在杨克镇之外,在那遥远的地方 有另一个世界 Out there.There's a world outside of Yonkers
远离这个乡下小镇 有个地方叫巴纳比 Way out there beyond this hick town Barnaby
一个美丽的小镇,巴纳比 There's a slick town Barnaby
在那里,万物光明 繁星闪烁 Out there.Full of shine and full of sparkle
轻合双眸 也能看到它在闪耀,巴纳比 Clo your eyes and e it glisten Barnaby
听啊,巴纳比 Listen
穿上你的节日盛装 外面的世界很宽广 Put on your Sunday clothes there's lots of world out there
甩掉那廉价的发油和雪茄 Get out the brillantine and dime cigars
让我们在晚风中开始探险 We're gonna find adventure in the evening air
一袭白衣的女子幽香了夜晚 Girls in white in a perfumed night
灯光闪亮如同星辰 Where the lights are bright as the stars!
穿上你的节日盛装 我们将驶过整座小镇 Put on your Sunday clothes we're gonna ride through town
我们乘坐敞篷马车 In one of tho new hordrawn open cars
前去观看代尔莫尼克(大饭店)的表演 We'll e the shows at Delmonicos
熙熙攘攘中我们把镇门关上 And we'll clo the town in a whirl
不吻到心仪的女子 誓不回家 And we won't come old until we've kisd a girl!
地球被垃圾覆盖!! Too much trash!!! Earth covered
瓦力让您摆脱垃圾 wall.e working to dig your own
买巨多轻轨 商业区终点站
您家中垃圾成堆? Too much garbage in your face?
太空中还空着呢! There is plenty of space out in space.
买巨多星际航班每日出航 BNL sky lightener living each day.
我们将在您外出时 把您家中杂物收拾妥当 We will clean up the mess while you're away
买巨多舰队中的钻石,公理号 The jewel of BNL fleet the exisium
它让您五年的太空之旅豪华舒适 spin your fine and your crui style
全天24小时无间断的周到服务 waited on 20 per hours a day
由全自动的机组人员提供 by our fully automated crew
船长和机器人舵手 也将为您呈献无尽的娱乐 while your captain and auto pilot try to ?
购物,娱乐 non-stopping entertainment
就餐 fine dinning
全由畅通无阻的悬浮座椅效劳 and with all access to auto chairs
连老奶奶都能享受其中乐趣 and even grandma can join in the fun.
您无需步行 There is no need to walk
公理号,星级航班公司的骄傲 The exsium putting the star in an excutive stylator
正因为买巨多 太空才最终被开拓 Becau the BNL space is the final frontier
…周日… 周日不做周一事…
当你低落时 就请穿上盛装 Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out
昂首走上街头 别忘拍照留念 Strut down the street and have your picture took
穿得梦幻 精神似乎也已大好 Dresd like a dream your spirits em to t
urn about
如果你的气色如周日 That Sunday shine is a certain sign
那才是真的神采飞扬! That you feel as fine as you look!
…一瞬间 It only takes a moment
就被爱上……一生一世! To be loved a whole
这就是 爱的真谛 And that is all that love'
…一瞬间 It only takes a moment
就被爱上……一生一世! To be loved a whole
警告 太阳能电量过低!
你开口说话 天使便会歌唱
取消 (就是不准小瓦力牵牵小手哦) Cancel.
方位?数量?你是商贩机器人吗? (在调查人口哈) Why zone? Many? Are you monger?
指令? (是问瓦力接受的是什么指令) Directive?
指令? Directive?
- 指…令? - 指令? (惊诧地,潜台词:这就是你的指令?) - tive? - Directive?
分类完毕! (知道瓦力是扫垃圾的了) Classified
姓名? (突然又好奇) Name
瓦…瓦力 Wa... Wall-E.
瓦力! Wall.e?
伊芙 (Eve:亦即夏娃) Eve
- 伊… - 伊芙! Eva?
- 伊…啊… Eva?
- 伊芙! Eva
- 伊芙! - 伊娃 Eve
- 伊芙! Eva
伊娃! Eva
伊芙 Eve
伊娃! 伊-伊-伊娃! Eva
瓦力…瓦力! Wall.e
伊娃! Eva
一个音符一个音符得唱… 别怕
拿着 Here.
看 Look.
爆 Pop.
你来 You pop.
瓦力哪去了! Where is Wall-E!
就被爱上… Eva
伊娃? Eva?
伊娃! Eva?
伊娃! Eva?
伊娃! Eva?!
伊- 伊- 伊娃! E....e...eva!!!!
伊娃! Eva!
伊娃! Eva!
伊娃! Eva!
伊娃! Eva!
伊娃! Eva!
伊娃 Eva.
伊娃 Eva.
