4.1 复习笔记电锯开木头打一个成语
Ⅰ. Historical background(历史背景)
(1) The Hundred Years’ War(百年战争)
The Hundred Years’War continued and in 1415 at the Battle of Agincourt King Henry Ⅴ (1413~1422) defeated the French army and claimed himlf the heir to the French throne.
(2) The War of the Ros (1455~1485)(玫瑰战争)
The War of the Ros, or the Thirty Years’ War, was a ries of civil wars fought between the two great families, both of which claimed the right to the English throne. It lasted for thirty years until King Henry
Ⅶ defeated Richard Ⅲ(1483~1485) at the Battle of Bosworth and ended the civil war.
(3) The discovery of America and the new a routes(美洲大陆和新航海线路的发现)
In 1492, a Genoe mariner, Christopher Columbus (ca.1436~1506) who believed that he could reach India by sailing west, landed in America with the
support of the Spanish sovereigns Ferdinand and Isabella.
(4) Reformation of the church(教会的改革)
During his reign Henry Ⅷ (1509~1547) took decisive measures to break away from the Church of
塑料盆Rome. In 1534 he pasd through Parliament the Act of Supremacy which regarded him as the supreme head on earth.
Ⅱ. Popular ballads(民谣)
A ballad is a narrative poem that tells a story.
(1) There are certain basic characteristics common to a large number of ballads:
刘邦的简介①The beginning is often abrupt as the listeners must be familiar with the characters and the story of the ballad.
②There are strong dramatic elements. Usually a ballad deals with a single episode.
③The story is often told through dialogue and action.
④The theme is often tragic, though there are a number of comic ballads.
⑤The ballad meter is ud.
(2) The subject matter of the ballads(民谣的主题)
The subject matter of the ballads is of great variety, from war and bloodshed and superstition to domestic affairs and outlawry. A group of ballads dealing with blood strife on the English-Scottish border are known as “border ballads”. Of special significance are the Robin Hood Ballads that deal with the famous outlaw Robin Hood and his men and their activities. Robin Hood was a legendary hero who was suppod to have lived during the reign of Richard the Lion Hearted (1189~1199). He and his men lived in the forest of Sherwood. They fought with oppressors and were righteous defenders of the poor and the oppresd.
Ⅲ. Sir Thomas Malory (ca.1405~1471)(托马斯·马洛礼)
著名文学作品Sir Thomas Malory, the author of Le Morte d’Arthur, or The Death of King
Arthur, was important in the fact that it was he who finally compiled together the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table which were scattered in a number of French romances and made great contribution to the development of English pro. The Death of King Arthur tells the whole life of King Arthur, but the finest part in the book is about the death of King Arthur. Malory looked back to the age of chivalry with ntimental regret. However, thanks to Malory, who left such a legacy to later writers that many of them ud his materials as subject matter in their writings. Among them the most famous piece was written by Tennyson.
Ⅳ. Early English plays(早期英国戏剧)
By the 14th century the liturgy had developed into mystery plays and miracle plays. There are no sharp distinctions between the two kinds of plays, though the former are chiefly bad on stories from the Bible, and the latter on the lives of Christian saints. The vernacular had taken the place of L
atin and laymen the place of clergymen. The guilds actively took part in the performances and each guild played the role that was related with its profession. For example, the part of Noah building the ark was played by the guild of shipbuilders or carpenters.
The play was staged on a two decked cart, or pageant. The pageant consisted of an enclod room which rved both as Hell and as a retiring room and a cond storey open to the sky on which the action was performed. In London, around 1500, the plays were very elaborate and lasted from four to ven days
4.2 考研真题与典型题详解
Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks.
1. Becau of the conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the King of England, the far reaching movement of _____took place in England, started by Henry the Eighth.
【答案】the Reformation
2. The Wars of the Ros (1455~1485) between the Hou of _____and the Hou of _____struggling for the Crown continued for 30 years.
【答案】Lancaster, York
3. The only important pro writer in the 15th century is Sir _____.
【答案】Thomas Malory
Ⅱ. Short answer questions
What is The War of the Ros?
Key: The War of the Ros was a ries of civil wars fought between the two great families, both of which claimed the right to the English throne. It lasted for thirty years until King Henry Ⅶdefeated Richard Ⅲ(1483~1485) at the Battle of Bosworth and ended the civil war.