newsletters, but even if this is the only thing you really pay attention to, I think you'll still make some great improvements to your reading ability.
PART 1: REGRESSION水果店怎么经营比较好
Regression is one of the biggest bad habits that slows people down when reading – and you know what worst part about it is? It's hard to tell if you're even doing it.
Regression is the habit of skipping back while reading to re‐read something. When you do it intentionally, it's probably for a good reason. When you lo focus and stop following the material, then yeah, it's probably a good idea to skip back to where you lost track, and restart from there. But you'd be surprid at how often regression occurs unnecessarily. For a lot of people, regression is such a huge problem that as soon as they get it solved, their reading speed goes up by 100wpm.
There are two ways to solve this problem. The first way is just to tell yourlf to not regress. This actually helps a lot. Once you start to pay attention to your
regression, you'll notice how often you do it, and how often it's actually unnecessary.
The cond way is to actually help your eyes avoid regression, and this is what I'm going to show you how to do in this report.
The reason we approach it this way is that a lot of the time, regression is not caud by loss of focus, or weak comprehension – it's just becau your eyes are not very good at reading. I know this sounds a little strange, but it's truer than you think.
It is extremely common people to "lo track" while reading. This happens all the time, in all kinds of ways, for almost all readers on the planet. For example, maybe your brain will just stop concentrating on the text, and your comprehension will start to drop off. Or maybe you'll actually lo your place while reading, and you'll have to scan around the page to find out where you left off. Here's another example: if you wanted to count something – like the number of lines on a page – how well do you think it would work if you just ud your eyes (without a finger or a pencil to help you along)? Obviously, it wouldn't work very well – your eyes aren't very good at that kind of stuff.
What your eyes ARE good at is darting around, scanning, and following motion. So the solution is to simply incorporate tho things into reading, to make it a more enjoyable, more exciting experience for your eyes. (I know that your eyes are not ntient – I'm really talking about the vision centres of your brain, but it's easier to just say "eyes.")
Focus Point Guiding. This is actually the basis of a few of the famous speed reading programs, like Eye Q, Howard Berg's "Mega Speed Reading", and a few more. The reason this is so popular is that it WORKS!
中国名人的故事Creating a focus point will help you guide your eyes, making sure that they read in exactly the way you want them to AND making it easy for them to read in exactly the way you want them to. So let me explain what exactly Focus Point Guiding is, so that you can know what I'm talking about here.恐怖电影排行
The idea is to guide your eyes with your finger, or a pencil, (or whatever,) as you read. So if you're doing left‐to‐right reading, then you just go along with your finger where you think your eyes should be looking. Just underline the words as you read, and let your eyes pretty much follow your finger.
小葱拌豆腐Take a look at this diagram for a little visual explanation:
This image was actually taken straight from the Speed
Reading Manual, which talks about this same sort of stuff,
but in more detail…
Key points to remember: keep a steady rhythm, don't slow down, read as fast as your comprehension allows, and don't skip back.
So let me tell you why this helps. When you guide your eyes with your finger, a few things happen:
Your reading speed will become more stable.
Your eyes will have an easier time keeping track of the text.
You won't regress nearly as much.
象棋是谁发明的Your reading speed will increa.
Tho are all good things, and they work with each other to strengthen your reading ability as a whole.
So that's all great, but how would you like to u that very same "focus point guiding" method to improve your reading speed even more, and give yourlf an even bigger reading speed boost?
This technique involves alternating reading extremely quickly (running) and reading at your regular speed (walking). I got the "Run/Walk" name from marathon runners, who u this method to stretch out their endurance and travel extremely long distances.
I find that this works extremely well in reading, but only if you do it right. So right now, I'm going to show you how to do it right, and how to u this method to drastically improve your reading ability.
WAIT! This method makes heavy u of focus point guiding. It's a very
失眠的治疗方法good idea to practice that up a little bit before trying this. If you want to
make some big progress using the run/walk method, then I riously
recommend that you pau reading here, get a book or a newspaper, and read at least one article or one chapter using your finger to pace and
guide your eyes. Focus point guiding is a core part of the run/walk
method, so you need to be comfortable with it before continuing
First let's define the "walk" in this method. Walking is reading at your best, most comfortable speed. It's the speed where your comprehension is at 100%, and where if you go any faster, your comprehension starts to drop. If you've got a page of text handy, then try reading a paragraph or two in your walk speed (remember to guide your focus point), and remind yourlf of how fast that is. Your "run" speed should be way faster than your walk. If your walk speed is around 250wpm, then your run should be 750wpm – aim for triple your walk speed. It's at this super‐speed that focus point guiding is going to become uful in a very obvious, very obrvable way. If you try to read at this kind of speed