Passage Three
家和万事兴图片Questions 31 to 35 are bad on the following passage.九上历史知识点
About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in eing to it that all children, whatever their background, were fairly treated, intelligence testing became unpopular.
Some thought it was unfair to minority children. Through the past few decades such testing has gone out of fashion and many communities have indeed forbidden it.
However, paradoxically, just recently a group of black parents filed a lawsuit in California claiming that the states ban on IQ testing discriminates against their children by denying them the opportunity to take the test. The judge, therefore, reverd, at least partially, his original decision.
And so the argument goes on and on. Does it benefit or harm children from minority groups to have their intelligence tested? We have always been on the side of permitting, even facilitating, such testing. If a child of any color or group is doing poorly in school it ems to us very important to know whether it is becau he or she is of low intelligence, or whether some other factor is the cau.
值周心得What school and family can do to improve poor performance is influenced by its cau. It is not discriminative to evaluate either a childs physical condition or his intellectual level.
Unfortunately, intellectual level ems to be a nsitive subject, and what the law allows us to do varies from time to time. The same fluctuation back and forth occurs in areas other than intelligence. Thirty years or so ago, for instance, white families were encouraged to adopt black children. It was considered discriminative not to do so.