PERIOD COVERED: 1999-03/1999-11
SUBMITTED BY: Hiroshi Watanabe, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC29 Acting Chairman
SC29 met on March 22-24, 1999 in Seoul, Korea since the thirteenth JTC1 plenary meeting (1999-01-26/29, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). At the previous SC29 plenary, we propod one subdivision of a project and 6 minor enhancements for modifications of SC 29 Programme of Work.
There is no change of SC29 title and scope. The current title and scope of work are:
Title: Coding of Audio, Picture, Multimedia and Hypermedia Information
Scope: Standardization of coded reprentation of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia informati
- And ts of compression and control functions for u with such information - such as:
- Audio information
- Bi-level and Limited Bits-per-pixel Still Pictures
- Digital Continuous-tone Still Pictures
- Computer Graphic Images
- Moving Pictures and Associated Audio
- Multimedia and Hypermedia Information for Real-time Final Form Interchange
- Audio Visual Interactive Script ware
Excluded: Character Coding
1.2.1 New Project
1.2.2 Active Projects
Detailed project-by-project work programs for three working groups are available via SC 29 Web site (www./.SC 29).
WG 1 (JPEG for coding of continuous-tone still images and JBIG for coding of bi-level images) has 6 active projects.
JTC 1.29.04 Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images (JPEG)
JTC 1.29.09 Image compression across multiple components
JTC 1.29.10 Lossy/lossless coding of bi-level images (JBIG-2)
JTC 1.29.12 Lossless and near-lossless compression of continuous-tone still images (JPEG-LS)战国时代
JTC 1.29.14 JPEG 2000 image coding system (JPEG 2000)
JTC 1.29.16 Mixed Raster Content
身体虚弱的表现WG 11 (MPEG-2 for generic coding of moving picture and associated audio information, MPEG-4 for coding of audio-visual objects and MPEG-7 for multimedia content description interface) has 3 major projects, which have 9 amendments for subdivided MPEG-2 projects and 6 subdivided projects, 6 amendments for MPEG-4, and one project for MPEG-7.
JTC Generic coding of moving picture and associated audio information (MPEG-2)
JTC 1.29.13 Coding of audio-visual objects (MPEG-4)
JTC 1.29.15 Multimedia content description interface (MPEG-7)
WG 12 (MHEG for coding of multimedia and hypermedia information) has one project, which has 2 subdivided projects.
JTC 1.29.06 Coding of multimedia and hypermedia information
1.2.3 Withdrawals
SC29 and ITU-T SG8, SG16 have been jointly developed veral standards such as ISO/IEC 11544 (JBIG), 10918-1 to 10918-4 (JPEG), 14495-1, 2 (JPEG-LS) and 13818-1, 13818-2 (MPEG-2 Systems and Video) as common text standards. In addition, ISO/IEC 13522-1, 3, 5 (MHEG) are technically aligned texts to ITU-T Rec. T171, 173, 172 respectively. Especially, amendment 7 to H.222.0 | ISO/IEC
13818-1(MPEG-2 systems) will be in an approval pha by ITU-T as a common text this year and the decision will be made next year. WG 11 and Web3D (former VRML) consortium have been cooperating on identify synergies and examine the way to utilize them. MPEG-4 system u a part of VRML nodes and will include all VRML nodes into BIFS (Binary format for scene).
SC 29/WG 11 completed MPEG-4 Version 1 FDIS (Part 1: Systems, Part 2: Visual, Part 3: Audio, Part 6: DMIF) and submitted a t of standards for balloting while Conformance testing (Part 4) has reached to CD and Reference software have reached to the FCD level. This completion provides the frozen specification to the world. Thus, companies and organizations, which are willing to develop ap
plication products, can start correct implementation of MPEG-4 application.
MPEG-4 provides object bad audio-visual reprentation for the Web applications. Major prospected application of MPEG-4 in the market is;
- Content bad storage and retrieval
- Digital television t-top box
- Infotainment
- Mobile Multimedia
- Streaming video on the Internet/Intranet
- Studio and television post-production
- Surveillance
- Virtual meeting
In March 1999, video camera using MPEG-4 Visual has already been announced to relea to the market. Several prototypes of mobile audio-visual terminal using MPEG-4 Version 1 can be en at mobile communication conferences.
Accomplishment of MPEG-4 Version 1 FDIS is the highlighted achievement in this period. Part 1-3 and Part6 were met in targeted dates whereas Part 5 was delayed for about three months for polishing up the software. ISO/IEC FDIS 14496-1 (MPEG-4 Systems) Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 1: Systems
ISO/IEC FDIS 14496-2 (MPEG-4 Visual) Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 2: Visual
ISO/IEC FDIS 14496-3 (MPEG-4 Audio) Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 3: Audio
ISO/IEC CD 14496-4 (MPEG-4 Conformance testing) Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 4: Conformance testing
ISO/IEC FCD 14496-5 (MPEG-4 Reference software) Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 5: Reference software
ISO/IEC FDIS 14496-6 (MPEG-4 DMIF) Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 6: DMIF
Adequate resources were available for all projects.
