9-Unit-4-Lions-and-Tigers-a nd-Bears
任教课程:《综合英语》(二) 年 月 日 2
Unit 4 一、授课时间:第9--10周
三.授课题目:Lions and Tigers and Bears
四.授课时数:12 五.教学目的和要求:
六.教学重点和难点: 1)背景知识的传授:Central Park; Ogden Nash; The Taming of the Shrew; Henry James; the Empire State Building; Daniel Boone 2)文章的体裁分析及段落划分; 3)语言点的理解:
Word study: stuff sth. with sth.; muggy;
curl up; drop off; outdoorsy; needless to say; obrve; beckon; snatch; not to mention; make for sth; nocturnal; tame; conspicuous
Grammar Focus: Identify the subject;法律分析
任教课程:《综合英语》(二)年月日Learn more about the function and u of except 七.教学基本内容和纲要
Part One Warm – up
1.1 Warm-up Questions
1. Why do you think the author wrote this essay? To describe the history of Central park?
To describe the beauty of the park? To tell the story of how he spent an unforgettable night in the park once? To lament what a terrible place the park had become with all tho pur-snatchers, loons, prostitutes, drug dealers, bullies, garrotters, highway robbers and murderers lurking somewhere? To prove that all tho terrible rumors about the park at night are ungrounded? Or a combination of all of the? Part Two Background Information
2.1 Author
2.2 Central Park; Ogden Nash; The Taming of the Shrew; Henry James; the Empire State Building; Daniel Boone
Part Three Text Appreciation
任教课程:《综合英语》(二)年月日3.1 Text Analysis
3.1.1 Theme of the text
3.1.2 Structure of the text
3.2 Writing Devices
3.2.1 The essay is a good example of rhythmic writing, crisp conciness, remarkable accuracy and delightful humor. It also prents a good opportunity to learn the terms of onomatopoeia, words denoting different ways of walking and running, and many specific words for minute descriptions.
3.3 Sentence Paraphra
Part Four Language Study小孩玩的游戏
4.1 Phras and Expressions
4.1.1 Word list:
4.1.2 Phras and expressions list:
4.1.3 Word Building
4.2 Grammar
4.2.1 Object
Part Five Extension
任教课程:《综合英语》(二) 年 月 日 5
5.1 Group discussion
5.2 Debating
八、教学方法和措施 本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段,主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进行教学。 九.作业,讨论题,思考题
1) 杨立民主编,《现代大学英语精读》(4)第
2) 杨立民主编,《现代大学英语精读》(4)第
上海:上海外语教学研究出版, 1999。
6)J udy Pearsall主编,《新牛津英语词典》。
9)张道真,温志达, 《英语语法大全》上、下
Unit 4
Text A Lions and Tigers and Bears
Part One Warm – up
1.1 Warm-up Questions
1. Do you think this story will interest American readers? What kind of people are likely to find the story appealing? For what reasons?
2. Do you like similar stories in our own literature? Why do people usually write or read about places they have visited or would like to visit? Have you read any travel notes that are particularly interesting?
诲人不倦意思3. How is the story organized? Does the author simply narrate his experience that night chronologically? How does he combine the narration of his experience with descriptions of the park’s history? Do you find it clever? How does the narration end? Why do you think the author decides to end the narration with the raccoons? What kind of effect does he aim to create?
4. What is the author’s overall attitude towards Central Park?
任教课程:《综合英语》(二)年月日5. Do you agree that travel notes often reveal a lot about the author? What kind of person do you think this author is judging by the text?
Part Two Background Information
2.1 Ogden Nash
an American poet ; well known for his light ver; best-known producer of humorous poetry
2.2 The Delacorte Theater
established in 1962, is an open-air theater located in Manhattan's Central Park and has a ating capacity of 1,800. The Delacorte is owned by the City of New York and operated by The Public Theater. It is an open-air amphitheater, with the Turtle Pond and Belvedere Castle as its backdrop. It primarily rves as the venue for The Public Theater’s annual Shakespeare in the Park summer ries 2.3 Belvedere-castle
Built as a Victorian folly in 1869, the castle caps
任教课程:《综合英语》(二)年月日Vista Rock, the park's cond-highest natural elevation[1] Constructed of Manhattan schist quarried in the park and dresd with gray granite, it tops the natural-looking woodlands of The Ramble, as en from the formal Bethesda Terrace. It was designed as an additional feature of the Central Park "Greensward" plan by the architects Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mould after they, along with Frederick Law Olmsted, were reappointed to overe the park's construction in 1865.
运动减肥计划方案2.4 Shakespeare Garden
A Shakespeare garden is a themed garden that cultivates plants mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare. In English-speaking countries, particularly the United States, the are often public gardens associated with parks, universities, and Shakespeare festi
vals. Shakespeare gardens are sites of cultural, educational, and romantic interest and can be