
更新时间:2023-05-20 14:06:56 阅读: 评论:0

Unit 1  Metals
    1 The u of metals has always been a key factor in the development of the social systems of man. Of the roughly 100 basic elements of which all matter is compod, about half are classified as metals. The distinction between a metal and a nonmetal is not always clear-cut. The most basic definition centers around the type of bonding existing between the atoms of the element, and around the characteristics of certain of the electrons associated with the atoms. In a more practical way, however, a metal can be defined as an element which has a particular package of properties.
    2 Metals are 鳄鱼crystalline when in the solid state and, with few exceptions (e.g. mercury), are solid at ambient temperatures. They are good conductors of heat and electricity and are opaque to light. They usually have a comparatively high density. Many metals are ductile-that is, their shape can be changed permanently by the application of a force without breaking. The forces required to cau this deformation and tho required to break or fracture a metal are comparatively high, although, the fracture forces is not nearly as high as would be expected from simple consideration of the forces required to tear apart the atoms of the metal.
    3 One of the more significant of the characteristics from our point of view is that of crystallinity. A crystalline solid is one in which the constituent atoms are located in a regular three-dimensional array as if they were located at the corners of the squares of a three-dimensional chessboard一本正经的近义词. The spacing of the atoms in the array is of the same order as the size of the atoms, the actual spacing being a characteristic of the particular metal. The directions of the axes of the array define the orientation of the crystal in space. The metals commonly ud in engineering practice are compod of a large number of such crystals, called grains. In the most general ca, the crystals of the various grains are randomly oriented in space. The grains are everywhere in intimate contact with one another and joined together on an atomic scale. The region at which they join is known as a grain boundary.
    4 An absolutely pure metal (i.e. one compod of only one type of atom) has never been produced. Engineers would not be particularly interested in such a metal even if it were to be produced, becau it would be soft and weak. The metals ud commercially inevitably contain small amounts of one or more foreign elements, either metallic or nonmetallic. The foreign elements may be detrimental, they may be beneficial, or they may have no influence at all on a particular property. If disadvantageous, the foreign elements tend to be known as impurities. If advantageous, they tend to be known as alloying elements. Alloying elements are commonly added deliberately in substantial amounts in engineering materials. The result is known as an alloy.
    5 The distinction between the descriptors “metal” and “alloy” is not clear-cut. The term “metal” may be ud to encompass both a commercially pure metal and its alloys. Perhaps it can be said that the more deliberately an alloying addition has been made and the larger the amount of the addition, the more likely it is that the product will specifically be called an alloy. In any event, the chemical composition of a metal or an alloy must be known and controlled within certain limits if consistent performance is to be achieved in rvice. Thus chemical composition has to be taken into account when developing an understanding of the factors which determine the properties of metals and their alloys.
    6 Of the 50 or so metallic elements, only a few are produced and ud in large quantities in engineering practice. The most important by far is iron, on which are bad the ubiquitous steels and cast irons (basically alloys of iron and carbon). They account for about 98% by weight of all metals produced. Next in importance for structural us (that is, for structures that are expected to carry loads) are aluminum, copper, nickel, and titanium. Aluminum accounts for about 0.8% by weight of all metals produced, and copper about 0.7%, leaving only 0.5% for all other metals. As might be expected, the remainders are all ud in rather special applications. For example, nickel alloys are ud principally in corrosion-and heat-resistant applications, while titanium is ud extensively in the aerospace industry becau its alloys have good combinations of high strength and low density. Both nickel and titanium are ud in high-cost, high-quality applications, and, indeed, it is their high cost that tends to restrict their application.
    7 We cannot discuss the more esoteric properties here. Suffice it to say that a whole complex of properties in addition to structural strength is required of an alloy before it will be accepted into, and survive in, engineering practice. It may, for example, have to be strong and yet have reasonable corrosion resistance; it may have to be able to be fabricated by a particular process such as deep drawing, machining, or welding; it may have to be 大改驾readily recyclable; and its cost and availability may be of critical importance.
Unit 2 Selection of Construction Materials
1 There is not a great difference between “this” steel and “that” steel; all are very similar in mechanical properties. Selection must be made on factors such as hardenability, price, and availability, and not with the idea that “this” steel can do something no other can do becau it contains 2 percent instead of 1 percent of a certain alloying element, or becau it has a mysterious(神秘的,不可思议的) name. A tremendous range of properties is available in any steel after heat treatment; this is particularly true of alloy steels.
Considerations in fabrication(制造)
2 The properties of the final part (hardness, strength, and machinability), rather than properties required by forging, govern the lection of material. The properties required for forging have very little relation to the final properties of the material; therefore, not much can be done to improve its forgeability. Higher-carbon steel is difficult to forge. Large grain size is best if subquent heat treatment will refine the grain size.
3 Low-carbon, nickel-chromium(铬) steels are just about as plastic at high temperature under a single 520-ft·lb(1 ft·lb=1.35582J) blow as plain steels of similar carbon content. Nickel decreas forgeability of medium-carbon steels, but has little effect on low-carbon steels. Chromium ems to harden steel at forging temperatures, but vanadium(钒) has no discernible(可辨别的) effect; neither has the method of manufacture any effect on high-carbon steel.