SC29 was assigned to deal with balloting for DAVIC PAS DIS and DTR submission in this period in addition to the originally planned project works. The SC 29 DAVIC PAS DIS and DTR ballots resolution group resolved disposition of comments and instructed the SC 29 Secretariat to submit the report to the DAVIC for acceptance, and also to SC 29 and the ISO/IEC ITTF. SC 29 Task Group will be established to maintain ISO/IEC 16500-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9 and ISO/IEC TR 16501.葡萄籽油的功效与作用
WG 1:
ISO/IEC 10918-3/AMD 1, FDAM 1999-10 (JPEG SPIFF header)
ISO/IEC 14492, FCD 1999-07 (JBIG-2)
ISO/IEC 14495-1, IS to be published (JPEG Lossless, Baline)
ISO/IEC 14495-2, WD 1999-07 (JPEG Lossless, Extensions)
ISO/IEC 15444, WD 1999-07 (JPEG 2000)
ISO/IEC 16485, Fast Track DIS 1999-11 (Mixed Raster Content)
WG 11:
ISO/IEC 13818-1/AMD 5, FDAM 1999-09 (MPEG-2 Systems for AAC)
ISO/IEC 13818-1/AMD 6, FDAM 1999-09 (MPEG-2 Systems for 422P@HL splice parameters)
ISO/IEC 13818-1/AMD 7, FPDAM 1999-08 (MPEG-2 Systems for MPEG-4 transport)
ISO/IEC 13818-2/AMD 5, FPDAM 1999-08 (MPEG-2 Video for line numbers of HL)
画字成语ISO/IEC 13818-4/AMD 1, AMD published 1999-06 (MPEG-2 Conformance for AAC)
ISO/IEC 13818-4/AMD 3, FPDAM 1999-08 (MPEG-2 Conformance for additional audio data)
ISO/IEC 13818-5/AMD 1, AMD published 1999-07 (MPEG-2 Reference software for AAC)升级显卡驱动
ISO/IEC 13818-6/AMD 1, FDAM 1999-09 (MPEG-2 DSM-CC for data broadcasting)
ISO/IEC 13818-6/COR 1, COR to be published (MPEG-2 DSM-CC)
ISO/IEC 13818-10, IS published 1999-07 (MPEG-2 DSM-CC Conformance)
ISO/IEC 14496-1/AMD 1, PDAM 1999-07 (MPEG-4 Version 2 Systems)
ISO/IEC 14496-2 IS to be published (MPEG-4 Version 1 Visual)枫桥夜泊的古诗
ISO/IEC 14496-2/AMD 1, PDAM 1999-07 (MPEG-4 Version 2 Visual)
ISO/IEC 14496-3/AMD 1, PDAM 1999-07 (MPEG-4 Version 2 Audio)
ISO/IEC 14496-4/AMD 1, WD 1999-07 (MPEG-4 Version 2 Conformance)
ISO/IEC 14496-5, FDIS 1999-10 (MPEG-4 Version 1 Reference Software)
ISO/IEC 14496-5/AMD 1, 1999-10 (MPEG-4 Version 2 Reference Software)
ISO/IEC 14496-6 IS to be published (MEPG-4 Version 1 DMIF)
ISO/IEC 14496-6/AMD 1, PDAM 1999-07 (MPEG-4 Version 2 DMIF)
ISO/IEC 13522-5/COR 1 to be published (MHEG-5)
ISO/IEC 13522-8, WD 1999-07 (MHEG-8)
ISO/IEC 16500-1 IS to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 2, System reference models)
ISO/IEC 16500-2 IS to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 12, Protocol requirements)
ISO/IEC 16500-3 IS to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 14, Contours)
ISO/IEC 16500-4 IS to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 8, Lower layer protocols)
ISO/IEC 16500-5 IS to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 7, High and mid-layer protocols)
ISO/IEC 16500-6 IS to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 9, Information prentation)
ISO/IEC 16500-7 IS to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 10, Security tools)
ISO/IEC 16500-8 IS to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 6, Management architecture)
ISO/IEC 16500-9 IS to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 11, Usage information)
ISO/IEC 16501 TR to be published (DAVIC 1.3.1a Part 1, audio-visual functionalities)
WG 1 is defining a file format for JPEG 2000 in cooperation with DIG (Digital Imaging Group).
In WG 11, experts form Web3D and W3C consortium are joining to the standardization activity for MPEG-4 Systems and DMIF in addition to the formal liaisons with the consortiums. This makes progress of the work very effectively. We will continue to keep this joint-developing style as long as people from the outside consortium are able to join to the WG’s activities. We also ek ways to cooperate with SC 24 since Web3D and W3C are partners of SC 24.
3.2.1 RISKS
Two w orking group has enough resource (WG 1: 100, WG 11: 300 people), so that any risks to the projects listed above cannot be found. However, WG 12 has less than 10 active members so that accomplishment of Conformance Testing for ISO/IEC 13522-5 (MHEG-5) may be delayed.
It is not expected to create a new project within the period (from 1999-03 to 1999-11) since a possible project such as MPEG-7 has already been submitted as "Multimedia content description interface" and obtained the project number 15938.
Becau of the resource availability of WG 12, MHEG-8 (JTC, Coding of multimedia and hypermedia information – Part 8: XML notation for ISO/IEC 13522-5) has been put higher priority than MHEG-7 (JTC, Coding of multimedia and hypermedia information – Part 7: Interoperability and conformance testing for ISO/IEC 13522-5).