Unit 9 Descriptive Writing
1 Teaching Objectives
In this unit, we’re going to:
A) Understand the basic features of descriptive essays about people;
B) Read sample descriptive essays about people and obrve features of effective description;
C) Practice writing descriptive essays about people;
D) Extend their vocabulary on various aspects of personal descriptions;
E) Learn to improve revision skills.
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3 Principles of descriptive writing
act名词In this unit, we look at descriptive essays about people. Descriptions of people may focus on the various aspects of the people described — their physical appearance, style of clothing, their character and personality, their interests and behavior. What you lect to describe depends on your topic and purpo.
● Describe clearly. (See Sample A)
● Select only appropriate details. (See Sample B)
● Make your descriptions vivid. (See sample C)
4 Task 1 Read to learn about writing
通报批评怎么写Sample A Terrific Work
Remember that you can’t write good descriptions without being specific. The following is a typical example of the descriptive essay, in which the writer Loe Dobbs us specific details to create a portrait of his father who has affected his life greatly.
1)Learn to analyze the structure of Sample A
The first aspect of Father’s character and personality
The cond aspect of Father’s character and personality海盐热敷
The third aspect of Father’s character and personality
2) learn the usage of the transitional words
“But”, as a conjunction, is often ud to introduce a phra or clau contrasting with what has already been mentioned. And the part introduced by the word “but”, often stands out against what has gone before.
e.g. This is one example, but it is not the only one.
The problem is not that they are cutting down trees, but that they are doing it in a predatory (故意破坏的) way.
“Than” is ud after a comparative adjective or adverb to introduce a clau or phra in which a comparison is expresd. With a ntence using the “than” comparison, sometimes you construct an evaluation of the subject you are talking about.
“Than” is ud after a comparative adjective or adverb to introduce a clau or phra in which a comparison is expresd. With a ntence using the “than” comparison, sometimes you construct an evaluation of the subject you are talking about.
“When” can sometimes be ud to introduce a past event or an example.
Fill in the blanks to show that you understand the structural elements of the essay.
Sample B
Read the essay below and notice how the writer us appropriate details to prent an unforgettable professor to the readers.
1)Answer the questions on content and structure:
2) Language points
journalism n.
work of collecting, writing, editing and publishing material in newspapers and magazines or on television and radio 新闻业;新闻工作
despite prep.
without being affected by (the factors mentioned)
e.g. Despite what others say, I think he’s a very nice chap.
Despite wanting to e him again, she refud to reply to his letters.
digest v.
take (information) in mentally; fully understand 吸收(信息);完全理解;彻底领会
e.g. Have you digested the report yet?
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
upcoming adj.
forthcoming; about to happen 即将到来的
e.g. That community is now focusing on the upcoming parliamentary elections in Pakistan.
catch up with/on:
acquire information about sth. belatedly 事后了解对某事的情况
e.g. Come over for a chat so we can catch up on each other’s news.
drag into:
make sb. take part in an activity against his will 硬拉某人参加某活动简易图片
e.g. She had to be dragged into eing the dentist.
Task 2 Enlarge your vocabulary
演讲稿格式图片Exerci A
Vocabulary is a crucial factor in producing convincing descriptions of people. The following is a brainstorming map which could help you enlarge your vocabulary on the various aspects of personal descriptions.
Exeri B
The following translation practice from Chine into English could also help you acquire more words that are often ud to describe people.
Exerci C
The table below lists words that are often ud to describe people’s appearances. Look at the words and lect tho that you can appropriately u when you describe someone in your class in a small-group activity.