2016年6月 六级 第2套 范文,原文,解析,译文

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2016年6月 六级 第2套 范文,原文,解析,译文
Part I Writing 
Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on e-learning. Try to
imagine what will happen when more and more people study online instead of attending school. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
小学运动会入场词With the advent of E-era, electronic industry promptly covers almost every aspect of life, profoundly changing the pattern of nearly everything. E-learning is one among them, and is gaining increasing popularity.
E-learning, as a perfect complement to traditional forms of education, rves as a very uful learning tool for students. Before e-learning, students had no other choice but to attend school. But if they could not go to school due to some certain reasons, such as illness, or tight schedule, they would regretfully miss their class. However, with the aid of e-learning, students will not miss any class. What is more, they can even study online cours provided by teachers who are far away, thus making high-quality educational resources accessible. Admittedly, e-learning, as an additional educational tool,
should not replace traditional education, for, apart from education itlf, students also need to develop their social skills, which online cours cannot provide. Therefore, if students choo to solely rely on online study instead of attending school, it can’t be a wi choice to make.
It is obvious that e-learning, with its merits,  will make a good complement to traditional education.
  Part Ⅱ  Listening 
Section A
Conversation One
M: So how long have you been a Market Rearch Consultant?
W: Well, I started straight after finishing university.
M: Did you study market rearch?
W: Yeah, and it really helped me to get into the industry, but I have to say that it's more important to get experience in different types of market rearch to find out exactly what you're interested in.
M: So what are you interested in?
W: Well, at the moment, I specialize in quantitative advertising rearch, which means that I do two types of projects. Trackers, which are ongoing projects that look at trends or customer satisfaction over a long period of time. The only problem with trackers is that it takes up a lot of your time. But you do build up a good relationship with the client. I also do a couple of ad-hoc jobs which are much shorter projects. M: What exactly do you mean by ad-hoc jobs?
W: It's basically when companies need quick answers to their questions about their consumers' habits. They just ask for one questionnaire to be nt out for example, so the time you spend on an ad-hoc project tends to be fairly short.
M: Which do you prefer, trackers or ad-hoc?
W: I like doing both and in fact I need to do both at the same time to keep me from going crazy. I need the variety.
M: Can you just explain what process you go through with a new client?
W: Well, together we decide on the methodology and the objectives of the rearch. I then design a
questionnaire. Once the interviewers have been briefed, I nd the client a schedule and then they get back to me with deadlines. Once the final charts and tables are ready, I have to check them and organize a prentation.
M: Hmm, one last question, what do you like and dislike about your job?
W: As I said, variety is important and as for what I don't like, it has to be the checking of charts and tables.
Questions 1 to 4 are bad on the conversation you have just heard.
Q1: What position does the woman hold in the company?
Q2: What does the woman specialize in at the moment?
Q3: What does the woman say about trackers?
Q4: What does the woman dislike about her job?
Conversation Two
W: Hello, I'm here with Frederick. Now Fred, you went to university in Canada?
M: Yeah, that's right.
5月的英语W: OK, and you have very strong views about universities in Canada. Could you plea explain?
M: Well, we don't have private universities in Canada. They’re all public. All the universities are owned by the government, so there is the Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities and so there is not much room for flexibility. Since it's a government operated institution, things don't move very fast. If you want something to be done, then their staff do not have so much incentive to help you becau he's a worker for the government. So I don't think it's very efficient. However, there are certain advantages of public universities, such as the fees being free. You don't have to pay for your education. But the system isn't efficient, and it does not work that well.
W: Yeah, I can e your point, but in the United States we have many private universities, and I think they are large bureaucracies also. Maybe people don't act that much differently, becau it’s the same thing working for a private university. They get paid for their job. I don’t know if they're that much more motivated to help people. Also, we have a problem in the United States that usually only wealthy kids go to the best schools and it's kind of a problem actually.
M: I agree with you. I think it's a problem becau you're not giving equal access to education to everybody. It’s not easy, but having only public universities also might not be the best solution. Perhaps we can learn from Japan where they have a system of private and public universities. Now, in Japan, public universities are considered to be the best.
W: Right. It's the exact opposite in the United States.
M: So, as you e, it's very hard to say which one is better.
W: Right, a good point.
Questions 5 to 8 are bad on the conversation you have just heard.
Q5: What does the woman want Frederick to talk about?
Q6: What does the man say about the curriculum in Canadian universities?
Q7: On what point do the speakers agree?
Q8: What point does the man make at the end of the conversation?
Section B
Passage one
A recent international labor organization report says the deterioration of real wages around the world calls into question the true extend of economic recovery, especially if government’s rescue packages are phad out too early. The report warns the picture on wages is likely to get wor this year, despite indications of economic rebound. Patrick Basler, an international labor’s organization’s specialist, says declining wage rates are linked to the levels of unemployment.