4 The cold-formability of steel is a function(功能) of its tensile strength combined with ductility. The tensile strength and yield point must not be high or too much work will be required in bending(弯曲); likewi(同样地), the steel must have sufficient(充足的) ductility to flow to the required shape without cracking. The force required depends on the yield point, becau deformation starts in the plastic range above the yield point of steel. Work-hardening also occurs here, progressively(日益增多地) stiffening(使变硬) the metal and causing difficulty, particularly(独特的,显著的) in the low-carbon steels.
5 It is quite interesting in this connection(关于这一点,就此而论) to discover that deep draws can sometimes be made in one rapid operation that could not possibly be done leisurely(缓慢地,从容不迫地) in two or three. If a draw is half made and then stopped, it may be necessary to anneal(退火) before proceeding, that is(换句话说), if the piece is given time to work-harden. This may not be a scientific statement, but it is actually what ems to happen.
Internal stress
6 Cold forming is done above the yield point in the work-hardening range, so internal stress can be built up easily. Evidence of this is the springback(回弹) as the work leaves the forming operation and the warpage(翘曲,扭曲) in any(任何一种) subquent heat treatment. Even a simple washer might, by virtue of(依靠) the internal stress resulting from punching(冲压) and then flattening(整平), warp(弯曲) verely(严格地,激烈地) during heat treating. (virtue n.德行, 美德, 贞操, 优点, 功效, 效力, 英勇 believed in the virtue of prayer.相信祈祷的力量
7 When doubt exists as to(关于) whether internal stress will cau warpage, a piece can be checked by heating it to about 1100 and then letting it cool. If there are internal stress, the piece is likely to(可能) deform. Pieces that will warp verely while being heated have been en, yet (然而)the heat-treater was expected to put them through and bring them out better than they were in the first place.
8 The maximum carbon content of plain carbon steel safe for welding without preheating or subquent heat treatment is 0.3%. higher-carbon steel is welded every day, but only with proper preheating. There are two important factors: the amount of heats that is put in ; the rate at which it is removed.
9 Welding at a slower rate puts in more heat and heats a large volume of metal, so the cooling rate due to loss of heat to the ba metal is decread(减少). A preheat will do the same thing. For example, sae4150 steel, preheated to 600 or 800, can be welded readily(容易地). When the flame or arc is taken away from the weld, the cooling rate is not so great, owing to the higher temperature of the surrounding metal and slower cooling results. Even the most rapid air-hardening(风硬钢) steels are weldable if preheated and welded at a slow rate.
低速焊接带来了更多的热量,这对金属的大量体积进行了加热,所以冷却速度降低。预热可以取得与之相当的效果。例如当  被预热至    时可以很好的焊接。由于周围金属的较高温度,当焊接弧移开焊接点后,冷却速度不会太快,产生了低速冷却的结果。即使是冷作硬化速度最快的金属也可以通过预热和慢速焊接达到良好的焊接效果。
10 Machinability(机械加工性能) means veral things. To production men it generally means being able to remove metal at the fastest rate, leave the best possible finish, and obtain the longest possible tool life. Machinability applies to(应用于) the tool-work(工具,零件) combination.
11 It is not determined by hardness(硬度) alone, but by the toughness(韧性), microstructure, chemical composition(成分), and tendency(倾向) of a metal to harden under cold work. In the misleading expression “too hard to machine”, the word “hard” is usually meant to be synonymous(同义的) with “difficult”. Many times a material is actually too soft to machine readily. Softness and toughness may cau the metal to tear(撕裂) and flow ahead of the cutting tool rather than cut cleanly. Metal that are inherently(天性地,固有地) soft and tough are sometimes alloyed to improve their machinability at some sacrifice(牺牲) in ductility. Examples are u of lead(铅) in brass(黄铜) and of sulfur(硫磺) in steel.
12 Machinability is a term ud to indicate the relative(比较的) ea(不费力) with which a material can be machined by sharp cutting tools in operations such as turning(车), drilling(钻), milling(铣), broaching(拉削), and reaming(铰).
    13 In the machining of metal, the metal being cut, the cutting tool, the coolant, the process and type of machine tool(机床), and the cutting conditions all influence the results. By changing any one of the factors, different results will be obtained. The criterion(标准) upon which the ratings(等级) listed are bad(等级评定的标准) is the relative volume of various(不同种) materials that may be removed by turning under fixed conditions to produce an arbitrary(任意的) fixed amount of tool wear.
Unit 3 Mechanical Properties of Materials
1 The material properties can be classified into three major headings: (i) Physical, (ii) Chemical, (iii) Mechanical.
Physical properties
2 Density or specific gravity, moisture content, etc., can be classified under this category.
Chemical properties
3 Many chemical properties come under this category. The include acidity or alkalinity, reactivity and corrosion. The most important of the is corrosion which can be explained in layman’s terms as the resistance of the material to decay while in continuous u in a particular atmosphere.
