怎么折小星星杨儒Introduction Part
Esntial elements: your consideration of the assumptions in the claim/ your stance .
context+ stance
A 完全赞成
——————————. Therefore I strongly agree with the asrtion that_______.
_________________. It is in this n I agree that ___________________.
宋代官服"People are too quick to take action; instead they should stop to think of the possible conquences of what they might do."
A person’s life journey is full of the junctures when he has to take action, and any action will give ri to a corresponding conquence due to the path he choos. To guarantee a desirable conquence, people should not
make a hasty decision, but think before making the leap.
B 完全反对
201"The p urpo o f e ducation s hould b e t o p rovide students w ith a v alue s ystem, a s tandard, a s et o f i deas—not t o p repare t hem f or a s peci=ic j ob."
C 有条件赞成(反对)
I concede that ______________; but considering ___,
Although it is true that ___________, _______.
Not only__________, but also ____________
With _________________, a balance of A and B should always be struck.
恢复群————————————————; however, STH should never be ignored.
“In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists—people who can provide broad perspectives."
In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both positive and negative effects among persons in Western society call for a balance in which there are both specialists and generalists.
The success of a person means that the person has achieved something that he has been trying to
get. When the efforts are met with good results and it results in satisfaction of work, it is termed as success. One can be working towards becoming rich or famous or getting a high social position. Thus, a successful person is one who gets all that he is aiming for. It is not only a matter of chance or luck that one turns out to be successful, but one also has to work towards attaining success.
It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value."
Term explanation
Whenever it comes to the issue of __, a clear understanding of this concept is always mandatory. N generally refers to _____, which ________.
N in nature/in principle is compod of two esntial/ intrinsic elements, __ and ___.
N is often termed as ________.
N is _____.
六的乘法口诀N means ________.
"Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning."
The success of a person means that the person has achieved something that he has been trying to get. When the efforts are met with good results and it results in satisfaction of work, it is termed as success. One can be working towards becoming rich or famous or getting a high social position. Thus, a successful person is one who gets all that he is aiming for. It is not only a matter of chance or luck that one turns out to be successful, but one also has to work towards attaining success.
"The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we e the same world as before, but with different eyes."
Acquiring knowledge has often been termed as enlightening onelf. One does e the world with different eyes once the study of an academic discipline has been completed. A child perceives the world with an entirely different perspective as compared to that of
his parents as his knowledge has not yet been molded by the finer details that only the study of an academic discipline can provide.
Context Setting+ stance
"People are too quick to take action; instead they should stop to think of the possible conquences of what they might do."
邮箱选项卡A person’s life journey is full of the junctures when he has to take action, and any action will give ri to a corresponding conquence due to the path he choos.To guarantee a desirable conquence, people should not make a hasty decision, but think before making the leap.