今晚的夜色很美Communicating Art, Virtually! Psychological Effects of Technological Affordances in a Virtual Muum 期刊名称: International Journal of Humancomputer Interaction
校园代理作者: Sundar, S. Shyam,Go, Eun,Kim, Hyang-Sook,Zhang, Bo
作者机构: Penn State Univ,Western Illinois Univ,Towson Univ
年份: 2015年
期号: 第4-6期
摘要:Muums lean heavily on recent developments in communication technologies to create an authentic experience for online visitors of its galleries. This study examines whether three specific affordances of communication technologycustomization, interactivity, and navigabilitycan provide the personal, social, and physical contexts, respectively, that are necessary for ensuring an enjoyable muum experience. A 2 (prence vs. abnce of customizable gallery) 2 (prence vs. abnce of live-chat with others) 2 (prence vs. abnce of 3D navigational tool) between-subjects factorial exper脸上的凹陷
iment (N = 126) found that although each affordance is associated with distinct psychological benefits (customization with n of agency and control, interactivity with reciprocity, and navigability with perceived reality), combining them on