1. Expressing Likes
I love chocolate. I love playing football. I love .
I like animals. I like dancing. I like .平方计算公式
*I fancy you. I fancy reading. I fancy .
I enjoy foreign films. I enjoy running. I enjoy .
I'm crazy about Beck. I'm crazy about skiing. I'm crazy about .
I'm mad about Brad Pitt. 一年级思维训练500题I'm mad about singing. I'm mad about .
*I'm keen on John. I'm keen on swimming. I'm keen on水煮白菜的做法 .
*I'm fond of her. I'm fond of cycling. 小发明小制作I'm fond of 虎的故事 .
is my favorite movie / actor / singer / book, etc.
looks / sounds / smells / tastes / feels good.
2. Expressing Dislikes
I hate spiders. I hate writing essays. I hate .
I don't like spinach. I don't like being cold. I don't like .
*I don't fancy her. I don't fancy playing cards. I don't fancy .
I can’t stand smoke. I can't stand being late. I can't stand .
I can't bear lazy people. I can't bear eating onions. I can't bear .
I can't put up with Mike. I can't put up with lying. I can't put up with毛愣三光 .
I’m fed up with属蛇和属虎的婚姻如何 Jill. I'm fed up with wasting money. I'm fed up with .
I’m sick of homework. I'm sick of going to the movies. I'm sick of .
I’m tired of vegetables. I'm tired of being sick. I'm tired of .
really bugs me.
makes me mad / angry.
drives me crazy.
annoys me.
3. Expressing Indifference
Do you mind if I open the window? I don't mind.
Does it bother you if I smoke? It doesn't bother me.
Do you want to go here or there? It doesn't matter to me.
Which movie should we watch? 南京海洋馆It makes no difference to me.
Which book do you like more? It's all the same to me.
What do you want for dinner? I don't care.
Do you want this one or that one? I couldn't care less.
* British English