immigrating to Canada with his/her parent/guardian:
Relationship to child
云南景色, declare that I have no objections to my child:(DISPONIBLE EN FRANÇAIS - IMM 5604 F)IMM 5604 (07-2008) E DECLARATION FROM NON-ACCOMPANYING
PARENT/GUARDIAN FOR MINORS IMMIGRATING TO CANADA Child's full name Parent/Guardian name Parent/Guardian name Relationship to child
Relationship to child
I have read and understand the contents of this letter and by signing and returning this letter, I am confirming that I fully understand that I may be permanently parated from my above-named child.
I further understand that if I wish to enter Canada, as a temporary resident or a permanent resident, I
must comply with all requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations in force at the time of my application.
Fill out this ction if this child is travelling to Canada with someone other than the parent/guardian listed above.天蝎座女生
Name Child's date of birth
This form must be:
•filled out by the non-accompanying parent/guardian, former spou or former common-law partner and; •witnesd by a notary public.
A copy of this form must be completed for each child travelling to Canada.
Send this fully completed Declaration and a photocopy of a valid and legible identity document to the Canadian Embassy/Canadian Consulate.
Day Month Year Day Month Year
File no.Date
Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED - B
Witness title and name in block letters (*must be a notary public)Witness* professional chop/stamp
Signature of witness*行政主管
To be completed by the witness (notary public)
To be completed by the non-accompanying parent/gardian, former spou or former common-law partner, in front of the witness. Prent your original Identification Card to the witness*
Signature (before witness*)Place
考试试卷Emergency contact telephone number Day Month Year