Lung Injury Prevention with Aspirin (LIPS-A): a protocol for a multicentre randomid clinical trial in medical patients at high risk of acute lung injury 期刊名称: Bmj Open
作者: Kor, D. J., Talmor, D. S., Banner-Goodspeed, V. M., Carter, R. E., Hinds, R.,
Park, P. K., Gajic, O., Gong, M. N.
年份: 2012年
春节作文300字作文>暴雨期号: 第5期
如何学好高中生物关键词: acute lung injury;acute respiratory ditress syndrome;aspirin;critical
illness;prevention;clinical trial挺字组词
摘要:Acute lung injury (ALI) is a devastating condition that places a heavy burden on public health resources. Although the need for effective ALI prevention strategies is increasingly recognid, no effective preventative strategies exist. The Lung Injury Prevention Study with Aspirin (LIPS-A) aims to t
est whether aspirin (ASA) could prevent and/or mitigate the development of ALI. LIPS-A is a multicentre, double-blind, randomid clinical trial testing the hypothesis that the early administration of ASA will result in a reduced incidence of ALI in adult patients at high risk. This investigation will enrol 400 study participants from 14 hospitals across the USA. Conditional logistic regression will be ud to test the primary hypothesis that early ASA administration will decrea the incidence of ALI. Safety oversight will be