姓名: _____ 学号:分数: ________________________
I .Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the
form where necessary.(10%)
1. train All of the ______________ i n this program will receive one year of classroom
in structi on as well as six mon ths of on-the-job trai ning in a compa ny.
2. break The birth of this test-tube baby marked a major ____________ in life scie nee.
3. cast Econo mists ____________ that annual in creas in GDP will remai n around 3
perce nt.
4. book Thin as it is ,this _____________ cost me eight dollars.
5. satisfact ion To my regret, your expla nati on is _______________ .
6. hand A ______________ o f men could defe nd this mountain pass aga inst hun dreds.
7. little Don't ___________ his abilities. He is compete nt and has great pote ntial.
8. economy This kind of small car is _________________ to run.
9. plant They filled every inch of space by ______________________ early-ripening crops
with late-ripe ning crops.
10. an alysis _______________ aims at and achieves nothing more tha n the discovery of
the uncon scious in men tal life.
n From the choices given, choo the ONE that is clost in meaning to the
un derli ned part in the nten ce.(20%)
11. Ann left off sobb ing at last, and dried her eyes with her han dkerchief.
A. stopped
B. went away
相伴相生C. continued
D. started
12. She dieted con sta ntly to keepier youthful figure.
A. rerve
B. prerve
C. trim
D. restrain
13. A pers on tends to overlook his own shortco ming though he may e othersshortcomi ng
A. overe蚊子工厂
B. look over
C. forgive
D. fail to e
14. Foreig ners can cha nge their money into the local curre ncy at this bank.
A. tran sform
B. alter
C. vary
D. convert
15. Only a na?e person would believe such a story about intelligent beings from outer space visit
ing the earth” said Jas on.
A. credible
B. innocent
C. credulous
D. ig norant
16. He no dded his head in stead of say ing any thi ng lest his voice should betray him.
A. reveal his real ide ntity
B. tell his real inten ti on
C. fail him
D. embarrass him
17. Do you really thi nk that he is justified in recei ving kickbacks in bus in ess deali ngs?
A. has good reas ons for
B. is in excusable in
C. is privileged to
D. has legal protectio n in
18. The method I shall summarize below is the one I have found most successful.
A. outl ine
B. describe
C. elaborate
D. expo und
19. Mr. Cronin denied ever having made any statement to that effect.
A. disapproved
B. refud to admit
C. disproved
D. denoun ced
20. The driver stopped at the crossroad as the traffic lights flashed red.
A. pulled off
B. pulled up
C. pulled away
D. pulled round
21. Just before tak ing off, the pilot once more askedabout weather con diti ons.
A. inqu ired
B. required
C. requested
D. dema nded
22. She was tired of continual trips to the grocery, school and office.
A. con ti nu ous
B. continued
C. repeated
D. con sta nt
23. She undertook to verify the true source of the rumor.
A. decided
B. tried
C. refud
D. promid
24. Improved con sumer con fide nee is crucial to an econo mic recovery.
A. of little importa nee
B. of critical importa nee
C. n ecessary
D. unn ecessary
25. As is expected, the report has caud acute embarrassme nt to the gover nment.
A. great
B. shrewd
C. slight
D. obvious
26. Since all the airline tickets were sold out, we were obliged to stay in the city for two more
A. were con stra ined to
硬盘是什么B. had to
C. were grateful to
D. were persuaded to
蓝色象征27. All their customs and cultures have made a very sign ifica nt con tributi on to the way we live.
A. i ndicative
B. importa nt
C. n egligible
D. perma nent
28. He had to withdraw from the preside nt race becau of the sca ndal.
A. quit
B. retreat from
C. depart from
D. flee
29. The lf-important manager didn t em to attach much importanee to my advice .
A. apply
B. con sider
C. judge
D. give
30. The bridge club rejected his application for membership.
A. refud to con sider
B. refud to u
C. refud to give
D. refud to believe
川.Cloze: Fill in each of the numbered blanks with an appropriate word.(20%) Many years ago whe n the summers emed Ion ger and life was less complicated, we had rented a cottage 31 a river in the heart of the country 32 the whole family was going to 33 a
three-week holiday. There were four of us: me, Mum and Dad, and Murissister, Aun tie June. Oh, and I mustntforget to 34 Spot, our little dog. I was _35 to go off by mylf all day, 36 I promid to be careful and took Spot with me for 37.
