摘 要
Under the condition of economic globalization, the competition among countries often performs as competition of brands. With the urgent need of strenthening the brand construction and promoting the
brand value, China has been in inferiority in the competition. Especially, the marketing environment has changed a lot in the 21st century,commodity greatly enriched and brand loyalty short forced firms end the aimless mass marketing .To fit in the new marketing environment, enterpris should carry out precision marketing, and promote the brand value by precision marketing.
First of all, this thesis states the basic theory of precision marketing and brand value. The connotation of precision marketing contains the precision of clients, technology, and products. Brand value involves the meaning, the reprentation, and influence factors of changes. Then, creatively, the thesis establishes and analyzes the work mechanism of precision marketing and brand value from three aspects—First, the precision of client affects the customer’s loyalty, which promotes the brand value from the changes of market demand; Second, the product precision highlights the core value of brand, which promotes the brand value from the angle of enterpris; Third, accurate technique creates advantages in the competition, so as to enhance the brand value. At last, aiming at the problems of Chine enterpris, the thesis discuss how to promote the brand value form the angle of precision marketing.
Key words Brand value Precision marketing Competitive advantage
Customer loyalty
文员面试1.1.1 选题背景
国内品牌价值难敌国际竞争考验。中国自2001年11月加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后,开始逐步融入世界经济体系。开放的市场给我们带来了更多的机会,同样也带来更多的挑战。跨国公司利用其品牌优势对国内许多行业造成冲击,影响了国内的市场份额。与此相反的是,我国品牌在国际市场上占有的市场份额仍然较低,盈利能力依然较弱。目前中国已成为世界最大的加工厂,“made in China”充斥着全球市场的每一个角落,但是“中国制造”多是附加值较低的产品,“China mean cheap”现象普遍存在。中国是经济大国,但还不是经济强国。改革开放以来,我们创造了“联想”“海尔”等一些优秀的国际品牌,但中国品牌的资产价值与外国品牌相比差距较大,而且抵御风险的能力较差,中国品牌难以抵御国际市场风云变化的局势以及国外优势品牌的竞争。从这个意义上来讲,提升中国企业的品牌价值,对增强我国的经济实力以及在国际市场的地位有重要意义。新房对联