2011 年 6月
RS-422 and RS-485 application note
Chapter 1: Overview
The purpo of this application note is to describe the main elements of an RS-422 and RS-485 syste
卤水蛋m. This application note attempts to cover enough technical details so that the system designer will have considered all the important aspects in his data system design. Since both RS-422 and RS-485 are data transmission systems that u balanced differential signals, it is appropriate to discuss both systems in the same application note. Throughout this application note the generic terms of RS-422 and RS-485 will be ud to reprent the EIA/TIA-422 and EIA/TIA-485 Standards. Data Transmission Signals
Unbalanced Line Drivers
Each signal that transmits in an RS-232 unbalanced data transmission system appears on the interface connector as a voltage with reference to a signal ground. For example, the transmitted data (TD) from a DTE device appears on pin 2 with respect to pin 7 (signal ground) on a DB-25 connector. This voltage will be negative if the line is idle and alternate between that negative level and a positive level when data is nt with a magnitude of ±5 to ±15 volts. The RS-232 receiver typically operates within the voltage range of +3 to +12 and -3 to -12 volts as shown in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1: RS-232 Interface Circuit
Balanced Line Drivers
In a balanced differential system the voltage produced by the driver appears across a pair of signal lines that transmit only one signal. Figure 1.2 shows a schematic symbol for a balanced line driver and the voltages that exist. A balanced line driver will produce a voltage from 2 to 6 volts across its A and B output terminals and will have a signal ground (C) connection. Although proper connection to the signal ground is important, it isn't ud by a balanced line receiver in determining the logic state of the data line. A balanced line driver can also have an input signal called an “Enable” signal. The p
一亩是多少平米urpo of this signal is to connect the driver to its output terminals, A and B. If the “Enable” signal is OFF, one can consider the driver as disconnected from the transmission line. An RS-485 driver must have the “Enable” control signal. An RS-422 driver may have this signal, but it is not always required. The disconnected or "disabled" condition of the line driver usually is referred to as the
“tristate1” condition of t he driver.垃圾分类活动
1The term “tristate” comes from the fact that there is a third output state of an RS-485 driver, in addition to the output states of “1” and “0.”
Figure 1.2: Balanced Differential Output Line Driver
Balanced Line Receivers
A balanced differential line receiver ns the voltage state of the transmission line across two signal input lines, A and B. It will also have a signal ground (C) that is necessary in making the proper interface connection. Figure 1.3 is a schematic symbol for a balanced differential line receiver. Figure 1.3 also shows the voltages that are important to the balanced line receiver. If the differential input voltage Vab is greater than +200 mV the receiver will have a specific logic state on its output terminal. If the input voltage is reverd to less than -200 mV the receiver will create the opposite
logic state on its output terminal. The input voltages that a balanced line receiver must n are shown in Figure 1.3. The 200 mV to 6 V range is required to allow for attenuation on the transmission line.
Figure 1.3: Balanced Differential Input Line Receiver
EIA Standard RS-422 Data Transmission
The EIA Standard RS-422-A entitled “Electrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Digital Interface Circuits” defines the chara cteristics of RS-422 interface circuits. Figure 1.4 is a typical RS-422 four-wire interface. Notice that five conductors are ud. Each generator or driver can drive up to ten (10) receivers. The two signaling states of the line are defined as follows:
a. When the “A” terminal of the driver is negative with respect to the “B” terminal, the line is in a binary 1 (MARK or OFF) state.
b. When the “A” terminal of the driver is positive with respect to the “B” terminal, the line is in a binary 0 (SPACE or ON) state.
Figure 1.5 shows the condition of the voltage of the balanced line for an RS-232 to RS-422 converter when the line is in the “idle” condition or OFF state. It also shows the relationship of the “A” and “B” terminals of an RS-422 system and the “-“ and“+” terminal markings ud on many types of equipment. The “A” terminal is equivalent to the “-“ designation, and the “B” terminal equivalent to th
e “+” designation. The same relationship shown in Figure 1.5 also applies for RS-485 systems. RS-422 can withstand a common mode voltage (Vcm) of ±7 volts. Common mode voltage is defined as the mean voltage of the A and B terminals with respect to signal ground.
Figure 1.4: Typical RS-422 Four Wire Network
Figure 1.5: Relationship between EIA Standard “A” and “B” terminals on an RS-422 or RS-485 Device
technologyand “+”and “-” Identification Convention
NOTE:Under “idle” conditions it is possible to determine which terminal is “A” and which is “B”.
肇庆鼎湖山EIA Standard RS-485 Data Transmission