British Pharmacopoeia 2012 Volume IV 英国药典2012版第IV卷
Surgical Materials 外科材料
Absorbent Cotton 脱脂棉
唯美主义运动Absorbent cotton consists of new fibres or good quality combers obtained from the ed-coat of various species of the genus Gossypium L., cleaned, purified, bleached and carefully carded. It may not contain any compensatory colouring matter.
节日歌It is white or almost white and is compod of fibres of average length not less than 10 mm, determined by a suitable method, and contains not more than traces of leaf residue, pericarp, ed-coat or other impurities. It offers appreciable resistance when pulled. It does not shed any appreciable quantity of dust when gently shaken.
A. Examined under a microscope, each fibre is en to consist of a single cell, up to about 4 cm
long and up to 40 μm wide, in the form of a flattened tube with thick and rounded walls and often twisted.
B. When treated with iodinated zinc chloride solution R, the fibres become violet.
C. To 0.1g add 10ml of zinc chloride-formic acid solution R. Heat to 40 °C and allow to stand for 2
h 30 min, shaking occasionally. It does not dissolve.
Solution S 溶液S
Place 15.0 g in a suitable vesl, add 150 ml of water R, clo the vesl and allow to macerate for 2 h. Decant the solution, squeeze the residual liquid carefully from the sample with a glass rod and mix. Rerve 10 ml of the solution for the test for surface-active substances and filter the remainder.
取产品15.0 g放入合适的容器,加入150ml水,密闭容器,浸泡2小时。然后将溶液倒入另一容器,用玻璃棒将样品上剩余的液体挤出并搅拌。留10ml溶液用于测试表面活性物,过滤剩余部分。
Acidity or alkalinity 酸碱度
To 25 ml of solution S add 0.1 ml of phenolphthalein solution R and to another 25 ml add 0.05 ml of methyl orange solution R. Neither solution is pink.
Foreign fibres 异性纤维
Examined under a microscope, it is en to consist exclusively of typical cotton fibres, except that occasionally a few isolated foreign fibres may be prent.
Examine a layer about 5 mm in thickness under ultraviolet light at 365 nm. It displays only a slight brownish-violet fluorescence and a few yellow particles. It shows no inten blue fluorescence, apart from that which may be shown by a few isolated fibres.
将样本平摊成厚度约5 mm,置365 nm的紫外灯下检视。只允许显微棕紫色荧光和少数黄色颗粒,除少数分离的纤维外,不应显强蓝色荧光。
Neps 棉结
Spread about 1 g evenly between 2 colourless transparent plates each 10 cm square. Examine for neps by transmitted light and compare with Cotton wool standard for neps CRS. The product to be examined is not more neppy than the standard.
均匀的在2个无色透明的碟子内展开1 g样品,展开面积每个约10 cm2,在射光下查看棉结并与CRS棉对比,所能查到的棉结数量不能超过标准品。
Absorbency 吸水性
Apparatus: A dry cylindrical copper wire basket 8.0 cm high and 5.0 cm in diameter. The wire of which the basket is constructed is about 0.4 mm in diameter, the mesh is 1.5 cm to 2.0 cm wide and the mass of the basket is 2.7 ± 0.3 g.
仪器:一只干燥的高8.0cm、直径5.0cm的铜丝篮子,铜丝直径为0.4 mm,篮子网孔尺寸为1.5 cm ~ 2.0 cm宽,重2.7 ± 0.3 g。
Sinking time Not more than 10 s.
沉没时间不超过10 S。绝巘多生怪柏
Weigh the basket to the nearest centigram (m1). Take a total of 5.00 g in approximately equal quantities from 5 different places in the product to be examined, place looly in the basket and weigh the filled basket to the nearest centigram (m2). Fill a beaker 11 cm to 12 cm in diameter to a depth of 10 cm with water at about 20 °C. Hold the basket horizontally and drop it from a height of about 10 mm into the water. Measure with a stopwatch the time taken for the basket to sink below the surface of the water. Calculate the result as the average of 3 tests.
样蓬松地放入并充满篮子,并称取篮子的重量,精确到厘克(m2)。向直径为11~12cm的烧杯中注入10 cm深20 °C的水。将筐子从比水面高10mm自由落下,用秒表记录筐子沉入水面的终止时间。计算三次测量结果的平均值。
Water-holding capacity Not less than 23.0 g of water per gram.
