VIII. Replace the italicized words with simple , everyday words.
1. and of would – be purchars arguing and bargaining ( )
2. the spice – market with its pungent and exotic smells ( )
3. overwhelmed by the pulchral atmosphere ( )
4. the ller makes a point of protesting ( )
5. to imping on your ears ( )
6. with its profusion of rich colours ( )
7. the most sumptuous dinner ( )
8. the great bales of merchandi ( )
9. its creaks blending with the squeaking and tumbling of the grinding wheels ( )
10. They would also like to demolish the atomic muum ( )
VI. Replace the italicized words with simple , everyday words.
1. The very act… was for me a far greater adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment I’d previously taken ( )
2. as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them ( )
3. others were using little red telephones that hung on the facades of grocery stores and tobacco shops ( )
4. the rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt ( )
5. and experiencing a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks ( )
6. where thousands upon thousands of people had been slain in one cond ( )
7. where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agony ( )
8. Seldom has a city gained such world renown ( )
9. jolting me out of my sad reverie ( )
10. I thought that Hiroshima still felt the impact of the atomic cataclysm. ( )
11) They would also like to demolish the atomic muum ( )
12) your children will encounter prejudice on the part of tho who do not ( )
楫的读音IX. Replace the italicized words with simple , everyday words or expressions.
1) My rearch for the 飞蛾为什么扑火浙江好玩的地方underlying caus of the environmental cris has led me to travel around the world to examine and study many of the images of destruction.( ) ( )
2) …scientists monitor the air veral times every day to chart the cour of that inexorable change.( )
3) I traveled by snowmobiles a few miles further north to a rendezvous point…( )
4) with horizon defined by little hummocks…where parate sheets collide ( )
5) Moreover,scientists established veral years ago that… the temperature of the earth is steadily rising ( )
6) But one doesn’t have to travel around the world to witness humankind’s assault on the earth ( )
7) particular , local and regional problems occurring simultaneously all over the world ( )
8) This increa in heat riously threatens the global climate equilibrium…( )
9) they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenance ( ) ( )
10) Our challenge is to recognize that the startling images of environmental destruction血迹…
awaken us .( )
11) …it aris out of the relationship between the superpowers and bad on an obsolete understanding of what war is all about. ( )
1) There only remained the task of composing it . ( )
2) d to be driving forward with great rapidity and violence. ( )
3) Hitler was counting on enlisting capitalist and Right Wing sympathies.( )
4) he reverted to this theme ( )
5) He devoted the whole day to it ... ( )
6) I e the Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their ( )
牛肉丸怎么煮好吃7) I e the Russian soldiers guarding the fields ... Tilled from ( )
8) I e that small group of villainous men, who plan, ( )
9) I feel sure it is a decision in which the Great Dominions will in due cour concur. ( )
10) We will never parley. ( )
11) without distinction of race , creed , or party ( )
12) he is woe3fully mistaken ( )
13) and saved the world from this catastrophe ( )
1) We took a general view of the countryside from the top of a hill ( )
2) He took a long and steady look at the beautiful picture ( )
3) The archlight pasd swiftly over the sky to arch for the plane. ( )