What are you doingthere?
I like gettin g up early.
The film is wortheing again.
Pearlis fond of wearin g her long hair.
Mike is foundw orking in the garden.
They are in Englan d visiti ng relati ves.
I saw him runnin g for the bus.
I heardher singin g in the next room.易传
With the tree growin g tall, we get more shade.
Do you know the way leadin g to the statio n?
全职高手第2季Thereare a lot of boys playin g in the garden.
Thankyou for coming.
Theirleisur e time is spentplayin g cards.
Seeing her so thin and pale shocke d him.
The mother told the childr en not to talk whileeating.
Don’t be angrywith me for not having writte n to you.
( ) Seeing is ( ) believ ing.
( ) Borrow ing largesums of moneyis a big mistak e.
Thereis ( ) no tellin g when he will come.
Generally speaki ng, boys are more mischievous than girls.
Strict ly speaki ng, youhave no rightto do that.
Judgin g from what you say, he had done his best.
Mr Whitesuggested ()taking more exerci .
Cathywas agains t( )cancel lingthe meetin g.
I don’t like the idea of( )spendi ng so much money.
3.-ing分词可以有自己的逻辑主语,由-ing分词短语的一部分表示。这种带有逻辑主语的-ing分词短语叫做-ing分词复合结构(comple x constr uctio n of the -ing partic iple),有下列三种:
It’s no u your tellin g me not to worry
I can’t unders tandhis/him leavin g so sudden ly.阿胶怎么吃效果最佳
n d.
What uptthem was Helen’s leavin g for New Zeala
I don’t approv e of a womanwalkin g by herl f late at night.
没有属格形式的代词或不易构成属格的名词及其短语通常都用通格形式表示。例如:I object to anybody smoking in my room.
I have neverthough t that beingpossib le.
I didn’t notice the door beingshut.
Do you rememb er my mother and me coming to e you?
2)用名词的通格或代词的主格形式表示。这种-ing分词复合结构和句子其余部分无语法联系,因此又叫做-ing分词独立结构(absolu te constr uctio n of the -ing partic iple),通常在句中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、方式、补充说明等。
Such beingthe ca, we have to go aheadby ourlves.
Weathe r permit ting, we shallgo for an outing this Sunday.
We divide d the work, she taking one half and I the rest.嵇康最有名气的诗
Henrydenied therebeinganything rious in the argument.
No one wouldhave dreame d of therebeingsuch a good place
Therebeingno bus, we had to go thereon foot.
Therebeingno eviden ce of his crime, the prison er was t free.
4.有些-ing分词的逻辑主语既不是泛指的人而又不能从句中看出,这种-ing分词叫做无依着-ing分词(unatta ched/dangli ng -ing partic iple)。无依着-ing分词在语法上和逻辑
All the work in the factor y is done sittin g down.
When dining in the restau rant, a jacket and tie and requir ed.
Rather an amusin g thinghappen ed whiledressi ng that mornin g.
In prepar ing the formul a, care must be takento measur e the ingred ients carefu lly.
When drawin g up a contra ct for the sale of goods,it is necess ary to give a detail ed descri ption of the goods.