“外来污染物” Foreign Contaminant
“外来污染物” Foreign Contaminant
伊娃! Eva
“外来污染物” Foreign Contaminant
伊娃 Eva.
伊娃 Eva!
那我们就离开车道 So let's go to over the driving range
去看场太空虚拟赛车吧 and had a view of virtual race in the space.
别,昨天我们已经干过这了 Nah we did that yesterday
我不想再去 I don't want to do that.
总得干点什么 well.then let's do you what you wanna do.
我也不知道, i don't know
随便 something
- 腾出地方… - 他嫉妒因为…
- 我们刚卖了… - 听着,我已经烦了…
如果你没有完整地闲逛一遍 那你就还没看到好的那面
来一杯,这边! A cup. over here.
你好 hello.
我听不清 i didn't hear you.
在买巨多 Buy N Large
有您快乐所需的一切 everything you need to be happy.
您的需求对我们至关重要 your day is very importmant to us.
过来! 拿着,拿着杯子 here take the coke.
嘿,拿着杯子! hey take the cup.
请勿乱动 plea remain stationary.
机器服务员将即刻赶到 为您提供帮助 A rvice robot will be here to assist you momentarily
乘务员!帮帮我! Stewards! Help!
请勿乱动! plea remain stationary.
机器服务员将即刻赶到 为您提供帮助 A rvice robot will be here to assist you momentarily
怎么回事? what's it?
发生什么事了? What's going on?
瓦力! Walle
约翰 John
(看到)伊娃吗? Eva.
- 不是,我叫约翰 No.John.
伊娃! Eva.
拜,瓦力 Bye Walle.
A是公理(Axiom) A for axiom.
公理是你美好的家园 Your home sweet home.
B是买巨多(Buy N Large) B for Buy N Large
是你生活最好的伙伴 Your very best friend.
午餐时间,杯装食品哦 Time for lunch.
(在这里) In a cup.
体验美丽! Feel beautiful!
我知道,亲爱的,嘿… I know honey.
公理的消费者请注意! Attention.axiom sharpers.
试试蓝色, Try blue.
最新时尚哦 Try blue it's the new red.
约会? The date after
别提约会了,一提我就生气 we started
…之前的每一次约会 都完完全全是灾难! every holiday I've been spending time on the virtual disaster
- 我只是想找个不那么肤浅的人,你懂吗? - 嗯,我懂,亲爱的 - Why he wasn't so superficial you know? - Yeah I know my dear.
世上的男人那么多 There's a lot of men out there.
嗯,我知道,我知道,因为我… 怎么回… Well I know I know What the?... Becau i sp
瓦力! Walle
- 我叫玛丽 Mary.
- 伊娃! Eva.
哦,哦, Sure.
没问题,过吧 Go ahead.
伊娃 Eva.
遮阳伞! Shade!
我都不知道我们还有游泳池! I didn't know we had a pool!
船长,有要事,请上驾驶舱 Captain you're needed at the bridge.
我上甲板了! (可能是梦话) I haven't done that.
早上好 Morning.
要打扮打扮吗? Just a trim?
哦,我明白 我知道, i e
亲爱的,我知道 i know honey i know.
快好了 i'm good
快好了 你看上去棒极了 i'u look gorgeous.
- 船长 - 咖啡 Sir.Coffee.
船长… Sir.
程序,奥托(Auto:也有自动之意) 做事要分主次 Protocol Auto. first things first
计算机!状态报告 Computer. starts to reports.
- 机械系统? - Mechanical systems?
正常 Unchanged.
- 反应堆核心温度? - Reactor core temperature?
- 正常 Unchanged.
- 乘客人数? - Pasnger count?
- 正常 Unchanged.
- 食物供应? - The general food refill?
- 正常 Unchanged.
- 太空船维修基地? - Probe repair grounds?
- 正常 Unchanged.
- 大气状态? - Atmosphere conditions?
- 正常 Unchanged.
? - Conditions values?
- 正常 Unchanged.
- 好了,奥托 - 船长,我们有… Ok.Adam.
12:30? Twelve thirty.Adam.
奥托,你干嘛不叫醒我 做早晨的例行报告? why didn't you wake me for morning announcements?
老实说,这恐怕是我在这儿唯一能做的事 Honestly it's the one thing that I can deal on this ship
各位早上好啊 Well good moring everybody.
今天将是你在船上度过的第255,642天 And uh.Welcome the day of 255 642 on board in the Axiom.
和平时一样, As always.
今日天气宜人 Weather's above ...
气温22摄氏度,阳光普照… 22 degrees and uh.Oh hey.
哦,嘿,我看见飞船日志上显示 I e the ship's log is showing that
今天是我们五年巡游的700周年纪念日 today's our 700 annual anniversary of our 5 years crui.well.