The quite dramatic unemployment figures which we now e in some of the countries strongly suggest that there would be greater pressure on wages in the future as more people would be unemployed. More people would be looking for jobs. And the pressure on employers to rai wages to attract workers will decline. So we expect that the cond part of the year will not be very good in terms of wage growth.
最具幸福感的城市排名The report finds more than a quarter of the country’s experienced flat or falling monthly wages in real terms. They include the United States, Austria, Costa Rica, South Africa and Germany. International Labor Organization economists say some nations have come up with policies to lesn the impact of
lower wages during the economic crisis. An example of the is work sharing with government subsidies. Under this
餐饮管理制度scheme, the number of individual working hours is reduced in an effort to avoid layoffs. For this scheme to work, the government must provide wage subsidies to compensate for lost pay due to the shorter hours.
Questions 9 to 11 are bad on the passage you have just heard.
Q9: What is the international labor organization’s report mainly about?
Q10: According to an international labor organization specialist, how would employers feel if there are more people looking for jobs?
Q11: What does the speaker mean by the work-sharing scheme?
Passage Two
Is there really a magic memory pill or a herbal recall remedy? I have been frequently asked if the memory supplements work. You know, one of the first things I like to tell people when they ask me a
bout the supplements, is that a lot of them are promoted as a cure for your memory. But your memory doesn’t need a cure. What your memory needs is a good work-out. So really tho supplements aren’t going to give you that perfect memory in the way that they promi. The other thing is that a lot of the supplements aren’t necessarily what they claim to be, and you really have to be wary when you take any of them. The science isn't there behind most of them. They're not really well-regulated unless they adhere to some industry standard. You don't really know that what they say is in there, isn't there. What you must understand is that tho supplements, especially in some eastern cultures, are part of a medical practice tradition. People don't just go in a local grocery store and buy the supplements. In fact, they are prescribed and they're given at a certain level, a dosage that is understood by a practitioner who's been trained. And that's not really the way they're ud in this country. The other thing people do forget is that the are medicines, so they do have an impact. A lot of times people are not really aware of the impact they have, or the fact that taking them in combination with other medications might put you at incread risk for something that you wouldn’t otherwi being countering or be at risk for.
Questions 12 to 15 are bad on the passage you have just heard.
Q12. What question is frequently put to the speaker?
Q13. What does the speaker say about most memory supplements?
乳头大Q14. What do we learn about memory supplements in eastern cultures?
电脑忘记开机密码Q15. What does the speaker say about memory supplements at the end?
Recording 1
The negative impacts of natural disasters can be en everywhere. In just the past few weeks, the world has witnesd the destructive power of earthquakes in Indonesia, typhoons in the Philippines, and the destructive a waves that struck Samoa and neighboring islands.
A study by the Center for Rearch on the Epidemiology of Disasters finds that, between 1980 and 2007, nearly 8,400 natural disasters killed more than two million people. The catastrophic events caud more than $1.5 trillion in economic loss. U.N. weather expert Geoffrey Love says that is the bad news.
Over the last 50 years, economic loss have incread by a factor of 50. That sounds pretty terrible, but the loss of life has decread by a factor of 10 simply becau we are getting better at warning people. We are making a difference. Extreme events, however, will continue to occur. But, th
e message is that they need not be disasters.
Love, who is director of Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction at the World Meteorological Organization, says most of the deaths and economic loss were caud by weather, climate, or water-related extremes. The include droughts, floods, windstorms, strong tropical winds and wildfires.
He says extreme events will continue. But, he says extreme events become disasters only when people fail to prepare for them.
"Many of the remedies are well-known. From a planning perspective, it’s pretty simple. Build better buildings. Don’t build where the hazards will destroy them. From an early-warning perspective, make sure the warnings go right down to the community level. Build community action plans. ”
The World Meteorological Organization points to Cuba and Bangladesh as examples of countries that have successfully reduced the loss of life caud by natural disasters by taking preventive action.
It says tropical storms formerly claimed dozens, if not hundreds of lives, each year, in Cuba. But, the
development of an early-warning system has reverd that trend. In 2008, Cuba was hit by five successive hurricanes, but only ven people were killed.
Bangladesh also has achieved substantial results. Major storm surges in 1970 and 1991 caud the deaths of about 440,000 people. Through careful preparation, the death toll from a super tropical storm in November 2007 was less than 3,500.
Q16. What is the talk mainly about?
Q17. How can we stop extreme events from turning into events?
Q18. What does the example of Cuba rve to show?
Recording 2
As U.S. banks recovered with the help of the American government and the American taxpayers, president Obama held meetings with top bank executives, telling them it’s time to return the favor. “The way I e it are banks now having a greater obligation to the goal of a wider recovery,” he said. But the president may be giving the financial ctor too much credit. “It was in a free fall, and it was a very scary period.” Economist Martin Neil Baily said. After the failure of Lehman Brothers, many of
the world’s largest banks feared the worst as the collap of the housing bubble expod in investments in risky loans.
