Material Safety Data Sheet
1. Chemical Product and Company Identification
2. Hazards Identification
Product name : AMILAN CM3004V0
如何在电脑上画画GHS Classification :
Label element :
Product No.(MSDS No.) : D3E-RNB670-1
Health Hazards :
Environmental Hazards :
Signal Word : WARNING
Hazard statement :
Acute toxicity -Oral : Not classified
Acute toxicity -Dermal : Not classified
Acute toxicity -Inhalation : Not classified
Skin corrosion/irritation : Category 3
美术社团活动方案Serious eye damage/eye irritation : Not classified
Respiratory nsitization : Classification not possible
Skin nsitization : Not classified
Germ cell mutagenicity : Not classified
Carcinogenicity : Not classified
Reproductive toxicity : Not classified
Specific Target Organ/Systemic Toxicity (Single Exposure) : Not classified
Specific Target Organ/Systemic Toxicity (Repeated Exposure) : Not classified
Aspiration hazards : Classification not possible
Aquatic environmental hazards : Not classified
Chronic environmental hazards : Not classified
炒丝瓜Health Hazards :
Cau mild skin irritation
2010/04/01 / /
Precautionary statement :
Do not handle until all safety precaution s have been read and understood
Keep away from ignition sources such as heat/ sparks/ open flame.-No smoking..
Wear protective gloves and eye/face proteciton - as specified by the manufacturer / supplier or the
competent authority.
Volatile gas which may irritate eyes, no and throat may be relead.
U adequate local exhaust ventilation during and molding.Get medical advice/attention if you feel
Sweep up and dispo of spilled resin to eliminate slipping hazard.
Do not pile up bags too high in order to avoid injury caud by falling of the product.
3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
Substance/Mixture : Mixture
Chemical name :
Synonyms :
示范性高中Polyamide-66 resin, Nylon-66 resin
Common chemical name
Composition : 0.0-98
Chemical formula(Constitutional/Structural formula)
CAS No. : 32131-17-2
ENCS No. : 7-382
ISHL No. : 7-382
TSCA : Regd.
Common chemical name
Poly(epsilon-caproamid/hexamethyleneadiamin)copolymer resin
Composition : 0.0-98
Chemical formula(Constitutional/Structural formula)
CAS No. : 24993-04-2
ENCS No. : 7-365
ISHL No. : 7-365
TSCA : Regd.
Common chemical name
Non-Halogen flame retarder
t是什么意思Composition : 2-8
CAS No. : confidential
ENCS No. : Regd.
ISHL No. : Regd.
TSCA : Regd.
4. First-Aid Measures
Inhalation :
S45-In ca of accident or if you feel unwell, ek medical advice immediately (show the label where
Remove the victim from the contamination immediately to fresh air.
Evacuate victim that inhaled gas from the molten polymer to fresh air.
Seek medical advice, if victim does not recover.
Skin contact :
If a person touches the molten polymer,cool the affected part with fresh water.
Do not try to remove the polymer by force and ek medical advice if the person got burnt.
Eye contact :
Gently rin the affected eyes with clean water for at least 15 minutes. Arrange for transport to the nearest medical facility for examination and treatment by a physician as soon as possible..
Have the victim remove contact lens if he is wearing them and continue rinsing.
Do not let the victim rub his eyes.
Ingestion :
S45-In ca of accident or if you feel unwell, ek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).
Rin mouth with water. Give the person one or two glass of water, try to get the victim to vomit
by putting a finger in the throat.
If you feel unwell after vomit,ek medical advice.
Protective measures for a first aid person :
Wear protection gloves when removing melting polymer or high temperature polymer.
5. Fire-Fighting Measures
Extinguishing Media :
S43-In ca of fire, u
water mist, water jet, foam, dry powder, CO2,
Specific Hazards under fire :
S41-In ca of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes.
Toxic gas will form upon combustion of :
carbon monoxide, acetaldehyde,a small quantity HCN etc
Fires involving this material produce large amounts of sooty smoke.
During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gas may be generated by thermal decomposition or combus-tion.