我相信我们的父辈们将会很骄傲 I'm sure our four fathers will be proud to know that
因为700多年后的今天我们还在做着 他们当初做的事情 700 years later we've been doing the exact same thing they were doing.
还有,记得下一次用餐要一份免费的… So be sure next meal time to ask for your free
…“百年纪念” ."Sep tu a centennial"
苗王鱼杯装蛋糕! cup cake in a cup!
哇,看起来真不错 Wow look at that.
同时,今天我们还将… Also today we have a ...
嘿,嘿,奥托,那个按钮 干嘛一直闪? Adom what is that flashing button?
船长, captain.
探测机器人伊芙带来了好消息 probe Eve return a positive.
好消息? positive?
伊娃! Eva.
可是 but.
没有哪个探测机器人 No probes
带回来过好消息… ever come back positive.
…从来没有 Before.
你好啊船长,恭喜! Greetings and congratulations captain.
如果你看到这个录像,就说明我们的 If you're eing this that means
外太空植物检测仪… Your Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluater
也就是伊芙探测器 Or EVE Probe
已经从地球 带回来一个经确认… Has return from earth with a
…能进行光合作用的样本 confirm specimen of on going photosynthesis环境拍摄
没错,这就是说,是时候回家了 That's right.It means it's time to go back home.
家? Home?
我们回家? We're going back?
既然地球已经恢复到 生命可以延续的状态… Now the eath is restore to a life sustaining status.
…嘿,那我们就可以开始 “再移民计划”了 my buddy We could be get our region recolonize.
只要依照手册上的指示, Simply follow this manual instructions.
将植物… To place the plant
…放入飞船的探测槽 In your ship's holo-detector.
公理 And the Axiom.
将立即自动导航返回地球 will immediatly navigate your return to earth.
易如反掌吧! It's that easy.
不过由于太空的微重力 But the effects of microgravity
你和你的乘客可能会… you and your pasngers may have
…出现轻微的骨质疏松 sli
ght bone lost.
不过我相信 只要在飞船的跑步机上稍加锻炼… but i'm sure a few laps around in ship's jogging track
…你们马上就能恢复正常的体型 We'll get you back in shape in no time.
我们还有跑步机? We have a jogging track?
如果你有任何问题 If you have any further questions
只要参阅手册就好了 Just consult your operation manual.
等你回家,很快哦! See you back home real soon.
操作手册 operation manual.
手册,读出指令! late instructions.
手册! manual?
哇!瞧瞧这! Wow will you look at that.
伊娃! Eva.
瓦力! Walle.
那就打开看看吧! Well Let's open now.
第一步,语音命令 Step one voice
“确认取样” acquisition.
确认取样 confirm acquisition.
语音识别以确认权限 Voice authorization required
确认 accept.
那…那东西在哪? Where's the that thing?
- 植物! Plant.
- 植物,对,对 Plant right right.
它在哪? Where is it?
或许我们漏掉了哪个步骤 Maybe we misd a step.
重头再看看 Let's look it again.
植物? Plant?
瓦力! Walle.
瓦力! Walle.
准备好了? Are you ok?
- 伊娃? - 安静! - Eva? - Quiet!
再拿你的扫瞄仪试试,确认一下 U your scanner to be sure.
无样本,探测机器人记忆有误 Contains no specimen.Probe's alert is faulty.
- 那我们就不回地球了? So then.We're not going to earth.
- 不能 negative.
- 那一切又恢复正常了,对吧? I guess thing's go back to normal huh?
正确,船长 correct captain.
哦,假警报! fal alarm.
假警报 fal alarm.
探测机器人肯定是出故障了 Probe must be defective.
4号执行者! GO-4!
把它送去维修部 Send it to repair ward.
我要一份她的检测报告 确认下她是不是… And I have the one diagnostics on her make sure she'
瓦力! Walle.
把瓦力送去清理? Have Walle cleaned.
伊娃! - Eva - what
分析 analy.
分析结果: 外来污染物 analysis.Foreign contaminan
此物质由三种基本物质组成……其中包含多种自然元素的组合 Substance is a three pod various combinations of natural derived elements
分析对像最常用的名称是土壤,泥土,土地 subject is most comminute reference to soil dirt or earth.
土地?(Earth:亦有地球之意) earth.
解释“土地” define earth.
土地,有别于天空和海洋的星球表面 Earth the surface of the world it's distinct from the sky or a.
解释“海洋” define a.
海洋,面积广阔的咸水水域 海洋覆盖了地球表面的绝大部分区域 Sea an expensive salt water that covered most of the earth's surface.
外交部污染物 Foreign Contaminant
你看起来好极了! You look gorgeous!