Dear Dr. XXX,
Thank you for arranging a timely review for our manuscript. We are plead to know that our study is of general interest for the readers of NUTRITION. We have carefully evaluated the reviewers’ critical comments and thoughtful suggestions, responded to the suggestions point-by-point, and revid the manuscript accordingly. All changes made to the text are in red so that they may be easily identified. With regard to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions, we wish to reply as follows:
(1)Correspondences to your reviewers;
(2)One copy of the revid manuscript;
(3)A floppy disk containing the revid manuscript.
(4)Copyright assignment
To reviewer #1
1.The author should add a few review articles on ghrelin for readers in the Introduction.
We added two reviews in our revid manuscript.
2.The increa in ghrelin levels do not necessary indicate that weight loss in dia is well compensated (Introduction and Discussion). This may be interpreted to be insufficient to recover to the previous body weight.
There i区间的概念s possibility that the increa in ghrelin levels may result from the insufficient to recover to the previous body weight, but it is more likely that the increa in ghrelin level indicate that weight loss in dia is well compensated. Shimizu et al1 reported that baline plasma ghrelin level was significantly higher in cachectic patients with lung cancer than in noncachectic patients and control subjects. As weight loss is a chronic process and ghrelin levels may change more rapid than weight loss, the increa in ghrelin in tho chronic dias is unlikely result from the insufficient to recover to the pr
evious body weight. Moreover, this author also reported that follow-up plasma ghrelin level incread in the prence of anorexia after chemotherapy, which further suggests that the increa ghrelin level may reprent a compensatory mechanism under catabolic–anabolic imbalance in cachectic patients with lung cancer1.
3.The authors should refer to the original report that IL-1b decrea plasma ghrelin levels(Gastroentelorogy 120:337-345,2001)
We referred this article as the reviewer suggested. In fact, this is a mistake of us. Many thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion.
4.Ref. 13 do not include data on ghrelin.注塑机操作规程
We are so sorry to make this mistake for citing the Ref.13. We replaced the reference in the paper.
5.语言能力There is no report that desacyl ghrelin stimulates food intake. It is the connsus at prent acyl ghrelin is involved in feeding respon to starvation. Therefore, the authors s
hould be careful about their interpretation described in the last paragraph in page 10.
组词释 We made it clear in the paper that ghrelin has two isoforms (“active” and “inactive”). Only the “active” isoform is involved in feeding respon to starvation. But the “inactive” isoform has other activities like anti-proliferative activity on tumor cell lines as described in the manuscript.
To reviewer #2
Major comments
1.Earlier studies have shown that circulating ghrelin level is incread in underweight patients with CHF, lung cancer, and liver cirrhosis. In the prent study, however, plasma ghrelin level was decread despite a significant weight loss in COPD. In addition, earlier studies have reported that circulating ghrelin correlated positively with BMI in patients with CHF and lung cancer. However, the prent study demonstrated that plasma ghrelin level correlated positively with BMI in COPD patients. Thus, there are considerable discre
pancies between the prent study and earlier studies. The discrepancies should be discusd抢劫者 in detail. The author also stated the regulation of ghrelin cretion was disturbed in COPD patients. However, they did not clarify this mechanism.
投诉处理制度We stated that the role of ghrelin in patients with COPD may be different from its role in CHF, cancer and liver cirrhosis and discusd this difference in the last paragraph of page 9.
Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we added that “plasma ghrelin correlated positively with percent predicted residual volume and residual volume/total lung capacity ratio” as the evidence for further supporting that respiratory abnormalities may take part in the regulation of plasma ghrelin levels.
2.The authors demonstrated that plasma ghrelin level correlated negatively with plasma TND-a and CRP in COPD patients. However, Nagaya et al. have shown that plasma ghrelin level correlates positively with plasma TNF-a level in patients with CHF. This discrepancy should be discusd.湖南桃花源
According to the reviewer indicated, we discusd this discrepancy in the cond paragraph of page 9.