区别语音(Discriminate among the distinctive sounds of the language);
识别词语减少或弱化形式(绚烂的反义词Recogni reduced or ‘weak’ forms of words and phras);兰花的养殖方法和注意事项
识别重音、节奏和音调世界最富的国家(Recogni stress, rhythm and tone patterns);
处理不同语速的话语(Process utterances spoken at different speeds);
发现句子要素(Detect ntence constituents);
注意到不同表达方式(二级警长Take note of different ways of expressing the same meaning(s));
知晓话语衔接手段(Be aware of cohesive devices ud in speech);
区分字面和含蓄意义(Distinguish between literal and implied meanings);
使用非语言线索获得意义 (U nonverbal clues (including body language) to get at meanings);
采用不同策略解读意义(U different listening strategies to decipher meanings);
使用世界知识推断场景、目标等(U ones world knowledge to infer situations, goals etc.);
预测事件来龙去脉 (Predict outcomes and infer links and connections between events etc.);
识别词法、句法等语体色彩(红色故事会Recogni clues in grammar including word class, ntence patterns etc.);
识别单词、词组和词序结构等 (Distinguish word and phra boundaries, word order patterns etc. inside an utterance);
识别不同话语的交际功能(Recogni communicative functions of different utterances)。
办公室部门11、12需要学习者充分利用好世界知识和以往经验,其余各点均为有关目的语的基础知识和基本技能方面的内容,由此可见语言本身的重要性。一些学者关注的重点是“学中听”(learn to listen)的准确含义以及教师如何帮助学生“学中听”,以便学生能更好地“听中学”(listen to learn)。其实在教学中,我们无法区分“学中听”和“听中学”,但无论哪一种“学”都需要赋予一定的语言内容。