Note: Write all your answer on the answer sheet. Your answers written on this paper will not be scored.
I.Vocabulary and Grammar (20 points)
1.Heavily perfumed white flowers, such as gardenias, were favorites
with collectors in the eighteenth century, when __ was valued
much more highly than it is today.
b. beauty
c. elegance
d. color
2.He would have finished his college education, but he ___to quit
and find a job to support his family.
a.had had
b. has
c. had
d. would have
3.Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she ___much
better results now.
a.would be getting
c.must get
d.would get
4.The travelers sought shelter ____the rain and happened to find a
road-side inn.
a. from
b. against
c. for
d. with
5.While walking along the icy river banks, we could e cracks in
the ice ___ in all directions.
a. radiating
b. dividing
c. splitting
d. tearing
6.This instrument can ___ the temperature of the room as you
a. modify
b. stabilize
c. regulate
d. normalize
7.The payment that the motorist will have to make will be ___ to the
amount of damage he has done to the other person's car.
a. related
b. relevant
c. proportional
d. consistent
8.Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his ___ to a
certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied.
a. comment
b. reaction
c. impression
d. comprehension
9.In ___ of your bad work I regret to tell you that I am forced to
dismiss you.
a. respect
b. conquence
c. spite
d. ca
10.H is description of the event ____ to the truth but there were a few
a. approximated
b. amounted
c. came
d. approached
11.B reak ing Mary’s doll was purely ___ ; John did not mean to do it.
a. accidental
iq84b. inevitable
c. unavoidable
d. natural
12.A fter riding such a long way on a bicycle, his bottom was very
a. nsitive
b. tender
c. uncomfortable
d. tough
13.T his advertiment is ___ to attract much attention.
a. assigned
b. calculated
c. defined
d. contributed
14.O ur journey was very slow becau the train stopped ___ at
different villages.
a. continually
b. continuously
c. gradually
d. unceasingly
15.T o ___ concrete is to embed metal in it to make it stronger.
a. intensify
b. consolidate
c. reinforce
d. empower
16.T hey will take measures to guarantee against the ___ of similar
incidents in the future.
a. appearance
b. expression
c. reflection
d. occurrence
17.I t was a vast stretch of country with cities ___.
a. at first sight
b. in the first place
c. at a distance
d. in the distant
18.S hakespeare is a great writer, poet and dramatist. It'll not be very
easy to find his ___.
a. correspondent
b. peer
c. rival
d. counterpart
19.T he suggestion was ___in a memorandum published here today.
a. compod
b. merged
c. contained
d. absorbed
20.H enry forgot to bring his admission card with him. ___, he was
allowed into the hall to take the examination.
a. Moreover
b. Certainly
c. Nevertheless
d. Conquently
21.___ with you, I have a long way to go.
b. Compering
c. Compare
d. Being compared
22.T he painter lived more than a decade in Europe ___ he could be in
clo contact with other masters.
b.in which
d. in that断肠草的功效与作用
23.M easles ___ a long time to get over.
a. spend
b. spends临时用电施工方案
c. take
d. takes
24.T he law requires that everyone ___ his car checked at least once a
a. has
b. had
c. have
d. would have
25.T he traveler ___ inexperienced doesn’t know how to plan a trip.
a. to be
b. being
c. is
d.as being
26.T he javelin ud in competition must be between 260 and 270
centimeters ___.
a. in length
b. it is long
c. its length
有四的成语d. length
27.___ usually thought to end in Northern New Mexico, the Rocky
Mountains really extend southward to the frontier of Mexico.
b. To be
c. while
d. however
28.H e talks as if he ____ everything in the world.
a. knows
b. knew
c. had known
d. would have known
29.E very one of the boys___ here yesterday has a bicycle.
a. was
b. were
c. who was
d. who were
30.M odern machinery ____ been installed in this newly built factory.
a. has
b. have
c. is
d. are
31.T he Kentucky Derby __every may at Churchill Downs in
Louisville, Kentucky.
a. to be run
b. run
c. it may be run
d. is run
32.T he farmer us wood to build a hou ___ to store grains.