Mechanical properties
4 Mechanical properties include the strength properties like tensile, compression, shear, torsion, impact, fatigue and creep. The tensile strength of a material is obtained by dividing the maximum load, which the specimen bears by the area of cross-ction of the specimen.
5 This is a curve plotted between the stress along the Y-axis(ordinate) and the strain along the X-axis(abscissa) in a tensile test. A material tends to change or changes its dimensions when it is loaded, depending upon the magnitude of the load. When the load is removed it can be en that the deformation disappear s. For many materials this occurs up to a certain value of the stress called the elastic limit. This is depicted by the straight line relationship and a small deviation thereafter, in the stress-strain curve.
6 Within the elastic range, the limiting value of the stress up to which the stress and strain are proportional, is called the limit of proportionality. In this region, the metal obeys Hooke’s law, which states that the stress is proportional to strain in the elastic range of loading (the material completely regains its original dimensions after the load is removed). In the actual plotting of the curve, the proportionality limit is obtained at a slightly lower value of the load than the elastic limit. This may be attributed to the time-lag in the regaining of the original dimensions of the material. This effect is very frequently noticed in some no-ferrous metals.
7 While iron and nickel exhibit clear ranges of elasticity, copper, zinc(锌), tin(锡), etc, are found to be imperfectly邰怎么读 elastic even at relatively(相当地) low values of stress. Actually the elastic limit is distinguishable(可区分的) from the proportionality(比例性) limit more clearly depending upon the nsitivity(灵敏性) of the measuring instrument.
8 When the load is incread beyond the elastic limit, plastic deformation starts. Simultaneously the specimen gets work-hardened. A point is reached when(这时) the deformation starts to occur more rapidly than the increasing load. This point is called the yield point Q. the metal which was resisting the load till then, starts to deform somewhat rapidly, i. e. , yield. The yield stress is called yield limit.
9 The elongation of the specimen continues form Q to S and then to T. the stess-strain relation in this plastic flow period is indicated by the portion QRST of the curve. At T the specimen breaks, and this load is called the breaking load. The value of the maximum load S divided by the original cross-ctional area of the specimen is referred to as the ultimate tensile strength of the metal or simply the tensile strength.
10 Logically speaking, once the elastic limit is exceeded, the metal should starts to yield, and finally break, without any increa in the value of stress. But the curve records an incread stress even after the elastic limit is exceeded. Two reasons can be given for this behavior:
1. the strain hardening of the material;
2. the diminishing cross-ctional area of the specimen, suffered on account of the plastic deformation.
11 The more plastic deformation the metal undergoes, the harder it becomes, due to work-hardening. The more the metal gets elongated the more its diameter(and hence, cross-ctional area) is decread. This continues until the point S is reached.
12 After S, the rate at which the redution in area takes place, exceeds the rate at which the stress increas. Strain becomes so high that the redution in area begins to produce a localized effect at some point. This is called neching.
13 Reduction in cross-ctional area takes place very rapidly; so rapidly that the load value actully drops. This is indicated by ST. Failure occurs at this point T.
14 Then percentage elongation and reduction in area indicate the ductility or plasticity of the material:
Where and are the original and the final length of the specimen; and are the original and the final cross-ctional area.
1. 材料的应变强化;
2. 由于塑性变形引起的试件横截面积的缩小。
    (For Christ was God, and suffered on account of us, being himlf the Father, that he might be able to save us.因为基督就是上帝,为我们受苦,他自己身为父,好叫祂也能救赎我们。)
        Unit5  Design of machine and machine elements
Machine design机器设计
  1 Machine design is the art of planning or devising new or improved machines to accomplish specific purpos. In general, a machine will consist of a combination of veral different mechanical elements properly designed and arranged to work together, as a whole. During the initial planning of a machine, fundamental decisions must be made concerning loading, type of kinematic elements to be ud, and correct utilization of the properties of engineering materials. Economic considerations are usually of prime importance when the design of new machinery is undertaken. In general, the lowest over-all costs are designed. Consideration should be given not only to the cost of design, manufacture the necessary safety features and be of pleasing external appearance. The objective is to produce a machine which is not only sufficiently rugged to function properly for a reasonable life, but is at the same time cheap enough to be economically feasible.
  2 The engineer in charge of the design of a machine should not only have adequate technical training, but must be a man of sound judgment and wide experience, qualities which are usually acquired only after considerable time has been spent in actual professional work.
Design of machine elements机器零件的设计
3 The principles of design are, of cour, universal. The same theory or equations  may be applied to a very small part, as in an instrument, or, to a larger but similar part ud in a piece of heavy equipment. In no ea, however, should mathematical calculations be looked upon as absolute and final. They are all subject to the accuracy of the various assumptions, which must necessarily be made in engineering work. Sometimes only a portion of the total number of parts in a machine are designed on the basis of analytic calculations. The form and size of the remaining parts are designed on the basis of analytic calculations. On the other hand, if the machine is very expensive, or if weight is a factor, as in airplanes, design computations may then be made for almost all the parts.

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