Specific fire-fighting measures :
Apply water from a safe distance to cool and protect surrounding area.
Move container from fire areas if it can be done without risk.
Keep personnel removed from and upwind of fire.
Evacuate non-esntial personnel to safe area.
Protection of fire-fighters :
Firefighters should wear proper protective equipment.
6. Accidental Relea Measures
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures :对祖国说的话
Sweep up spilled pellets on road or floor to avoid tripping.
Measures for environmental effects :
Do not wash away into shower or waterway.
If pellets got relead in environment, take adequate steps to prevent aquatic
animals and birds dying from eating pellets.
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up :
Sweep up, place in a bag and hold for waste disposal.
Preventive measures for condary accident :
Shut off all sources of ignition; No flaers, smoking or flames in area.
7. Handling and Storage
Handling :
Preventive measures :
Exposure control for handling personnel :
S20-When using do not eat or drink.
S21-When using do not smoke.
S22-Do not breathe dust.
S23-Do not breathe
S51-U only in the well-ventilated areas.
Protective measures against fire & explosion :富强作文
Avoid to u fire in the neighborhood.
Take precautionary actions of powder-dust explosion, if powder-dust occurred during condary proces-
Local ventilation / Total air ventilation :
Do not keep inhale the gas and fumes generated during molding.
Safety treatments :
Prevent deposition of dust.
Good general ventilation should be sufficient for most conditions.
Do not keep this material under high temperature condition for a long time.
Do not touch hot resin without protector.
Plastics pelles are easily electrified, so take coutermeasures to eliminate
static electricity if necessary.
Safety Measures/Incompatibility :
S29-Do not empty into drains.
Protect against physical damage.
Do not drop onto, or slide across sharp objects.
Avoid rough handling or dropping.
See information on each ingredients if powder-dust occurres.
Storage :
Recommendation for storage :
This material is flammable.
Follow fire defen law and local regulations for storage and handling.
Incompatible storage condition :
S15-Keep away from heat.
S16-Keep away from sources of ignition -No smoking.
Separating it from a heat source, steam pipe, direct ray it stores in the cool place.
8. Exposure Control/Personal Protection
Engineering measures :
When Processing, partial ventilation is desirable to eliminate generated gas and powder-dust.
Adopted value :
Japan Society for Occupational Health and ACGIH do not determine adopted value of powder-dust.
Generally, data shown below is known about dusts.
Recommended value of Japan Society for Occupational Health(2006)
Third class dust
The weighted average per hour: inhalated dusts 2mg/m3
total dusts 8mg/m3
Recommend value of ACGIH(2006) General dust:
The weighted average per hour: inhalanted dusts 3mg/m3
total dusts 10mg/m3
Personal protective equipment :
Respiratory protection :
S38-In ca of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment.
Against powder-dust:protective mask for dust
Against gas from molten resin:protective mask for organic gas
Hand protection :
S37-Wear suitable gloves.
Wear protection gloves of heat-resistance when handling melting polymer.
Eye protection :
Wear protective eyeglass or chemical safety goggles.
Skin and body protection :
S36-Wear suitable protective clothing.
It is desirable to put on long sleeve clothing so as not to touch skin directly.
Wear protection clothing of heat-resistance when handling melting polymer.
Safety and Health measures :
Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.
Do not eat, drink or smoke at work.
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical properties :
Appearance : solidpellet
Color : White
Odor : None
pH : Not Available
Pha change temperature :
Boiling point : None
Boiling range(Mixture) : None
Melting point : 265°C
Decomposition temperature : None
Flash point : Not Available
Ignition temperature : >400°C
Explosion : Not Available
Vapour pressure : None
Vapour density : None
Density : 11501200kg/m3
Octanol /water partition coefficient : Not Available
10. Stability and Reactivity
Stability :
This product is considered a stable material under normal and anticipated storage and handling condi-tions.
Possibility of hazardous reactions :
This product is considered a stable material under normal and anticipated storage and handling condi-tions.
Dangerous condition :
direct sunlight, fire, heat, etc.
Incompatible materials :
Decomposition products :
During burning, black smoke,carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide may be produced.