The Study of Pragmatic Presupposition on Advertising Language
【Abstract失道而后德】深圳驾照With the development of linguistics, linguists examine the advertising language from the perspective of the relationship of language and context. Under such conditions, pragmatic presupposition becomes naturally the tool to study advertising language. The paper will discuss the applications of pragmatic presupposition in advertiment,which can help us have a better understanding of its functions.
【一般的Key words】advertiment; advertising language; pragmatic preposition
1. Introduction
Nowadays, advertiment is glutted in modern life. Although the advertising language is one of the persuasive speech acts which are short, it contains a large amount of information. Thus, how to convey the uful information in short advertiments with the hel
p of pragmatic presupposition, to persuade effectively the potential customers is the purpo of advertirs and the practical significance of the prent study.贮蓄的读音