One day I was out fishing with Spot when we heard a lot of shouting in the 38 followed by a scream and splash. I was a bit 39 so I called Spot and we both hid_ 40 a bush where we could e but not be 41 . After a few mome nts, a straw hat came drifti ng dow n the river, followed by an oar, a picnic basket and 42 oar. Then came the rowing boat itlf, but it was 43 upside dow n !
A few c onds later my Dad and Aun tie June came running 44 the river bank, both wet 45 . Spot started bark ing so I came out of hid ing and said hello. My Dad got really an gry 46 me for not trying
to catch the boat as it went past. Luckily, 47 , the boat and both the oars had been caught by an overhanging tree a little further downstream, but not the hat or pic nic basket. So I had to let them_48 my san dwiches. Dad and Aun tie June both made me 49 not to tell Mum what had happe ned_50 she would be worried.
31 . A. on B. by C. i n D. across
32 . A. where B. that C. which D. whe n
33 . A. pla n B. man age C. con sume D. spend
34 . A. men tio n B. bring C. nd D. lead
35 . A. forced B. ordered C. allowed D. en couraged
36 . A. eve n if B. provided C. lest D. as if
37 . A. i nstructio n B. in specti on C. protecti on D. supervisi on
38 . A. place B. space C. sky D. dista nee
39 . A. scared B. amud C. excited D. disturbed
40 . A. beside B. before C. beh ind D. ben eath
41 . A. en B. viewed C. watched D. obrved
42 . A. the other B. each other C. ano ther D. one ano ther
43 . A. rolli ng B. floati ng C. circli ng D. si nki ng
44 . A. dow n B. beside C. to D. on
45 . A. within B. over C.under D. through
46 . A. at B. aga inst C. with D. to
47 . A. moreover B. then C. therefore D. however
订婚宴讲话48 . A. spare B. share C. borrow D. divide
49 . A. agree B. decide C. guara
D. promi
A. except
B. in ca
C. in order that
D. on con diti on that
IV . Read the passages and then do the exercis that follow.(40%)
Sleep is a funny thi ng. We're taught that we should get ve n or eight hours a ni ght, but a lot of us
get by just fine on less, and some of us actually sleep too much. A study out of the Uni versity of Buffalo reported that people who rout in ely sleep more tha n eight hours a day and are still tired are n early three times as likely to dir of stroke---probably as a result of an un derly ing disorder that keeps them from sleep ing soun dly.
Doctors have their own special sleep problems. Reside nts are famously short of sleep. It is not unusual for them to work 40 hours in a row without rest. They are not in the least worried about it, con fide nt they can still deliver the highest quality of medical care. But an article in the
Jour nal of the America n Medical Associati on poi nts out that in the morni ng after 24 hours of sleeplessness,a person' motor performanee is comparable to that of some one who is drunk. Curiously, surge ons who believe that operat ing un der the in flue nee of alcohol is grounds for sack ing ofte n don't thi nk twice about operati ng without eno ugh sleep.
“ I could tell you horror stories, ” says Jaya Agrawal, preside nt of the America n Medical Student Association, which runs a website for residents. Some are terrifying. “ was operating after being up for over 36 hours, “one writes. “ literally fell asleep standing up and n early pla nted my face into the wounc”
"Practically every surgical reside nt I know has falle n asleep at the wheel driv ing home from work, ” writes another. “know of three who have hit parked cars. Another hit a Jery gate' on the New Jery Expressway, going 105km/h.
Your own patients have become the enemy,writes a third, becau they are the one thi ng that sta nds betwee n you and a few hours of slee p.
