Known as the "embrace of life" - Heimlich maneuver has been widely ud all over the world, saving countless lives, including former US President Reagan, former mayor ed of New York, famous actress elizabethtaylor and so on. It is also known as abdominal rapid impact method, which is suitable for airway foreign body obstruction. Early recognition of airway obstruction is the key to success.
In ca of mild airway obstruction, the patient should continue to have good gas exchange, encourage him to cough more, and strive to expel foreign bodies. If anyone is found choked, unable to speak, cough or breathe, it is recommended that everyone immediately call 120 and u Heimlich method for first aid.
Different rescues for five groups of people
1、 For yourlf
Theoretically, you can u your fist to hit your abdomen, or u the blunt chair back to hit yo
ur upper abdomen to save yourlf. However, when foreign body obstruction occurs, it may not be able to make a correct respon, so it is still necessary to ek help from others at the first time.
2、 For conscious adults or children
Stand or kneel behind the patient and place your hands around the patient's waist. Clench the fist with one hand, press the thumb side of the clenched fist against the patient's abdomen, and hold the clenched hand with the other hand to quickly impact the patient's abdomen upward. Repeated rapid impact until the foreign body is discharged from the airway or the patient los reaction.
零度温柔>京东订单For pregnant women and tho with obvious abdominal obesity, the chest impact method should be ud. The impact position is in the lower part of the sternum.
3、 For awake infants under 1 year of age
Hit the chest with both fingers (in the middle of the line between the two nipples), and pat
等边三角形教案the back with the heel of the palm at the same time. Press and impact the chest for 5 times, and then pat the back for 5 times, alternately, until the foreign body is discharged or the baby los reaction (cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed in ca of loss of reaction). For infant first aid, the impact is on the chest rather than the abdomen, so as not to damage the baby's liver.
4、 For unconscious children over 1 year old and adults (including Drowners)笃怎么读音
Let the injured lie flat, and immediately carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation, starting with external chest compression. Every 30 times of pressing, check whether there is any foreign matter discharged from the mouth. If there is, carefully clean it up; If not, continue artificial respiration twice. Repeat until the first responders arrive.
健身餐食谱甘薯5、 For unconscious infants
The back slapping should be stopped and cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be started by external chest compression.万事大吉
Interestingly, the Heimlich first aid method has been born for more than 40 years. As the inventor, Dr. Heimlich has only given first aid to people twice. In addition, they are all experiments on dogs. It ems that learning this method can not only save people, but also save the dog at home.