Emerging and reemerging infectious dias po a constant threat to the health,pr -osperity and curity of the AsiaPacific region. In particular, the conquences of the global spread of HIV/AIDS, the rapid appearance of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS),and the emergence and continued occurrence of human infection by hi ghly pathogenic avian influenza virus, stress the urgency to develop effective
cooperation to control, and more importantly, prevent this threat.
APEC is uniquely placed to make a major contribution to efforts to protect the peop le and economies of the region from widespread outbreaks of infectious dias.
Since 2001, APEC has undertaken extensive work on preparedness and respon to infe ctious dia threats.
This includes the APEC Strategy on Infectious Dias, Action Plan on SARS, Health Security Initiative, APEC Initiative on Fighting against HIV/AIDS, and Leaders’ I nitiative on Preparing for and Mitigating an Influenza Pandemic. Additionally,APEC is committed to working cooperatively with other r
elevant multi-lateral and interna tional organizations.In accordance with the connsus reached at the 13th APEC lead er's meeting, the Symposium on Emerging Infectious Dias, was held in Beijing on 4-5 April 2006, brought together nior officials as well as medical and health ex perts to discuss ongoing activities and future actions required to combat the threa t of emerging infectious dias.
Realizing that the Asia-Pacific region is faced with rious challenges from emergi ng infectious dias, and that weakness and gaps exist in such areas as surveil lance and respon, communication, and coordination, mutual assistance, and coopera tion among economies, 21 APEC economies at the symposium have therefore reached the following connsus:傲然的意思
1. To reaffirm their commitment to incorporating prevention and control of emerging infectious dias into the overall planning of economic and social development, and developing laws, regulations, and preparedness plans on the prevention and trea tment of emerging infectious dias;
麻痹大意的意思2. To enhance economies’ surveillance and respon capacity on emerging infectious dias, including: Establishing and improving infectious dia surveillance n etworks both domestically an
d between APEC economies; Developing regional laborat ory networks and enhancing the testing, data sharing, and safety capacity of labora tories; Strengthening institutional structures and linkages for prevention and co ntrol and improving public health emergency responsiveness; Promoting development of human resources for health and intensifying training of managerial and professi onal staff to enhance capacity for preparedness and respon; Supporting rearch
, development, regulation and distribution of safe and effective diagnostics, thera peutic drugs, and vaccines for emerging infectious dias;
Improving the quality of care and treatment of emerging infectious dias; and E nhancing bio-safety standards at commercial farms and markets,improving veterinary capacity to detect and report infectious dia outbreaks, and strengthening anima l health capacity to respond to outbreaks;
3. To encourage participation from all ctors in society and promote collaboration in the prevention and control of emerging infectious dias, emphasizing: Strengthened inter-ctor coordination and cooperation, especially between the Agri culture, Public Health and wild life management ctors; Promotion of public-privat e partnership and encouragement of the business ctor to actively participate in t he prevention and control of emerging infectious dias; and
Incread public awareness through dismination of science-bad prevention messag es and methods;
4. To relea information relating to the prevention and control of emerging infect ious dia, including outbreak reports, diagnostic results and relevant genetic i nformation, in a timely and transparent manner and promote the timely sharing of in formation and samples among the economies;至善的意思是什么
百合炒肉5. To conduct specific asssments on the economic and social impacts of particular emerging infectious dias to help formulate policies, guide decision-making and contribute to the formulation of sound and rational strategies for the prevention a nd control of infectious dias;
6. To facilitate technical and scientific cooperation and assistance for prevention and control measures among economies.Economies are encouraged to coordinate with ea ch other to ensure the timely and efficient provision of relevant technology, finan cial or in kind support, and personnel training to other APEC economies.
All APEC economies stand ready to join together in translating this connsus into action. Implementation of the recommendations of this document should complement an d add to economie
s’ ongoing efforts within and without APEC. Effective prevention and control of emerging infectious dias will not only protect APEC populations ’ health and welfare, promote economic growth and trade, but also contribute to th e prosperity, stability, and curity of the Asia-Pacific region.