The U.S. controls the hours of pilots and truck drivers. But until such a system is in place for doctors, patients are on their own. If you 're worried about the people treating you or a loved one, you should feel free to ask how many hours of sleep they have had and if more rested staffers are available.
51 Sleep is a funny thi ng becau ___________ .
A. the Ion ger one sleeps, the less sound sleep he gets
B. the more sleep one gets, the more likely a stroke occurs
C. many people stick to about eight hours of sleep to stay fine
D. many people who sleep six hours a ni ght still feel en ergetic in the day
52 A surge on who has worked 40 hours in a row without sleep __________ .
A. can still provide quality medical care
B. will rema in alert becau he is ud to it
C. may ignore the pote ntial risk of in sufficie nt sleep
D. should be fired if he continues the medical operati on
53 Accord ing to one reside nt, they are short of sleep becau __________ .
A. they are too tired to fall asleep
B. they are forbidde n to sleep at work
C. they are kept by treat ing their patie nts
D. they are too worried about oversleep ing
54 They reside nt who hit a Jery gate” on the New Jery Expressway must have
A. falle n asleep
B. drunk too much
C. bee n driv ing too long
D. avoided hitti ng parked cars
55. Patie nts are now advid to ________ .
A. mon itor the hours of doctors by themlves
B. make sure that the doctors who treat them have had eno ugh sleep
C. ask for legal con trol of the hours of doctors
D. allow their doctors to sleep veral hours before the operati on
Earthquakes may rightly be ran ked as one of the most destructive forces known to man: since recor
ds bega n to be writte n dow n, it has bee n estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have nu mbered in the millio ns, and that earthquake-related destruct ion has bee n bey ond calculati on. The greater part of such damage and loss of life has bee n due to collap of build ings and the effects of rockslides, floods, fire, dia, tsun amis (giga ntic a waves), and other obrvable eve nts result ing from earthquakes, rather tha n from the quake themlves.
The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area covers the Pacific Ocea n and its borderi ng Ian dmass. The other exte nds from the East In dia ns to the Atlas Mountains, in cludi ng the Himalayas, Ira n, Turkey, and the Alpi ne regi on s. It is in the two great belts or zones that nin ety perce nt of all earthquakes take place; they may, however, happe n any where at any time.
This eleme nt of the unknown has for cen turies added greatly to the dread and horror surro unding earthquakes, but in rece nt times there have bee n in dicati ons that earthquake forecast may be possible. By an alyz ing cha nges in ani mal behavior, patter ns of moveme nts in the earth'shell, variati ons in the earths force of attract ion, and the freque ncy with which minor earth shakes are obrved, scie ntists have show n in creas ing success in expect ing whe n and where earthquakes will strike. As a result, a worldwide earthquake warni ng n etwork is already in operati on and has hel
ped to prepare for (and thus les n) the vast destruct ion that might otherwi have bee n totally un expected.
It is doubtful that man will ever be able to con trol earthquakes and get rid of their destructive ness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happe n become better un derstood, man will become more and more able to deal with their possible damage before they occur.
56. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is true accordi ng to the passage?
A. Earthquake destructio n is decli ning
B. Earthquake forecast is improvi ng
C. Man is no Ion ger fearful of earthquakes.
D. Man is capable of conq ueri ng earthquakes
57. We can infer from the passage that quakes __________ .
A. may happe n any where at any time
B. mostly strike in ocea ns and mountains
C. are uno brvable in mass of land
D. are hardly the direct cau of fatalities
58. The phra fhis element of the unknowr” (Paragraph 3) refers to _________ .
A. the exte nsion of earthquake zones
B. the perce ntage of earthquake occurre nces
C. whe n and where earthquakes may occur
D. what big damage earthquakes may cau
59. Man's rearch on earthquake forecast at pre nt is to ___________ .
A. reduce the loss from earthquake disasters
B. lower the freque ncy of earthquakes
C. relea the en ergy that caus earthquakes
D. an alyze the relati on ship betwee n differe nt earthquakes