吸水量:每克棉不少于23.0 g水。
After the sinking time has been measured, remove the basket from the water, allow it to drain for exactly 30 s suspended in a horizontal position over the beaker, transfer it to a tared beaker (m3)
and weigh to the nearest centigram (m4). Calculate the water-holding capacity per gram of absorbent cotton using the following expression: [m4-(m2+m3)]/(m2-m1). Calculate the result as the average of 3 tests.
Ether-soluble substances醚中可溶物
Not more than 0.50 per cent. 不超过0.50%。土斤
In an extraction apparatus, extract 5.00 g with ether R for 4 hat arate of at least 4 extractions per hour. Evaporate the ether extract and dry the residue to constant mass at 100 °C to 105 °C.
Extractable colouring matter 色素
In a narrow percolator, slowly extract 10.0 g with alcohol R until 50 ml of extract is obtained. The liquid obtained is not more intenly coloured (2.2.2, Method II) than reference solution Y5, GY6 or a reference solution prepared as follows: to 3.0 ml of blue primary solution add 7.0 ml of hydrochloric acid (10 g/l HCl). Dilute 0.5 ml of this solution to 10.0 ml with hydrochloric acid (10 g/l HCl).
用扁平的过滤器, 慢慢抽出10.0g样品, 混合50ml酒精标准溶液(95.1-96.9%酒精)。所得液体颜色不能比标准对照溶液Y5, GY6或准备的参照溶液颜色深。
Surface-active substances表面活性物质
Introduce the 10 ml portion of solution S rerved before filtration into a 25 ml graduated ground-glass-stoppered cylinder with an external diameter of 20 mm and a wall thickness of not greater than 1.5 mm, previously rind 3 times with sulphuric acid R and then with water R. Shake vigorously 30 times in 10 s, allow to stand for 1 min and repeat the shaking. After 5 min, any foam prent must not cover the entire surface of the liquid.
取25ml带磨砂玻璃塞的圆型量筒,外径20+/-2mm,壁厚不超过1.5 mm。先用稀硫酸(5.5ml 浓硫酸溶解到60ml水中,1M,9.8%)荡洗,然后用清水洗干净。加入浸渍液10ml,在10s内用力振摇30次,然后静置1分钟,再重复振摇,再静置5分钟,泡沫不得覆盖住整个液面。
Water-soluble substances水中可溶物
Not more than 0.50 per cent. 不超过0.50%。sata模式
Boil 5.000 g in 500 ml of water R for 30 min, stirring frequently. Replace the water lost by evaporation. Decant the liquid, squeeze the residual liquid carefully from the sample with a glass rod
and mix. Filter the liquid whilst hot. Evaporate 400 ml of the filtrate (corresponding to 4/5 of the mass of the sample taken) and dry the residue to constant mass at 100 °C to 105 °C.
Loss on drying (2.2.32) 干燥失重
Not more than 8.0 per cent, determined on 5.000 g by drying in an oven at 105 °C.
不超过8.0%,取脱脂棉5.000 g,在105°C烘箱中干燥至恒重。
Sulphated ash (2.4.14) 硫酸盐灰分
Not more than 0.40 per cent. 不超过0.40%。
Introduce 5.00 g into a previously heated and cooled, tared crucible. Heat cautiously over a naked flame and then carefully to dull redness at 600 °C. Allow to cool, add a few drops of dilute sulphuric a
cid R, then heat and incinerate until all the black particles have disappeared. Allow to cool. Add a few drops of ammonium carbonate solution R. Evaporate and incinerate carefully, allow to cool and weigh again. Repeat the incineration for periods of 5 min to constant mass.
取样品5.00g,置预先加热、冷却恒重并称过皮重的坩埚中,先敞口燃烧,再置600 °C炉内灼烧。允许冷却后加入少量浓硫酸(约18M,1.84g/ml),然后加热、灼烧到黑色颗粒消失。允许冷却后滴入碳酸铵溶液,并仔细蒸发、灼烧。允许冷却重新称重。重复灼烧5分钟以确定恒重。
Store in a dust-proof package in a dry place.