#The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
1. 不要被“86个”吓到。花上3分钟的时间看一下这篇文章,如果你能收获1-3个表达,也是一种收获。
2. 如果对这本书有兴趣的话,可以读完后去读书,读完书后再看一遍。
3. 你需要把这些表达用到你的口语表达和写作中变成自己的才可以。关于这一点,建议阅读:仿写的正确姿势
Chapter 1
1. At night, he would drink alone and sometimes hammer out poetry on his beat-up old typewriter.
he still showed up to poetry reading hammered and verbally abud people in his audience.
hammer出现了两次,其中hammer out表示“苦心想出”,hammered在口语中表示“喝醉了”,类似的表达还有tipsy(微醺), buzzed(微醺), drunk, wasted(喝断片了), get high, intoxicated。
放下作文我认为hammer out在文中的hammer是一个双关,和drink alone呼应,也表示“苦心想出”。醉了就写诗,和李白似的。
酒鬼诗人Charles Bukowski
2. That anxiety cripples you and you start wondering why you’re so anxious.
cripple是个五星级好词,本义表示“使残疾“,也可以用于表示“使...心里出现问题“ “严重毁坏组织、体系”。说它是五星级好词,是因为它形象、实用。例如《中国合伙人》中,邓超饰演的角色有stage fright,因此他无法做公开演讲。这时候我们就可以说:Stage fright crippled him.
3. It was the first real 流求shot Bukowski had ever gotten.
shot在这表示“chance”,我们常说的give it a try也可以说成give it a go/shot。
4. His popularity defied everyone’s expectations.
defy本身的意思是“不服从” “挑战“,在这里可以理解为“超过了每个人的预期”。常用的表达还有:defy description难以表述;defy comprehension难以理解。
5. You are constantly 铁三角耳机bombarded with messages to give a fuck about everything.
But now, now if you feel like shit for even five minutes, you’re bombarded with 350 images of people totally happy and having amazing fucking lives, and it’s impossible to not feel like there’s something wrong with you.
书中出现了两次be bombarded with,bombard本意表示狂轰猛炸,常用来表示受到大量的问题、批评。下次咱们想说我们每天都被大量的信息包围就可以说:We are inundated/flooded/overwhelmed/bombarded with information.
6. Chances are教你三招告别双下巴 you’ve engaged in it more than a few times.
oChances are you know somebody in your life who, at one time or another, did not give a fuck and then went on to accomplish amazing feats.
oChances are you don’t have much going on in your life to give a legitimate fuck about.
Chances are是你必须掌握的一个表达,因为它极其实用,这本书中共出现了9次。(the) chances are (that)表示it is likely to happen… 当我想表达“很有可能”的时候就可以用上它。
7. Our society today has bred a whole generation of people who believe that having the negative experiences is totally not okay.
If pursuing the positive is a negative, then pursuing the negative generates the positive.
breed本意表示“繁殖“,常用来表示“产生,引起”,很有画面感。例如Violence breeds violence. 暴力会催生更多暴力。类似的常见表达还有spawn(大量产出), churn out(快速大量的产出), beget(引起), produce。
8. Meanwhile, our credit cards are maxed out.
信用卡刷爆了(达到了可以使用的最大额度)的地道表达就是max out。
9. You will e every adversity as an injustice, every change as a failure, every inconvenience as a personal slight , every disagreement as a betrayal.
我们熟悉slight是“轻微”的意思,在这里表示“冷落、蔑视”。它也可以作为动词使用,例如chapter 6就出现了:“They e others getting promoted over them, and they feel slighted.”
10. a calm that weathers all storms.
weather显然在这里不是“天气”,在这里表示“渡过”。这种用法在书中出现了4次。下次想表示“经受过”除了用suffer,go through外,就可以用weather。例如《经济学人》就常用wea
ther the crisis, weather downturns, weather high unemployment. 书中也出现了:
oAnd certainly you will weather rejections.
oI prefer to call it “weathering the shitstorm”.
11. people who are indifferent are lame and scared. They’re couch potatoes and Internet trolls .
lame口语中表示“没劲” “无聊”,可以替换boring。
troll这个词本意是长得很丑的怪物,现在常用来表示“喷子”。网上的那些垃圾人就可以叫Internet trolls.
12. Her pension is on its last legs.
on one’s legs是一个习惯表达,表示“大势已去,玩完了,没戏了”。例如This relationship is on its last legs. 这段关系已经快玩儿完了。
leg还有一个常见的意思,表示旅途或者比赛中的“一程” “一轮”,例如你要去三个地方旅行,第一站是纽约,那就可以说The first leg of my trip is New York.
13. This is a total mind-fuck. So I'll give you a minute to unpretzel your brain and maybe read that again.