a. with which
b. where
c. which
d. in which
33.T he a mammal medusa is popularly called a jellyfish becau
it___ jelly.
a. looks rather like
b. looks like rather
c. likes looking rather
d. rather likes looking
34.S cientists stress that the overall warming trend of the last decade
holds much more significance ___ single year's temperatures.
a. any do
b. than do any
签约仪式主持词c. than any do
d. do than
35.A n ideal is a standard ___ people judge real phenomena.
b. of
c. by which
d. for it
36.A newspaper's political cartoons___ capsule versions of editorial
a. rve as
b. rve
c. in rving
d. be rved
37.A mong the giants of the a ___, which may weigh up to 1,000
a. tuna
b. the tuna
c. being the tuna
d. is the tuna
38.A miconductor is a substance that ldom conducts electricity,
but___ under certain circumstances.
a.so can do
b. do so can
c. can do so
d. so do can
39.U ntil the ninth century, written words were not actually parated,
___in some literary writing, dots or points were ud to indicate
a. in spite of
b. contrary
c. contrast to
d. but
40.T he clor to one of the Earth's poles, the greater ___ gravitational
b. the
c. has
d. it has
II.Correct the one mistake in each of the following ntences. (20 points)
1.Rather than waste of time in traffic as they try to reach city center
venues, business people are using conference facilities on the offer at airports.
2.When Tom heard his name, his legs were so weak he could only
hardly stand up.
3.Tho people will spend significant amount of time in other
countries for eking new ingredients
4.Things produced on a farm, such as milk, potato, and wool, are
5.Not long years ago, airports hotels were
uncomfortable , unattractive and inconvenient
6.The president returned with only a few vague worded cultural and
scientific agreements.
7.Such were the predominant land life throughout the Mesozoic age.
8.We put on our mackintoshes to protect us against the rain.
9.On New Year Eve, every member of the club enjoys a
10.M ay I be excud for the meeting?
11.T he man denied why he had broken into the hou and he had
taken the watch.
12.T he manner where the fuel enters a diel engine is the primary
factor that affects its efficiency.
13.I think he is quietly honest in his intentions.
14.A ttempting to smuggle drugs into the country, customs officials
apprehended them.
15.T he pupils left the classroom one after the others.
16.Y ale was the cond institution of higher learning to be establish
in the countries.
17.A great many educators firmly believe that English is one of the
poorest taught subjects in high school today.
18.W hen I returned home, I found the window open and something
was stolen.
19.B ecau my hands are clean, I have a right to call you account.
20.D emand for small meeting rooms is huge, usually for interview or
one-to-one meetings , where executives fly in and out of the same
III.Reading Comprehension (40 points)
We have known for a long time that the organization of any particular society is influenced by the definition of the xes and the distinction drawn between them. But we have realized only recently that the identity of each x is not so easy to pin down, and that definitions evolve in accordance wit
h different types of culture known to us, that is, scientific discoveries and ideological revolutions. Our nature is not considered as immutable, either socially or biologically. As we approach the beginning of the 21st century, the substantial progress made in biology and genetics is radically challenging the roles, responsibilities and specific characteristics attributed to each x, and yet, scarcely twenty years ago, the were thought to be “beyond dispute”.
We can safely say, with a few minor exceptions, that the definition of the xes and their respective functions remained unchanged in the West from the beginning of the 19th century to the 1960s. The role distinction, raid in some cas to the status of uncompromising dualism on a strongly hierarchical model, lasted throughout this period, appealing for its justification to nature, religion and customs alleged to have existed since the dawn of time. The woman bore children and took care of the home. The man t out to conquer the world and was responsible for the survival of his family, by satisfying their needs in peacetime and going to war when necessary.
The entire world order rested on the divergence of the xes. Any overlapping or confusion between the roles was en as a threat to the time-honored order of things. It was felt to be against nature, a deviation from the norm.
Sex roles were determined a ccording to the “place”appropriate to each. Women's place was, first and foremost, in the home. The outside world, i.e. workshops, factories and business firms, belonged to men. This x-bad division of the world (private and public) gave ri to a strict dichotomy between the attitudes, which conferred on each its special identity. The