第一讲 A Brief Discussion of Translation 阔别
1. 翻译的信达雅标准 2. 直译与意译
1. 翻译的重要作用 2. 翻译的性质和范围 3. 翻译的原则和标准
4. 直译与意译 5. 翻译技巧种种
1. Important Role of Translation
好的译文:Coca Cola可口可乐、Hacker 骇客、 club俱乐部 、 lar 高中英语学习方法激光
不好的译文: lar镭射(名不副实) 、 menu菜单(容易误导) 、nylon尼龙(读写不一)
翻译是跨文化交际的重要手段 。翻译能够将不同的文化和由于语言障碍而被分隔开来的不同群体联结起来。但没有翻译或翻译失误,人们相互之间彼此交往会充满误解。小的误解会使人感到不舒服,大的误解会铸成大错,甚至导致灾难。
日本铃木政府就《促令日本投降的波茨坦公告》回复的电文中用的“mokusatsu”被误译为英语“ignored ”,蒜香排骨于是美国在广岛和长崎投下了原子弹。因为铃木使用了单词“默杀”(mokusatsu)表达“不予评论”的意思。问题是“默杀”(mokusatsu)古天乐演的电影还有“不理睬”、“置之不理”的意思,这个版本的翻译传到美国政府的耳朵里。气急败坏的杜鲁门表明了盟军发布《波茨坦公告》的真正原因,并在铃木回应的10天后向广岛投了一个原子弹,相隔3天后,在长崎投了另一枚核弹。
在当时最不能让鲁迅先生容忍的是其中的the milky way (牛奶路)的汉译。
the milky way: The galaxy containing the solar system, visible as a broad band of faint light in the night sky.
鲁迅先生认定赵景琛先生将 “milky way” 译成 “牛奶路”是“羊肉粉的做法授人笑柄”之译,并写下一首打油诗嘲讽赵先生的翻译:
2. Nature and Scope of Translation
英国翻译教育家Peter Newmark:“It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. 翻译是按作者的创造意图把一篇文章的意思用另一种语言描述出来的过程。”
So , translation is not a word for word activity.
1、她现在非常红. *She is very red now.
(She is very popular now.)
2、你给我站住!*You Give Me Stop!!
3、蠢蠢欲動。 *Stupid stupid want to move .
(Be ready to do sth.(bad))
4、寒暄 *coldly talk for a while
(to exchange greetings and make small talk )
5、跳伞处 *"Site of jumping umbrella"
(paragliding site)
ipods6、请爱护花草* "Cherishing Flowers and Trees"
(keep off the grass.)来。”
3. 翻译的原则和标准
严复:信,达,雅(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance)
严复Yan Fu :the first Chine who made a penetrating(敏锐的) and relatively systematic study of translation standard in modern times.
信 faithfulness/ accuracy 忠实/准确
达 expressiveness/ smoothness通顺/流畅
雅 elegance
1) 译文和原文的关系:
faithfulness/ accuracy 忠实/准确
original contents
original meaning and views
original form and style
2) 译文和读者的关系:
expressiveness/ smoothness通顺/流畅
easy, readable rendering
繁华笙歌落 idiomatic expression
4. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直译与意译
理解 Comprehension :comprehend the source text completely
表达 Expression:render the source text into the target language text (a rough translation)
校正 Proofreading:proofread the rough translation & polish
1)mantic system 语言分析
2)context (linguistic and nonlinguistic) 语境分析
3) background information and specialized knowledge
4)Logic 逻辑分析
2)Avoid translatione 翻译腔
例:She then uncrosd her legs.
1. 具有端正的翻译态度
2. 正确使用工具书
3. 了解英汉语主要差别
4. 掌握必要的翻译技巧
5. 培养跨文化意识
1. 对原作理解的错误;
2. 原作词句或段落的漏译;
3. 译文中措辞不当之处或错别字;
4. 译文语句不通顺的地方;
5. 人名、地名、日期、数字、专有名词等方面的误译;
6. 译文的格式是否合乎规范;
7. 译文的标点符号和其他专用符号使用是否正确;
8. 是否应添加必要的注释,等等。
Literal Translation 直译:
⏹ Not to alter the original words and ntences.
⏹ To keep the ntiments and style of the original.
⏹ To reproduce the ideological content and the style of the original works and retain as much as possible the figures of speech.
⏹ 直译的例子:
crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪;
armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿;
chain reaction 连锁反应;
gentlemen’s agreement 君子协定
one country, two systems 一国两制;
The three religions and the nine schools of thought 三教九流;
paper tiger 纸老虎;
go to one’s external rest 安息;the long sleep 长眠;
e Marx 见马克思;go west 上西天;
go to heaven 上天堂;
Free Translation 意译:
⏹ an alternative approach generally ud to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to copy its ntence patterns or figures of speech.
E.g.:粗枝大叶:To be crude and careless (死译:with big branches and large leaves) 无孔不入 :To take advantage of every weakness, poke into every nook and corner (死译:to get into every hole)