One of my most respected philosopher once contended,
One of the my most esteemed writer once asrted
黄桃罐头的做法First Paragraph: Introduction
The issue/belief/idea/opinion that ______________________________________ is an interesting/controversial one. This issue is increasingly important in this age of ___________________________. Many people firmly believe _________________________, but the people overlook/ignore (factors) 气开头的四字成语such as_________________________________________________. Furthermore, _____________________________________. In this essay, I will argue that _________________________
Body Paragraph: Support
小米手环如何开机Topic Sentence小狗拉稀怎么回事___________________________________________________.
There are many good reasons for ____________________________. However, it cannot be ignored/overlooked that ___________________________. A classic example of this is ___________________________________________ .Try to add something interesting in this paragraph. Make sure you u a few complicated structures—try putting a subordinate clau first. Like this: While many type of professional_____ promote the notion that _____________________________, I believe the opposite should be argued given the current situation/status/ of ____________________________________.
Topic Sentence
Furthermore,______________________________________________________. In other words____________________________________________________. For instance.
Thus, the example数字成语大全500个 I cited above proves the soundness of my reasoning. 登录qq号码
Admittedly, _______________________________________________. Some may contend that _________________________________________________. But this position is untenable becau ___________________________________________. (the ca is exception to the general rule; the are rare incidences) _____________________________Thus my 蓝莓的作用argument _______________is logically sound.
(Inrt: inspirational thought/idea). Rephra of Thesis _______________________. This view will become increasingly dominant in the coming century given ________________________________. Many of the issues can never be resolved to everybody’s satisfaction, but in the long run, promoting ________________________________ will lead to the betterment of all involved. Finally, _____________________________ increased something like global cooperation, cultura
l understanding, blah, blah, blah can only result from this, resulting in ______________________________ for everybody.