Unit 4 Exploring poetry课文及译文
How to read a poem
Poetry is a combination of “sound” and “n”. More than any other type of literature, it usually implies a deeper meaning beyond the words on the page . So, how to reveal this hidden dimension?
First, follow your ears. While you may ask “What does it mean?” as you begin reading a poem, it is better to ask “How does it sound?” Even if its true meaning appears to be beyond your grasp,you can always say something about how the poem sounds when you r
ead it aloud. Do you detect a rhythm? Are there any repeated words,rhymes or other special effects? All of the are good qualities to notice, and they may lead you to a better understanding of the poem in the end. Read the lines to feel how they sound.
首先,凭听觉的指引。当你刚开始读一首诗时,你可能会问: “这是什么意思?”但最好问一句: “它听起来怎么样?”即使你也许把握不住这首诗的正在含义,但是当你大声朗读时,你总是可以说说这首诗听上去如何。你能感觉到节奏吗?有没有重复词、押韵或其他特别的效果?所有这些都是值得注意的特质,它们可能最终会帮助你更好地理解这首诗。朗读下面这几句诗,感受它们的音律。
Sweet and low, sweet and low,轻轻地,柔和地;轻轻地,柔和地
Wind of the western a, 西边的海风
Low, low, breathe and blow, 吹过,拂过,轻轻,轻轻
Wind of the western al!西边的海风!
Over the rolling waters go,;来自月色朦胧,
Come from the dying moon,and below,拂过波涛汹涌,
Blow him again to me;请将他再吹响我;
While my little one, while my pretty one,sleeps.
(From “Sweet and Low”by Alfred Tennyson)
(摘自Alfred Tennyson 《轻轻地,柔和地》)
Second, approach the poem as if you were an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape. Ask some basic questions about the poem. Who is talking? Who is being talked to? What is being described? Is there a n of place? Are there other people or objects there? As you explore the poem, you will begin to e images in your mind. What are tho images, and what happens when they are put together? This combination is often complex or even contradictory. As you slowly explore your surroundings, you will start to dig up clues
that give you a greater understanding of the poem. Read the lines, pay attention to the image of the caged bird and try to find out what it means.
The caged bird sings 笼中之鸟,
with a fearful trill 撕心裂肺,啼啭啾啾
of things unknown 所唱是未知之物,
but longed for still 却依然渴求
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill 歌声传到了远处的山丘
for the caged bird
跳绳减肥吗sings of freedom. 因为笼中的鸟儿在歌唱自由。
(From “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou) (摘自玛雅 安吉洛《笼中鸟》)
Third, if you are still struggling to interpret the meaning of a poem even with much painstaking effort, just have some patience. You cannot really understand a poem that you have only read once. Sometimes reading a poem can be a lifelong job. So if you do not get it, t the poem aside and come back to it later.As an explorer, you will not reach your goal immediately--- you need to go on a journey to a remote and unknown destination. This may em difficult at first, but when you finally make your great discovery, your efforts will be rewarded. Poems that are easy to understand are often less interesting than tho that constantly reveal deeper and previously unrecognized meanings. Read the lines and try to find out what they mean.
Who woods the are I think I know.
His hous is in the village though;
He will not e me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
(From “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening “by Robert Frost)(摘自Robert Frost 《雪夜林边小驻》)
Finally, remember that you do not have to fully understand a poem to appreciate it. You might need to abandon logical thinking to discover its true inner beauty. As long as the journey of poetry reading makes you feel something or lets you perceive another level of meaning, it will have been worth your effort.
Poetry’s combination of “sound” and “n” makes you e the world in a new way and allows you to go beyond normal reality for the everlasting beauty.Enjoy your journey in th
e world of poetry!
Extended reading
Li Bai and
his romantic poetry
A hundred feet the temple towers; 危楼高百丈,
I can reach out for the stars in the sky. 手可摘星辰。
化脓性皮肤病But I dare not speak in a voice loud, 不敢高声语,
For fear of scaring dwellers on high. 恐惊天上人。
(“A Night Stay at a Mountain Temple”)
心的港湾It is believed that this poem was written by Li Bai in his teenage years. With striking imagination in expressions like “scaring dwellers on high”, this early poem already displayed signs of a romantic style, which was later to characterize Li Bai’s poetry.