global mom_qnum
global mom_part_name
global mom_logname
global mom_date
global mom_spindle_speed
global mom_output_file_baname
t mom_qnum 100
# MOM_output_literal "(>### TASK : $mom_part_name >>##)"
# MOM_output_literal "(# Created By : $mom_logname)"
# MOM_output_literal "(# Creation Date: $mom_date)"
# MOM_output_literal "(>>>>>>>>####)"
# MOM_suppress always N
MOM_output_literal "G28 G91 Z0.0"
MOM_output_literal "M30"
MOM_output_literal "%"
MOM_output_literal "(Date: $mom_date)"村务监督委员会职责
# MOM_suppress off N
MOM_output_literal "(name: $mom_output_ )"
MOM_output_literal "($mom_part_name)"
# MOM_output_literal "O$mom_output_file_baname"
# MOM_t_q_on
global max_z min_z
t zmax [string trimright [format %.4f $max_z] 0]
t zmin [string trimright [format %.4f $min_z] 0]
MOM_output_literal "(MAXZ = $zmax , MINZ = $zmin)"
global mom_machine_time
MOM_output_literal "(Total Machine Time:[format "%.2f" $mom_machine_time min])"
Tool_Name:$mom_tool_name Tool_No:$mom_tool_number $mom_operation_type
global max_z min_z
t zmax [string trimright [format %.4f $max_z] 0]
t zmin [string trimright [format %.4f $min_z] 0]
MOM_output_literal "(MAXZ = $zmax , MINZ = $zmin)"
global mom_machine_time
MOM_output_literal "(Total Machine Time:[format "%.2f" $mom_machine_time min
global toolnum
global toolinfo椭圆焦距
global mom_group_name
global mom_tool_name
global mom_tool_diameter
global mom_tool_corner1_radius
global mom_stepover_percent
global mom_stock_part
global mom_stock_floor
global mom_cut_level_max_depth
global mom_cut_level_min_depth
global max_z
global min_z
global max_x
global min_x
global max_y绝卖
global min_y
global mom_operation_name
global mom_machine_time
global mom_tool_flute_length
global mom_date
global mom_part_name
global mom_logname
global mom_cutting_time
global pre_tool_name
global pre_machine_time
global pre_time
global mom_spindle_rpm
global mom_feed_cut_value
global alex_depth
global alex_stepover
global tol
global mom_tool_number mom_next_tool_number
global mom_coolant_status mom_coolant_mode
global mom_spindle_rpm
global mom_warning_info
global anchor_flag
global coolant_flag
global first_tool
global mom_tool_name
global mom_tool_diameter
global mom_tool_length_adjust_register
global mom_tool_corner1_radius
global mom_tool_flute_length
global mom_work_coordinate_number
global msys mom_stock_part
global mom_stock_floor
global mom_inside_outside_tolerances ln函数
global mom_global_cut_depth
global mom_stepover_distance
global mom_global_cut_depth
global mom_stepover_distance
global mom_stepover_scallop
global mom_stepover_variable_pass
global mom_stepover_percent
global mom_stepover_type
global mom_depth_of_cut_type
global mom_cut_level_max_depth
global mom_depth_per_cut
2.找到proc PB_start_of_program
3.找到proc PB_CMD_kin_before_motion并且在其上面加入如下:
proc PB_CMD_init_turbo { } {
# This custom command may only be ud with Post Builder 3.2.1
# or later and NX2 or later.
# Place this custom command with the "Start of Program" marker.
# This custom command will activate the turbo process mode for
# the 3-axis mill posts. The execution time will be about 5 to
# 10 times faster than the normal process.
# Special Blocks are included in any 3-axis mill post created
# by Post Builder v3.2.1 and on.
# The blocks being output are formatted similar to that of the