Although he says the worst is just over, Bailey says the banking crisis is not. More than 130 US banks failed in 2009. He predicts high failure rates for smaller, regional banks in 2010 as commercial real estate loans come due.
"So there may actually be a worning of credit availability to small and medium-sized business in the next year or so."
Analysts say the biggest problem is high unemployment, which weakens demand and makes banks reluctant to lend. But US Bancorp chief Richard Davis es the situation differently.
“We're probably more optimistic than the experts might be. With that in mind, we're putting everything we can, lending is the coal to our engine, so we want to make more loans. We have to find a way to qualify more people and not put ourlves at risk."
While some economists predict continued recovery in the future, Baily says the only certainty is that banks are unlikely to make the same mistakes twice.
“You know, forecasting's become a very hazardous business so I don't want to commit mylf too much. I don't think we know exactly what's going to happen but it's certainly possible that we could get very slow growth over the next year or two.”
If the economy starts to shrink again, Baily says it would make a strong ca for a cond stimulus -- something the Obama administration hopes will not be necessary.
Q19. What do president Obama hope the banks will do?
Q20. What is Martin Neil Baily’s prediction about the financial situation in the future?
Q21. What does U.S. Bancorp chief Richard Davis say about its future operation?
Q22. What does Martin Neil Baily think of a cond stimulus to the economy?
Recording 3
A new study has failed to find any conclusive evidence that lifestyle changes can prevent cognitive decline in older adults.
Still there are good reasons to make positive changes in how we live and what we eat as we age. Cognitive decline is the loss of ability to learn new skills, or recall words, names, and faces that is most common as we age. To reduce or avoid it, rearchers have examined the effect of smoking, diet, brain-challenging games, exerci and other strategies.
Rearchers at Duke University scrutinized more than 160 published studies and found an abnce of strong evidence that any of the approaches can make a big difference.
Co-author James Burke helped design the study.
In the obrvational studies we found that some of the B vitamins were beneficial. Exerci, diet, cognitive stimulation show some positive effects, although the evidence was not so strong that we could actually consider the firmly established.
Some previous studies have suggested that challenging your brain with mentally stimulating activities might help. And Burke said that actually does em to help, bad on randomized studies - the rearcher's gold standard.
Cognitive stimulation is one of the areas where we did find some benefit. The exact type of stimulation that an individual us is not as important as being intellectually engaged.
淫的成语The expert review also found insufficient evidence to recommend any drugs or dietary supplements that could prevent or slow cognitive decline.
However, given that there is at least some evidence for positive effects from some of the lifestyle changes, plus other benefits apparently unrelated to cognitive decline, Burke was willing to offer some recommendations.
I think that by having people adopt a healthy lifestyle, both from a medical standpoint as well as nutritional and cognitive stimulation standpoint, we can reduce the incidence of cognitive decline, which will be proof that the factors are, in fact, important.
James Burke of Duke University is one of the authors of a study reviewing previous rearch on cognitive decline. The paper is published online by the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Q23. According to the speaker, what might be a symptom of cognitive decline in older adult?
Q24. According to James Burke, what does em to help reduce cognitive decline?
Q25. What did James Burke recommend to reduce the incidence of cognitive decline?
  Part Ⅲ  Reading 
N) strapping。 of是介词,后面通常跟名词,代词,动名词,因为后面出现了介宾短语,所以该处必须填动名词,符合要求的有A) avoiding 避免;回避(现在分词或动名词);G) inquiring 询问;调查(现在分词或动名词);N) strapping 用带子系(现在分词或动名词)。根据上下文,介宾短语是旱冰鞋,能和旱冰鞋搭配的只有strapping。
I)positive。因为该空后面是名词attitude,所以前面必须填形容词,符合要求的有I) positive 积极的;确信的;O) typical 典型的。根据上下文:“你对它持有____的态度”。能形容态度的只能是positive。
D)illustrates。该空所在句缺谓语,根据文章时态可以确定谓语动词为一般现在时,再根据主谓一致原则,因为主语description为单数,所以谓语动词就得找“s”或“es”结尾的动词,符合要求的是D) illustrates 表明;阐明;
F) improves 改进;提高。根据上下文“对滑旱冰的描述_____了三种态度”,能符合语义的只能是“表明”。
C)highlight。该空所在句缺谓语动词,前后句用分号相连说明表并列,分号后面句子时态为一般现在时,所以前半句的谓语动词时态也为一般现在时,又因为主语“the feelings”为复数,根据主谓一致原则,谓语动词后面不能加“s”或“es”。符合要求的是C) highlight 使突出;(用荧光笔)标出;J) prevail 获胜;盛行;L) prompt 促使;提示;迅速的;及时的(动词或形容词)。根据上下文,选C较为恰当,此时,highlight译为突显。

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