Time 30 minutes 20 Questions
1. Below is an excerpt from a letter that was nt by the chairman of a corporation to the stockholders.A number of charges have been raid against me, some rious, some trivial. Individuals eking to control the corporation for their own purpos have demanded my resignation. Remember that no court of law in any state has found me guilty of any criminal offen whatsoever. In the American tradition, as you know, an individual is considered innocent until proven guilty. Furthermore, as the corporation’s unbroken six-year record of growth will show, my conduct of my official duties as chairman has only helped enhance the success of the corporation, and so benefited every stockholder.Which of the following can be properly inferred from the excerpt?
(A) The chairman believes that all tho who have demanded his resignation are motivated by desire to control the corporation for their own purpos.茎和叶
(B) Any misdeeds that the chairman may have mitted were motivated by his desire to enhance the success of the corporation.
冬至代表什么(C) The chairman is innocent of any criminal offen.
(D) The corporation has expanded steadily over the past six years.
(E) Any legal proceedings against the chairman have resulted in his acquittal.
2. In the years since the city of London impod strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, the number of bird species en in and around London has incread dramatically. Similar air-pollution rules should be impod in other major cities.Each of the following is an assumption made in the argument above EXCEPT:
(A) In most major cities, air-pollution problems are caud almost entirely by local industry.
(B) Air-pollution regulations on industry have a significant impact on the quality of the air.
(C) The air-pollution problems of other major cities are basically similar to tho once suffered by London.
(D) An increa in the number of bird species in and around a city is desirable.
(E) The incread sightings of bird species in and around London reflect an actual increa in the number of species in the area.
3. Which of the following best pletes the passage below?In opposing gover____ent regulation of business, conrvatives often appeal to the Jeffersonian ideal of limited gover____ent, expressing the wish that gover____ent would “get off the backs of the American people.” Yet, paradoxically, many of the same conrvatives address questions of private morality, such as tho dealing with xual behavior, by calling for______
胆汁酸高(A) a return to the restrictive xual morality of the Victorian era
新科学怪人(B) a strengthening of the role of the family in tting moral norms for society
(C) a limitation on the amount of xually provocative material appearing in books, motives, and television shows
(D) greater freedom for individuals to choo their own way of handling xual issues
问句(E) an incread gover____ental role in the regulation and control of private xual behavior
Questions 4-5 are bad on the following:
In an experiment, two different types of recorded music were played for neonates in adjacent nurries in a hospital. In nurry A, classical music was played; in nurry B, rock music was played. After two weeks, it was found that the babies in nurry A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did the babies in nurry B.