The Educational Media Association Professional Resources Committee offers this generic school library media curriculum and scope and quence for integration into individual school district programs. According to Amy Pritzel, “writing a library media curriculum really comes down to one’s knowledge as a professional and what you think the students need to know…curriculum work will never really be ‘finished’.” (Pritzel 30) U this document as a tool and recognize that modifications to meet individual needs are encouraged. Materials cited in this template have been reprinted with permission from: Einberg, Michael B. and Robert Berkowitz. Curriculum Initiative: An Agenda & Strategy for Library Media Programs.
Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning by American Association of School Librarians and Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Copyright (c) 1998 American Library Association and Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Reprinted by permission of the American Library Association.
Weisburg, Hilda K. and Ruth Toor. Learning, Linking, an d Critical Thinking: Information Strategies for the K-12 Library Media Curriculum.
Permission has been granted to reproduce the quoted materials within this document, including proper citation to the original source.
Committee recommendations are noted in italics.
EMAnj Professional Resources Committee:
Dagmar Finkle, Co-chair Susan Heinis
Mary Lewis Cathy Osborn
Rita Ryor
Vicky Turner, Co-chair
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The following components are the suggested minimum requirements for curriculum guides. Modifications may be desired for consistency with district curricula.
1. Title page
Title of cour
Board approval – month and year
Special education statement
Names of superintendent and assistant superintendent
2. Mission Statement
四明山地质公园3. Philosophy
4. Relationship to National and State Standards
5. Program Goals
6. Nine Information Literacy Standards
7. Asssment
8. Areas of Instruction
9. New Jery Core Curriculum Content Standards Key
10. Cour outline/Student objectives (Scope and Sequence)
11. Suggested Materials
A. Bibliography
B. Materials Selection Policy
C. Acceptable U Policy (AUP)
D. Ten Concepts of the Information Curriculum
E. EMAnj Web Matrix correlating the Information Literacy Standards for Student
Learning with the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS)
</ >
F. The Big Six Skills: Information Problem Solving Approach
G. New Jery Core Curriculum Content Standards and Frameworks
(The Library Media Program is a discipline located in Cross Content Workplace
Readiness that is integrated with all other disciplines in the CCCS).
_________________PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Curriculum Guide
Date (Month, Year)
__________, Superintendent
__________, Assistant Superintendent老水牛角弯弯
Developed by: __________, District Supervisor
List name (s) of library media specialist
and other committee members
(Add pertinent Board of Education statements here).配置可交换显示卡
This curriculum may be modified through varying techniques, Strategies, and materials, as per an individual student’s
Individual Education Plan (IEP).
认识的近义词Approved by the ___________________ Board of Education
At the regular meeting held on __________.
Mission Statement (1)
Philosophy of the School Library Media Program (2)
Philosophy of Instruction (4)
Relationship to National and .. (4)
Program Goals (5)
Nine Information Literacy Standards (7)
Asssment (8)
Areas of Instruction (9)
New Jery Core Curriculum Content Standards Key (10)
Cour Outline/.(parate file).. (11)
Suggested Materials
A. Bibliography (26)
B. Materials Selection Policy (28)
C. Acceptable U Policy (AUP) (30)
D. Ten Concepts of the Information Curriculum (31)
E. EMAnj Web Matrix correlating the Information Literacy Standards for Student
Learning with the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) (32)
F. The Big Six Skills: Information Problem Solving Approach (32)
G. New Jery Core Curriculum Content Standards and Frameworks (33)
(The Library Media Program is a discipline located in Cross Content Workplace Readiness that is integrated with all other disciplines in the CCCS).
The mission of the school library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective urs of ideas and information. (Information Power 6-7) This mission is accomplished by:
• Providing intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats.
• Providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas.
• Working with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students.
The school library media center is a vital and integral hub of the school and as a result reflects the philosophy and goals of the school and the district. In an age of information, acquiring information literacy skills and a commitment for lifelong reading and learning become paramount. In the school library media center, students develop critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills as they u a variety of resources to meet the demands of today’s curriculum.
A library media program does not exist in isolation. The school library media specialist works in partnership with students, teachers, administrators, Board of Education members, and the school community to develop the library media program. Through collaboration, the library media program also incorporates the goals and objectives of the New Jery Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJCCCS) and the National Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning as prepared by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). The combined vision supports the goal for educational excellence and the concept of intellectual freedom.
The principles for learning and teaching of school library media programs have been identified and developed by the Information Power Vision Committee. (Information Power 58)
• Principle 1: The library media program is esntial to learning and teaching and must be fully integrated into the curriculum to promote students’ achievement of learning goals. • Principle 2: The information literacy standards for student learning are integral to the content and objectives of the school’s curriculum.
• Principle 3: The library media program models and promotes collaborative planning and curriculum development.
• Principle 4: The library media program models and promotes creative, effective, and collaborative teaching.
• Principle 5: Access to the full range of information resources and rvices through the library media program is fundamental to learning.
• Principle 6: The library media program encourages and engages students in reading, viewing, and listening for understanding and enjoyment.
• Principle 7: The library media program su pports the learning of all students and other members of the learning community who have diver learning abilities, styles, and needs. • Principle 8: The library media program fosters individual and collaborative inquiry.
管强• Principle 9: The library media prog ram integrates the us of technology for learning and teaching.
• Principle 10: The library media program is an esntial link to the larger learning community.